Here are several translations of the first few sutras from different sources:
1.1 Now, instruction in Union.
1.2. Union is restraining the thought-streams natural to the mind.
1.3. Then the seer dwells in his own nature.
1.4. Otherwise he is of the same form as the thought-streams.
1.1 Now begins the sacred instructions of union.
1.2 Union by stopping mind activity.
1.3 At this time the seer enters their own true state.
1.4 At other times the mind fluctuates and the seer
identifies with this. The seer is then elsewhere.
1.1 now, yoga manifests
1.2 yoga is to surrender mental projections
1.3 then the true nature of the self manifests
1.4 otherwise there is identification with mental projections
1.1 Now begins the teaching of yoga.
1.2 Yoga occurs when the field of consciousness is liberated from its patterned restrictive spinnings. Then the mind abides in the domain of innate clear essentiality – in clarified spaciousness devoid of any conditioned bias.
1.3 Then the seer abides in the unbiased primordial all pervading clear light consciousness which is our true nature.
1.4 At other times the mind identifies with discrete and fragmented objects.
1.1 With prayers for divine blessings, now begins an exposition of the divine art of yoga
1.2 Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness
1.3 Then the seer dwells in his own true splendour
1.4 At other times, the seer identifies with the fluctuating consciousness
B.K.S Iyengar, Light on Yoga Sutras
1.1 Now begins instruction in yoga.
1.2 Yoga is the restraint of the modifications of the mind.
1.3 Then the Seer is established in his own essential nature.
1.4 Otherwise, there is self-identification with the mental modifications.
1.1 Now the teaching of Yoga
1.2 Yoga is to still the patternings of consciousness
1.3 Then, pure awareness can abide in its very nature
1.4 Otherwise, awareness takes itself to the patterns of consciousness
Asuri, do you need anymore translations to show that you are in error? Finally, we can look more precisely at the etymology of nirodha:
Nirodha: Release, liberation, cessation, cancellation, nullification, dissolution, stillness, emptiness, disappearance, or extinguished, hence a rested open free and relaxed state. The prefix, nir, means means cessation, absence, devoid of, without, empty of, or freedom from something, while “rodha” means limitation, prison. wall, place of confinement, or obstacle. Hence citta-vrtti nirodha means a freeing up of the limitations of the mindfield (citta-vrtti).