Most suitable type of Yoga?

Hi I’m a beginner to yoga… well, by “beginner” I mean I’ve never done it before, nor do I know much about it. I would like to know what kind of Yoga would be best to suit my needs. I have done some research but I think it’s better to hear from experts rather than articles.

What I hope to gain from Yoga:

[li]all-round improved fitness, vitality and energy
[/li][li]strength increase
[/li][li]improved posture
[/li][li]overweight prevention
[/li][li]better physique
[/li][li]improved health for the future
[/li][li]possibly improvements in spirituality as this is something I focus on. Particularly mental focus and awareness

Further information: I’m 20 years old and male. I really, really hate exercise and everything about it, but I know I have to take care of my body now while I’m still in my prime. I currently do about 30-40 minutes a day of limited exercise but I find it very boring, and don’t feel I could do it long-term. Since I hate exercise and consider a chore, I wish to spend as little time as possible exercising while reaping the maximum possible benefits. I’m always thinking how I could be using that time to meditate or do something productive for my mind (I’m not a very physical person). I’m attracted to Yoga because:

[li]It exercises all muscle groups
[/li][li]It can offer internal benefits as well as external
[/li][li]It can be done at home without special equipment
[/li][li]It has a spiritual and energetic aspect to it
[/li][li]It benefits the mind, body, and spirit

I really, really do not have any money to buy any equipment or join a gym/class, so I have to learn what I can from the internet or books. If you have any ideas as to what type of Yoga would be best for me, please offer them. And feel free to correct any misconceptions I have about Yoga, as I really don’t know much about it, least of all how to start.

It would be much better to go to a class than just trying to figure it out from internet or books.
If you want to improve strength then have a look at dynamic yoga,power yoga,vinyasa flow yoga or ashtanga yoga…these forms could be interesting for you…but ashtanga does follow a set sequence which is always the same so there is the possibility of getting bored over time and finding it a chore…I love vinyasa flow as there is a set formula but it is never exactly the same so keeps me interested and challenged…
And remember that yoga classes are almost always full of girls…this may help to keep you interested in attending regular classes…and girls like men who take care of themselves…
But the only way to find out what style or school of yoga works for is to try it…
good luck.
(you can find yogacambodia on youtube I have only posted a few sequences so far…they are not for beginners but you may like to have a look…try searching on yogacambodia…lotus flow…or try yoga in shoes then find my channel)


And remember that yoga classes are almost always full of girls…this may help to keep you interested in attending regular classes…and girls like men who take care of themselves…

Come on, there are so many reasons to go to yoga class…other than meeting girls. :rolleyes:


I think the most difficult thing about doing yoga on your own is that at the beginning you really need a teacher’s feedback in order to know if you’re doing the poses and breathing the way you should be (especially if, as you say, you’re not very physical). So I’d suggest you go to classes at least once or twice a month so you are able to know if you’re on the right way.

Regarding the kind of yoga…I’ve done Iyengar, Hatha and Kundalini. In my opinion, Kundalini yoga has been the most energizing, spiritual, and fun of them. I also used to think exercise was boring but necessary, that’s how I started :wink: And in kundalini class, you have plenty of time to meditate and chant mantras, so I guess you won’t get bored of the physical exercise.

Good luck!!!


I think Hatha Yoga is what you’re looking for.
No doubt.

Have fun!