Can't activate/feel Ajna Chakra properly

[quote=machine gun yogin;31286]To work effectively on ajina chakra you have to use moola bhanda properly, because the two chakra are very close related, when you feel you can master the bhanda you can start to work on the mind.

I did a very tough kriya of Kundalini yoga, whare after an use of bhastrika and a specific meditation I felt very clear the sensation of the orgasm produced by the awakwning of Ajina. However this sesation lasted only few menutes.[/quote]


I practiced and mastered Mula Bandha, physically and mentally.
I’ve activated Ajna, now i’m dealing with Vishuddhi.

Thank you anyway.


Hi P.,

[QUOTE=panoramix;31287]Namaskar core789,

It’s really nice to know about someone embarking the same boat!

I humbly apreciate your detailed, thorough post friend.[/QUOTE]

Yeah good to compare notes.

Ajna was finally done. I added two months of practice to the outlined one (in the Kundalini Tantra book).
At the time of locating it, I imagined a cross within my skull, the horizontal beam along the ears, and the vertical through the center of my face. That served me as “target” or “crosshairs” for fetching Ajna.

Yeah,that sounds a pretty good way.Because i think a lot forget ajna proper p or central is like where you describe it more or less at the top of spinal cord,lower central portion of brain rather than the kshetram, where it is typically felt,where it easier to put our awareness. BRUMHADAYA…

Now i’m coping with Vishuddhi. The rest of chakras and kshetrams have more or less been “tamed” (or at least, that’s what i believe). I can locate and feel Vishuddhi after some seconds, using its kshetram as departure point, but i’m not able yet to immediatly feel it while I descend down Awarohan exhaling with Ujjayi and performing Unmani Mudra (so difficult all that!). But i’m pretty close, i’ve added yet a month more of Vishuddhi practices, and i’m making a nice progress. Once it is mastered, i’ll be ready for practicing the basic/generic Kriya Yoga practice properly.

Yeah my problem ones are manipura,anahata and vishuddhi also.I think immanaged to wake up ajana, then muladhara and swadistahana but lost a little momentum at that point. I am still working on theese ones.And hey it works as long as i practiice.I certainly cannot complain about the results.Indeed it does seem to work.

I’m curious, have you already dealt with the Kundalini Kriyas?

No. I’m still purifying the chakras for as long as it takes.The first stage,of course.I might consult a guru, i don’t know for for the actual kriyas… maybe .

Have you planned a further set of practices once you master Kundalini Tantra (Tattva Shuddhi, Prana Vidya…)?[

I do a kind of ecelctic mix that includes a tantric sadhana as outlined in that book , a deep mantra meditation now and again( if i’m not too overly sensitive) and a set of restorative or therpaeutic asanas and movements. I’m finding this is working fro me at the moment so i stick with it.I occassionally do a few rounds of spinal breathing linear,yogananda variety(i think), and like to experiement now and again (with new practices) if i feel so inclined.

But the first stage of KT is looks very sound, in my view having tried other versions of what you might call kriya yoga.

Thanking you.

Hi P.,

When i said a guru, the guy i had in mind i’ve come to believe actually may have edited a few of the main textbooks of the Satyananda tradition from the great Swami. I believe he’s got an ashram located somehwere in Wales,UK so it should’nt be that difficult to pay him a visit in order to get the nod ,of approval, as a safety precaution.He’d probably say yeah you’re alright but it’s good to do things by the book. And it would’nt be that difficult, i think. I’m thinking he was probably a direct student of Satyananda and studied and taught in India since the 60’s.

Although there’s still work to do here…

hello core you would be referring to swami nischalananda saraswati at the mandala yoga ashram.Not that I have ever met him. Looking forward to retreating with my one of my main teacher/gurus , next week, He is very helpful with chakras and the like.

Hi Charliedharma,

That is correct & Sounds good.I’m sure one would learn alot just by going there and soaking up the atmosphere & vibes of an ashram.That particular teacher looks pretty experienced and knowledgeable and he looks like a helpful chappie.

Great stuff & lucky you! thanks for sharing that little tidbit with us all :wink:

I did already download that work. Haven’t read it yet. There’s few need actually as my Ajna has finally been well activated.[/QUOTE]

hey panoramix,

It’s worth a read as it it goes way beyond anything I’ve read elsewhere!

Plsd things are happening for you!


Well, Kundalini Yoga is a powerful sadhana in itself. There are some many subpaths to follow, anything that works and makes you approach to moksha is appropriate. I also lead an eclectic discipline: Hatha + Kriya + Zazen.

Mandala Yoga Ashram? I hadn’t heard about. Thanks for the info, i’ll pay that swami a visit in the future.

Hey, talk to us about your experiences with your chakras, how do you feel those you’ve activated? Describe it if you wish. And your kshetrams as well.

