Hi Sunyuting.
In my opinion, the sex energy is different than a yoga or meditation energy. If you have blockages, practice and stretch more.
Yes, will do.
Is Kundalini energy the same as Qi? Does it matter?
To me it does, because if it is, I can bring all I know about Qi Gong to Yoga.
What would you do with it if it was?
Treat the theories as two forms of the same thing.
What would you do with them if they were separate?
Treat them accordingly.
Also, could you show me the documented reports of people dying from kundalini or Qi.
No, I could not even show you what I had read about it. But I had read about problems with energies in several places. Are there none?
If you were my student I would tell you that you can spin your energy and you do not have blockages. I might even make fun of you for practicing qi gong while having sex. Just kidding. Ok, not really, I would have to make fun of you. I cant help it.
Be my guest.
I just feel they are different and I am not a sex therapist.
Dude, that was just a sidenote and I don’t need therapy.
As far as the orbit thing goes, do you understand your center. Forget Dan tien for a second, do you know your center? If you are standing straight up and you started to spin like a fan, your center is there. Walk in a orbit and spin like the earth. Go one way and then go the other. Its all there.
I can’t even follow you. Understand my center how? “Spin like the earth” how? What way, what other? What is “it all”?
I dont really want to speak on kundalini energy because my opinion seems to be unorthodox. I would tell you not to worry about dan tien or any of the points. Find your center and think of it like a your inner super nova. Be creative with your energy. You have no blockages and Rock and Roll is a gift.
But drugs aren’t and you seem to be quite amused about the sex-thingy. Do you think that any lifestyle works with practices we’re talking about? I must doubt that, or else Asanas, diet, ethical laws would make no sense and just waste tons of time.
You know your energy. You know yourself. So remember, if you really love to practice. Go for it. But relax, you dont have to practice qi gond while having sex. That is so funny.
You could also talk to Dr Ruth.
Yeah, I’m the n00b, all right. Please enlighten me: What’s so funny about it? Sexual energy has nothing to do with Qi/Kundalini? What is it then? It’s own stuff?