Can I Use Stretching to Warm Up for Stretching?

Is it safe to begin stretching by doing stretching but going very easy until I get warmed up? I do this sometimes, but I usually start with an area more durable than like my hamstrings.

The yoga routines I’ve seen done pretty much do this. I’ve never seen where anyone hops on a treadmill or runs in place before beginning a yoga routine, they pretty much start out slowly and do Sun Salutation or something, which DOES involve stretching, so I would THINK it’s okay to do this as long as you’re careful.


Whether I am teaching or engaged in my home practice, I always begin with gentle warm ups. There are several reasons. When your muscles aren’t properly warned up, you increase your chance for injury. And gentle warm ups are soothing and quite centering for wandering minds. I usually do some shoulder and neck work, fingers, legs, feet and then hips. Usually takes about 10 minutes or so. I also work longer on warming up the hamstrings.

While I love Surya Namaskar, I don’t see it as a warm up. It does involve stretching, but the stretching is very intense. Coming into Uttanasana without properly warming up the hamstrings can be a lightning rod for injury. This is especially true for those who are more earnest in their approach to asana.

So yes, stretching (warm ups) before, and leading up to your normal practice is fine.

My friend, any time you are moving one thing away from another thing you are “stretching”. Ergo your walk in tot he gym from your car is stretching.

What are you really trying to get at and might we get there a little more judiciously if we used some other terminology??


I admit my question was a bit unclear. What I meant is that when I want to do some stretching only, not after a workout or yoga practice where I’m already warmed up, but the only thing I’m doing is stretching, can I use lighter stretching as a warm up for more intense stretching.

So, the bottom line is if I want to begin stretching is it okay for my very first bit of activity be a stretching move without any other type of warm up. For example, can my first move before doing any other activity be to reach over, CAREFULLY, and try to touch my toes but do it very gently at first and then gradually move deeper in to the stretch as my body warms up.

I ask because sometimes in the evening I want to practice stretching in order to increase my flexiblity, but if possible I’d prefer to not have to do some other type of activity, such as some other type of exercise or doing poses, to warm up.

Hope that makes sense.