Another thing: When you practiced Ajapa-Japa for awakening Anahata Chakra, did you finally see a blue lotus, or anything else? I saw a red rose on a black background, daily, never a lotus. Western archetypes vs. eastern ones? (Jung)


Shall have a look to it in the future then.

Forgive my ignorance: What does “plsd” mean?


Shall have a look to it in the future then.

Forgive my ignorance: What does “plsd” mean?[/QUOTE]


btw I think what I like about it was how it was not just about awakening but using Ajna for increased perception etc.

be well!

One of my friend sent me this message…The guy seems scared a hell lot :frowning:

Members inputs on this -

While practicing i have a feeling of burning sensation below my naval and it spreads throughout my back side from spinal guard to shoulder. After the practice is over, it is there for some more time and vanishes.

Hello Panormaix,

Thanks for taking the time to post.

Well, Kundalini Yoga is a powerful sadhana in itself. There are some many subpaths to follow, anything that works and makes you approach to moksha is appropriate. I also lead an eclectic discipline: Hatha + Kriya + Zazen.

Agreed.So many.So many.

I don’t think it matters which “path” you follow as long as it gets you there, It should’nt be either here nor there.()Sorry that probably sounded cryptic.heheh):D.

Mandala Yoga Ashram? I hadn’t heard about. Thanks for the info, i’ll pay that swami a visit in the future.

It’d be a good place to further one’s education.

Hey, talk to us about your experiences with your chakras, how do you feel those you’ve activated? Describe it if you wish. And your kshetrams as well.

Well i’ve been following that particular programme since jan,2010 so that’s not more than 6 months. I would say i’m probably getting better at locating and feeling the specific chakra locations,i think.
I think my manipura chakra is now a good inch lower than i maybe thought it was. I did that test where you stand up , put a finger on the navel and the other on the back/spinal collumn should be level. I was previously guaging it sittiing down…Also at this point it’s like say another inch IN.Alot of folk, including myself at one point , probably erroneously think(thought) of the spinal collumn as being at the back of the body. But it is more central and somewhat deeper therefore,than some folk imagine.So the idea that versions of kriya yoga that are just linear may miss out the front of the body may well be the basis of this kind of speculation.

The breath cultures the nervous system,to state it more succintly.

Therefore why kriya yoga yoga is so powerful a yoga; Yes!

I find these practices are adjuncts to other practices i used to practice and ways of making them more potent and/or effective… then starts to look like some versions of kriya yoga,simple or complicated & elaborate.

As i say manipura & anahata and to some extent vishuddhi are my ones i probably need to work on the most.I think i awoke the first two but then it hink K might have went back to sleep. I read i believe in that book that once it gets to manipura and anhata, then it is unlikely to go back to sleep,the scales being sufficently tipped.

I think i’m making good progress.I’m happy with it.Yes wkaing up your K can be somehwat tricky and needs a lot of patience and application but it can be done.The idea that it could happen by accident spontanooeously is possible though pretty unlikely unless hte nervous system was already ripe.The state of the nervoussystem or the fact that someone is engaged in continual sustained application of all the yoga methods out there.Of course some people it does happen relatively quickly but we can be walking an unsafe tightrope if we go too fast,if the system has opened up faster than or relative to the amount of purification that has already occurred (within an already tight time-scale).

You sound to be making great progress. I am specualting that you saw this vision after your ajna chakra(mind’s eye) was sufficently opened.

Another thing: When you practiced Ajapa-Japa for awakening Anahata Chakra, did you finally see a blue lotus, or anything else? I saw a red rose on a black background, daily, never a lotus. Western archetypes vs. eastern ones? (Jung)

Some times i’l experience very little.And at other times with sustained sadhana deep micro psycho-physical changes occuring.As you know the chakras are psycho-energetic centres for awakening Consciousness & Kundalini.

Are your chakras all purifed and are you enaged in the kriyas that follow?
Would you say your Kundalini is alot more awake than before. I’d imagine one would feel ecstatic currents up & down the spine or suhumna nadi.I have experienced this a number of years ago.

Some schools put a lot of stress on balncing ida & pingala as a pre-requisite or prepration. They sy when this happens mother kundalini finds it irresistable to rise up sushumna. Some go for a more global purification apporach, or purify the chakras first (more like this apporach) and say these can be both causes and effects of this dynamic or result.

As long as you are getting results that are working for you in a gradual,systematic and safe manner.

Zazen: Is that zen-inspired walking meditation?

I heard you can practise pranayam while walking,takiing a certain number of stride on the in-breath and out-breath and/or any k. if that is being done.

You sounds like you have learned alot ,about the different yogic techniques and methods. I think it pays to be as well-informed as possible.

The yoga journey definittely is a steady one requiriing alot of patience.It is not an over-night sensation but a journey.

