Hi Nichole,
well, as I just said and said before and as you say too: If you had not read my posts before you posted your nonsense-quotation, it is indeed a remarkable example of unfortunate timing. Particularly due to my already “not-so-good” opinion of this community and my prediction that people - at best - will come up with some sweet words full of understanding for the alleged immature guy who dares to falsly critizise the accomplished Yogi/nis, there indeed is no way for you to convince me that there is no correlation.
So all I can do here is telling you that I truly believe what I am saying and that I’m not about brainlessly insulting people, and if there was a way for you to convince me of yourself being truthful, I would indeed be sorry. Not overly ashamed, though, since my “conclusion” is so nearby. It’d be some sort of accident then.
However, to point that out, I have no problem with that quotation itself. It’s fine, I agree with it, as long as the nonsense isn’t (potentially) harmful. Assuming you had addressed it at me, the things I dislike about that (= addressing it at me) are:
- What I said in that linked post isn’t nonsense.
- You did not address me directly with your impression, in my opinion to avoid a discussion about my actual points
I hope that’s understood now, if not, I wouldn’t know how to further explain myself.
“Finally” (which is actually somewhat a beginning):
No, it mustn’t. But I won’t stop my criticism. I could be banned, something I wouldn’t mind. A neater solution of problematic me would though be to simply enter a discussion about my criticism. The persons I dared to critice choose to ignore me, but of course - irony again - they’re not at all responsible for anything, cuz every1 is an island and only responsible for themselves. 
Will you do that? Discuss my criticism? It all makes sense, from my viewpoint, but who knows, maybe I missed to consider some aspects and it all could be resolved easily. But people pertinaciously ignoring me point to another explantion: That I’m right and that they don’t wish to make that even more obvious. The problem with you potentially discussing my criticism is, that I point at individuals. I say “this guy is doing this and that, and for these reasons, I think it is hypocrisy”. You might not want to do such a thing. Hm. Maybe I can picture a behaviour without naming the persons who behave that way, though we all know who I am talking about, and you can comment on that? Do as you wish:
Let’s say there is Yoga-teacher who continously states that learning Yoga without the personal guidance of a teacher, but only via books, videos and the options of the internet, is not only impossible, but will even lead to mistakes, that have to be unlearned and most probably to severe injuries. A fine example is this thread, but you find this over and over again, which is very discouraging and casts those “shadows of doubt”. I cannot have a teacher, because the one closest by is so far away, that I’d have to leave the house for more than 3 hours, which is impossible right now. So I am in that indeed unfortunate position to have to learn and practice on my own. If I’d buy these allegations, I would have stopped my practice months ago, if I had been aware of them, never picked up the practice. Unthinkable, when I see the awesome effects my daily Asana-sessions have on me.
But the problem here isn’t actually that statement. I disagree, but I can accept the standpoint, sure it is more probable to do something wrong if you are a beginner on your own. But the same Yoga-teacher says things like people have to be encouraged and they have to supported on their way. That, in my perception, is hypocrisy or at least foolery, because it does not encourage to be threatened all the time. Much more hypocritical I find that the one who thinks that you cannot learn Yoga without the personal guidance of a teacher, who is in the room and looking over one’s practices, gives guidance over the internet, here on this forum. If that is so dangerous, I don’t understand why he spends such a lot of time doing what he declines so passionately. And not only does he teach the impossible, he even does therapy via a forum. Someone with severe injuries or other health-issues can write a few sentences about their problems, and receives treatment.
And five minutes later again the litany about how even people in perfect health won’t learn some Asanas via a compendium of books and videos created by the greatest masters alive, that (the media) have proven to work millions of times.
It’s like you’d think that laying cables on your own is dangerous (which it is) and cannot be done without a cable-laying-master’s personal guidance - and then you tell people how to lay cables via a forum, after having read one post by them with no way to judge how smart and reasonable they are. So if that was my opinion, I’d do anything but act against it on a daily base. I still could be present in forums, for example with discussing the theory, particularly the scriptures. But if someone would asked me about an Asana I’d say: No sorry, that is too dangerous and I can’t be involved with potentially hurting you, please find a teacher to guide you.
Outside idiocy I can think of only one explanation for such contradictory behaviour: If you put links to your commercial websites in your forum-signature, it’s a neat way to advertise and thereby make yourself known and thereby: Money money money.
Do you have another one?
Next thing: A Yoga teacher moans about how Yoga is watered down by so many Yoga teachers and abused for other purposes than it’s intended for. He also claims to be one of the best Yoga-teachers in the whole world. What kind of Yoga does he offer? Yoga for NASCAR-drivers, football- and basketball-players, alltogether athlets of the violent multi-million-dollar sport industry. Is that the purpose of Yoga? The Yoga Sutras at least mention nothing of that. The same counts for using Yoga for therapy to recover from injuries or to cure other health-problems. That is not what Yoga is intended for too. I’m not saying using Yoga for such purposes is wrong, it’s just a contradiction and therefore again hypocrisy to moan about abuse, claiming to represent the real deal, and then not doing so. It’s also simply a lie and some sort of slander, as other Yoga teachers are accused of something that is allegedly wrong or at least deplorable.
Can you explain that?
And I give you one more thing to not overblow you (which I probably already did): Every day I read on this forum how super tolerant everbody is, how they accept others, no matter where they stand and how evolved they are. Right? You read it all the time. But when these claims are taken to the test, for example right here in this thread, where - let’s say - an unevolved idiot doesn’t know better, they fail to live up to their standards. As long as you’re in line, they do, they tolerate you. Why wouldn’t they. But just step outside the customs with half a foot and you’ll see what that tolerance really is worth: Nothing. I mean, I really don’t mind, and it’s the reaction of regular people, but it’s even insinuated that I am a drug addict. Some idiot, a troll, someone who should just fuck the hell off. Again: In this case a normal reaction to my provocations, that I itself don’t criticise, questionable it only is that it’s performed by a community that pictures itself as breathing tolerance and openness and acceptance of everybody. Also, that it came this far with evil me is because I have been ignored with my issues for months. It started when I held the view that pain is a normal aspect of an Asana-practice. I was informed that the conversation was over and that an Asana-practice that involves pain isn’t Yoga. No explanation, no argumentation, not pages of quotations of some of the greates living Yoga-masters backing up my viewpoint made a difference. I was like “wtf??!?!?”. Same thing recently with Sunyuting by Pandara, he stated some indeed questionable stuff, but was he enlightened in a positive way? Nope, he was accused and rebuked and threatened (to hurt himself more than others) - and nothing more. I remember a thread of a girl (or woman) from China, she linked an article by some Yoga-teacher who “confessed” to be non-vegetarian. That girl from China then made a list of unyogic things she does. God, was she attacked, here is the thread, her words were turned around in her mouth (charliedharma) and our awesome knower of scriptures, Asuri, even suggested pointlessly that she was lying about her location. Bah bah bah, I was so disgusted. That was pure rudeness and she was understandably pissed; she never posted on this forum again. If you look closely, you also find someone moaning about Yoga, not having much Yoga in it and several times the claim of being oh-so-ultra-super-tolerant, in my head appeared in big glowing letters the word: HYPOCRITE; really a must-read-thread to understand my criticism of this community.
What kind of tolerance is it, that only tolerates like-minded people? None.
So what’s up, get my point? Are these hallucinations or do you find some truth in here? And I could go on for hours, the alcoholism-thing recently, pulled of by a “healer”, immodestly claiming to be one great addition to this forum: Oh my god, how can one be so tasteless and ignorant.
But I gotta go now.