My First Workout

I was depressed with my lack of exercise but wouldn’t be comfortable jogging on the roadsides as they do. So I tried a couple Yoga DVDs at the library and think Yoga is the best. I have only done different poses but today did the routine from the ‘You Can Do Yoga’ Disk. I’m sore but still want to stand around being a mountain and working on my posture.

I also bought the 3 disk ‘Step By Step’ Yoga Journal DVDs and the Complete Idiots Guide to Yoga (which suits me fine and tells me about the philosophies I’ve never understood). I am so thrilled with this (and feel tears). I want to find a class but think to do drop-ins till I know what is going on.

I know I should only work out every other day but is it OK (if I don’t strain anything) to work out every day?

Hello buttercup,

We’ve just addressed this in another very recent thread.
The consideration is that the muscles of the human body need time to repair. If the doing isn’t particularly strenuous then it is not only “okay” to do every day but it is appropriate as it can develop a discipline which is warranted for the practice itself to have a maximal effect.

I personally steer away from working muscles when they are sore when that work is anything more than gentle movement. Once they’ve recovered and the soreness has abated, then it is a different story.

The overarching principle is that you find joy in the practice. If you can do that with a daily practice and maintain it, continue. Should it begin to feel like a chore than something needs adjusting.


I apologize if I should have found the thread you mentioned.

Thanks, I am optimistic about regaining (at my age!) the flexibility I once took for granted. I really want to get down to the floor on a forward bend as quickly as possible, but I should chill, my ambition overcame my patience. I will just work on meditation and soft stretches and perform uttanasana (sun salutation) on odd days.

Hi Buttercup!

I remember when I first started with yoga, with a dvd too, how good it was and I was so excited to find it too. I love those Yoga Journal Step by Step dvds, they are so good, I hope you enjoy them too. I practice almost every day. I say go by how you feel, some days you can do more, some days you need to do less (lighter), some days you need to rest. And yes you are right, don’t push the progress, that is how one gets hurt. Most of all, enjoy the process!

My first workout start from walking in the park i like jogging i think if we are running like as a jogging so that is completely exercise for body so really like jogging

No apologies necessary here. It just may be a more developed thread. Yoga teachers, over time, answer the same questions many, many, many times over :slight_smile:

It sounds like your off to a good start. Gotta love it! I started yoga almost six weeks ago using dvds. Im use to doing it alone and at my own pace. I went to my first class this past Wednesday and it was a huge disapointment. The class used praise moves and loud music -which was sorta nice but distracting. The teacher didn’t give any modifications for beginners. My adivce would be to get into a class asap. Good luck and listen to your body.

I took a class yesterday and enjoyed it. I went for a moderate level of challenge, since I think a beginner level is probably more suited to people with certain physical limitations, while my limitations are just general. I lack strength and had to retire early on holding two different poses. My uttansana bend is on the floor now. I think the backward facing palms is one of Yoga’s most striking poses. Breathing is unexpectedly powerful in preparing and executing my poses. This is so cool.

When I was four of five years old we lived in a very rural home with only a few neighbors. The late teen daughter of one family was devoted to a guru who wanted to be paid in fruit. Even at my age I thought that must be very special. Before my class I bought some lovely dried pineapple rings in a sealed pack and gave them to the Yogi. She loved that, and she asked “how did you know?”. I didn’t know if fruit is a traditional gift or if she loves dried pineapple, so I replied, “Who wouldn’t like that?”.