Ajna and Perception V unicorns and fairies Experiment

Yogiadam and Kareng have agreed on an experiment to attempt to prove the validity of Remote Viewing.

Yogiadam lives in Australia and Kareng in Britain.

Yogiadam has placed a picture in an envelope with the letters …gzpf…written on the front of the envelope

Using remote viewing techniques, Kareng will try to detect what the picture is.

The technique requires a focus on the letters and what is inside the envelope. You need to be relaxed and not add imagination. (you can also look at techniques used, on the internet)

There are no time constraints attached to this. Kareng has not attempted this method before. :eek:


Anyone wishing to have a go at this, is welcome[/B] :smiley:

Ok, but try not to wake me up :slight_smile:

Hey guys, when you will release results? I’m very curious!

As sson as i’ve saved the fare to Australia and learnt how to use a paper clip to pick his lock:p

Hi Pawel…Will put the results on this thread…
Why don’t you have a go…

  1. Relax
    2.Close eyes in dark room pref or put a blind fold on…I find a TV low is ok
    3.Empty head…like a meditation
  2. Repeat gzpf only, as a thought and the focus. draw the letters 9lower case) in your mind and think…what is the picture. Repeat as necessary.
  3. Be aware of 1st impression, smells, colours, shapes, you’ll find the clues are often fleeting for most people…dont be influenced by your imagination…if you get hooked on an imaginative induced thought, ignore it and empty head again
  4. If you get an fleeting clue, open eyes, write it down, then continue
  5. Keep making notes as impressions come…as many as you like.

Another method…do 1 to 4 but hold a pen in hand, piece of paper at side and at number 5, allow yourself to draw without doing it deliberately (difficult to explain)

Post your findings when you want.

Yogiadam wont tell you till he and I agree to reveal what it is…(ive got to get it see)

I wont be returning to this thread until Ive got it…why? because I don’t want to be influenced by other posts people ‘might’ want to make x

Ok, I had a go and saw images of fire (matches, cigarettes, coal) in great magnification. But I don’t think I have this ability - when i was a kid I used to play a lot with my friends trying to read cards and it never worked :slight_smile:

So I wait for results!

So what’s going on? Has anyone visited yet?

HA…well i didnt think anyone would dare to try…but me…but i do know some are waiting to see…no rush

I think I saw this at a Siegried and Roy show in Vegas once.

type in google…Fundamentals of Remote Viewing…Ive tried the first 6 and got 5 right.
thats why I chose it this way. Just do what instructions say. Remember the clues are usually fleeting…the interesting thing is thaat you dont need to be completely relaxed…I wasnt and you cant be if you have pen and paper at ready

My best one was when I kept pen in hand and whilst relaxed and looking in mind and then I just started to draw and got it spot on?

Another point is it helps you more clearly identify how perception actually works in your own mind…not sure ive worded that well but hope you get me x

Would it be easier if I just posted you the letter lol

ha…no a test is a test!!! Now get some studying done!

Is it a picture of a car?

That’s just a guess.

Are you going to leave cookies out for me if I agree to visit through this method?

Whether or not Kareng succeeds in this remote viewing experiment with Yogiadam, in the words of a very ardent skeptic on remote viewing, “Remote viewing is proven by the standards of any science, but I think we should apply even higher standards”

Ok. All I can say is, YogiAdam, you are a very naughty boy. I’ve tried this numerous times and all I keep seeing is a buxom brunette smiling.

Hum…maybe reading your thoughts and not seeing the picture! LOL

This sounds like a fun thing to try!
Many years ago when the way to communicate with a group was through newsgroups, I was a member of “The Dream Game” newsgroup. Each week a member would concentrate on something for the rest of the group to “pick up on”. We would then post our dreams if we felt they were significant.
I often would dream of someone pointing something out to me, and it was amazing how close to the object (symbolically or abstractly, or even specifically) the dream image could be. We didn’t have tight, specific rules on whether something was a “hit” or not, we pretty much left it up to the dreamer and the person sending the “image”.

One person chose to focus on a passage from a favorite book that involved a train - it was interesting how many people dreamed of travel or trains that week.

I was also the sender of a couple of things (one was a short song) that were picked up pretty strongly.

I had a couple of very close hits, and unfortunately, it ended just when I was beginning to get stronger “hits” in my dreams.

I’m willing to give this a try, if I think I hit on something, I’ll post!

To do this correctly people are going to have to stop making random guesses. Such as is it a car, is it a cigarette case, is it a buxom brunette smiling. This is not remote viewing, this is just random guessing.

It has to be very specific sensory information that can identify the target. Now, you will only get this information, if you are genuinely receiving information through ESP. Here is an example of a target and what a common succesful hit in RV would look like:



Some greys, greens and blues. There is a lot of blue, and a bit of traces of white in the blue, maybe an open sky. Hard surface, like a rock, at the bottom. They seem to be standing, big, heavy, very old - circle like pattern.

Another target: http://www.dolphinsc.com/images/Dolphin.jpg

Description: Blue, loads of blue. Wet, very expansive. Oceanic. Something alive, dynamic in the water, animal, greyish, bottle shape, splashing

If you can genuinely RV you will receive this sensory information bit by bit. This is why RVers do not give names or make guesses as to what something is.

Why do you assume some of us are making guesses and not doing this correctly? How else are we to give our answers other than posting them here? Is that not what we are suppose to do?

That is because people are coming up with positive identifications for what the target is(is it a car, is it a buxxom brunette, is it a cigarette case) and this is not remote viewing.

Remote viewing is when you make notes of the sensory information being received, just as Karen has outlined in the instructions. The examples I gave are similar to proper descriptions given by remote viewers.

It is clear that you folks are guessing because you would not be giving positive identifications of the object if you were really remote viewing. As it does not work like that, it works through fleeting sensory information, which does not make sense. You are also not suppose to make any judgements during a remote viewing session. You note whatever you receive. Then, later on, that information is analysed and correlated with the target to see how many elements of that target you have got correct and statistical analysis done to calculate the odds of getting your hits.

In any case the guesses so far made are incredibly vague. “Is it a car” is not good enough. If it really was a car, even getting it correct, can be explained as a lucky guess. However, if the actual car in the picture is described that would reduce chance.

The things is it isn’t my intention to make anyone do it in the way it should be done…if people want to be light about it thats okay…if people want to be serious then that is okay too. Im taking it seriously and people will be trying to …,it is difficult and Surya is correct in the way it works…And for those taking it seriously, detail is necessary to satisfy the experiment, as much as possible, the details will count.

Identifying perhaps fleeting parts of the picture is the way…check out links (thanks Surya)…Ive put a google site as well further up the posts. This was the one I got the method from and tried out. When I did it, it was a full moon, and, without anyone laughing at this point, I believe it is significant as it enhances perception…however it isnt imperative!

I am taking my time on this as I am taking it seriously but please lets have fun doing it…also lets not forget someone might hit on it with a guess that they think is just a guess whilst in fact, its correct, but as Surya has pointed out it might then turn into yogiadam saying its not enough detail…! I hope to satisfy the Scientist!!!

Surya, I hope your going to have a try at this!!!

We [B]ALL[/B] have the capability…this is a fact as far as I am concerned. And this is the point of the experiment. I could have just kept it between Yogiadam and I but we wanted all to have a try.

It is an interesting ability and goes to show only fragment of our fantastic abilities we all possess.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained xx