You only need reply to these questions if you have the time & energy.
Ohterwise i’ll send you a PM.


P.S Also another thing- i’ve been imagining the chakras are like located right behind the kshetrams.I guess using them as markers.But theyare more central than one might imagine at first, in the centre of the (subtle)body.I think you can tell alot by the results you get per session- how you feel etc…

Regarding visshudhi; you should find kechari mudra what they call stage 2 may assist to help opening up this one,as well as the other practices they outline.Just a thought.

Great Stuff!!!

[QUOTE=SMB;31560]One of my friend sent me this message…The guy seems scared a hell lot :frowning:

Members inputs on this -

While practicing i have a feeling of burning sensation below my naval and it spreads throughout my back side from spinal guard to shoulder. After the practice is over, it is there for some more time and vanishes.

It might be more helpful if he posted here. Someone posting for a third party with w residue of background information at best can be puzzling for whoever reading.

The only thing i can think of is usggest he does not use any effort or strain,physical or mental.The enrgies benefit from even and equal distribbution.When that does not occur you get or suffer from imbalance.I know i think because i’ve been there.

If he is unsure what he is doing or some of freaks him out a bit but there is no imbalnce then it might beg the question why he’s doing it.Apart from that there just does’nt seem quite enough information to respond in the most constructive way.I have to be blunt if you want some kind of meaningful respponse .You do not say what he was doing.Was it sudarshan kriya or what? Does he have histroy of imbalnce or kundalini-related issues.

Sorry ,that is probably the best i can do in terms of meaningful feedback.And i am certainly no expert.Although i would say it’s more than just a hobby here.

Get him to author his own thread or your translate it and then and get it to include some info. on any known causes and effects relative to yogic practices, or include lifestyle etc etc. Could benefit from more info. perhaps- speicifcally what practices he/is/were enagged in…Can Helps if you can appreciate what is happening,the energetic dynamics that might be invovled in these kinds of symptoms and/or effects, so you can pilot the ship and likely more effectively and safely, if that is a concern here, and so on and so on…

Hope that is helpful.

Namaskar core789,

It’s been a while!
I’ve been in holidays, you’ll forgive me… Beautiful Pyrenees (between france and spain) really lovely.

Zazen is just Zen sitting meditation. Walking one is Kin Hin. Walking pranayama? That’s new to me! :open_mouth:

I don’t think Chakras are central to the body. I’ve read books about Tantra cosmology (Arthur Avalon, Harish Yohari), and they should be at Sushumna Nadi in the subtle body for cosmological reasons, our subtle anatomy is a miniature copy of what happened at a macrocosmic level when Maha Kundali (the great mother) was projected as universe from the Shiva Bindu (the point from which phenomenological universe springs). Nadi Brahma in the center of Sushumna is the royal road of creation / dissolution. Kundalini, when fully awakened, is said to pierce through and to absorb into herself the tattvas, pranas and bija mantras found at the chakras, so chakras have to be at Sushumna. What place but that corresponding to our spine could be the location for them? Sounds so obvious to me…

Perhaps your perception isn’t still accurate, well, you just have spent six months in that sadhana, it’s still early i guess.

I’m still disciplining my Vishuddhi Chakra. I make it goose-step march through sushumna day and night (kidding).

Mandala Yoga Ashram looks good. There’s a disciple of Sw. Satyananda here in Spain, but he hasn’t paid my emails attention, i have received no replies from him, except for when i asked him for commercial information about courses/classes. ???

I’m sending you my email address.


If you can gaze out into the void and see stuff like smokey images, or if when you look up and see something like this ( ) ,the singular eye, and with this singular eye you can see things then ajna is surely operating good. If ajna is operating you will have really good intuitiive response to intellectual self query.


The practices for Ajna were:

  • Anuloma Viloma Pranayama with Prana Shuddhi
  • Trataka
  • Shambhavi Mudra with Om chanting

If anyone knows about other Ajna awakening techniques i would be very grateful to hear about.

Thank you![/QUOTE]

This is very long way take years-s-s-, according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika:

the chakra you mentioned is the point where sushumna raises kundalini in the total bliss. Before activation Ajna chakra one need to:

  1. clear nadis first, (asana, kriya, pranayama)
  2. than clear the sushumna,
  3. open other cakras, since kundalini need to go through the other chakras in order to hit ajna.
  4. one would not benefit without those steps

Just simply practicing the limbs and the technqiuques within them will:

Clear the Nadis. Purge the Viscera. Activate and Harmonize the Chakras. Develop fixity of concentration. Dissolve karmas. Increase spiritual disposition. Pacify the mind. Increase awareness of the vayu. Activate intuitive response and the guidance of the Higher Self. Engender self realization. Endow one with discriminative wisdom and so on.

CityMonk, The Scales:

You couldn’t more wonderfully mention what i’ve been working on for the past years.

Thank you