Holy tapas,!, care

Enjoy the plum man expressing the teaching while doing the subtle dance of the BOOMING BoomING booming negative pressure of of course the blooming.

The 80th and 81th point of an active 79 of the 81 scales intelligence are there to be the negative intelligence by the retrograde also most or so humorous way through the cheerful harmonic it is for the 7 of the nine the two are within near while the realization is that the ability is able to be reached for when the power of the shift is say shifted from the overall nine out of 7 statedly, attributed to one of the 7 simply, to the overall nine point of the 81 scales that come from 7 scales being what comes from the said say to the other two scales which could be of a structure attribute or an order attribute therefore, and the entire 81 which are of the perhaps more time nature 81 and otherwise harder physical realm retrograded retrograde smartness of the time speed timeline happening which created 81 in the specific group of the specific 9 of 81 again at the 81 level of the level of 81 scales going beyond it as it grows, are what could be less of what is the product of the attuned and complexiongrown 81 scales of a specific minute of say a four minute spell.

And here we get rid of the importance of distracting trends with the big familial bland gongbonginwiththe(g)nanin huuuughh haha. Hiyyaaaaaa

Through this living which integrates wisdom to you past we are then to always enrich and live in more greatness by what is from the stride of the consciousness by the present which is the reality we have.

A different retrograde when of more physical happenings rather than much more timely than those two previous would be how the 7 could be within the same 7 that was the place of the overall within the seven which was an overall by an internal way being the overall point worth nine different points while the next 6 clutches of an magnetic electricity could be having a new overall point worth nine being one of the seven every time.

Language, letters, script

For how to do magic, if you are the luckiest type if buddha on the planet, then look at people between structure and order having surpassed structure structure and order structure and learning how to enter order for the first time at the middle of structure order chaos.

Sooooo negative is pretty negative for the iron hahahahaahahahahahahaahahaa and one is able to he wholesome and proportionatee in the the material they as well work to control in a task while there is the one who tai tai the nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai nai as a body mai mai.

To really get a grip at the base we could say, one could be very phsycal about what is internalness whule being _v_wery subtle externally to keep the feeding and to keep the external radiance (balls and noodles)

Always obey the essentials on yogaforums.com by @ veganstringbean



The luke 4:48 is the 75 core philosophy nevertheless and along with base check between the previous night and the just finished sun time and the 75 being between those two as together against the grind of the next day with the jesus dragon bjj way and john 4:48 is there for the motivation of the life of all miraculous magick miraculousness.

If someone says there is no magic in the earth (hidden it is your fault) then they are furthering to infer you are guilty for the evil in the earth and that you are the reason there is no magic for the hhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn of the present

As long as one is wearing a condom to prevent spilling his seed inside and getting pregnant, then they can put his hands on the parallel bars and push pull in and out while she is on a big beach ball for this exercise where she then rolls away from him and onto the ground

A good way to measure if you are in need of austerity is in tapas practicing austerity by kriya or pure karma gnana karma is to say tantricly in mantra of however much it is of a style of living being calm or wise or one might say of being anyways less for karma gnana karma though if not and done by so if easier then there it would take longer but one can say as above as below and as within as without and then if within and without means having a person or still any thing specifically or even just conceptually then the spacial needs are signed as needed to realize whereas the within means of the aura and without means simply outside and then once establishing this dominant awareness of illuminated percieved coherence one can know the balance of the settledness constant of basic gentle living here.

the essentials of core philosophy to remain holy are on yogaforums.com by @veganstringbean at the little sanyasi post om shanti bless

the most basic things in life are not often realized until they are experienced eventually and that comes with person will of privacy or with friendship anyways when especially of culture which is not very much rogue as here but is still something that is that way nevertheless by that chaos can not rip you apart obviously but that is why we have no doubt when you do actually know that the archetype of the entire general trajectory in consciousness itself is full of raw energy and it for you to know your path by power of complexity and even as simply and as long lastingmeekness itself itself itself kind of strength it is as strength rather than specicially the other energy which is power

this is for the support conjunction conjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjumblement support and charge charge contortion charge of the americas into the calm resting place of ancient egypt in the present as they can watch videos in libraries such as from the plutosophia channel because we are astronomical as well as the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVrslyI_ZQo video here to become generally attuned to the magic of the ancient time of the globe. seshat and thoth are vishnu of old and young here, and thoth is as hermes tricmigestus in a distant dimension of necromancy realm it is that hermes is in than the common of thotth; thoth gives the power of the words occultforum.orgjmptd*make your own harmonic name with those letters then wizardforums.combeforeorafteryogaforums.com directly with energy and balance called retrograde furthermore simply and mystically and resting [fixationsandsettlement}, and ra grows hathor's garden crops as a landscaper on the sun, and ra is the work of the again aura ratio dress that the hands are heavy with while her hands are again more around here is what is the archetyppppe of theeeeee four day value of 144 or astronomical magic 100 . . . (i dont see death i see signs first and after and first and after ^^^< ^^^> lololololol) points as well as the longer astronomical 144s, and anubis does nonastrological three time styles of 81 scales with 81 on each scale for all three sets of different main 81s while when he does he is doing it by the auric (also inside the body is the aura yes of course it is) yes even entire body masturbation (mentalism guided purification in a simple way by tuning again with that mentalism that is simply sensed there in whatever it is by certain illuminations by the utmost resppptectectect), and and hathor gets the path to serve from the whole giza plataue or whereever shee ee eeee flies or dives or surfs lys lys lys... ... ... hiyyyaaaa | / \ | \ / | / \ | \ / | and she also used the faster speed that anubis uses but is who is magnetized by the RAte of expendature which is that which is what acts as mencoure and greyshin? wh,le whle wh,le that means that one is smart and sexy and holy which is inferno and sign that got squished a bit (naturally when hearing something like this we jsut say to be wise and cheerful of the order in the chaos and the chaos in the order as that is what would be said to simply anywyas just obviously be a nature of growth umong the underworldmost many components the outer elements in the thothic atmosphiric in its astro way vampiric harp playing of the five layers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AV4dU3gP4k (five internal consciousness-ex elements besides its bhaktili 24 years, and five elements then senses, and five atmosphiric or justwords structure orderwithtimliness chaos1withalignments chaos2withalignments of consciousness model provocationexccedintoactivationliness) such as by the entire access of these vegan instruments as jubal) and then the tantric yogic quantum mindbody so the other thinggggggg such as what preserves that entire conservative (Essential or even just basic while the 81 is the standard of wjhat can be called the most complex of simplicity as we want to become wholesome and proportionate to become symmetric itself which gives the extension of the very complex okay Ít ìs basic prana of general metaphysics which is the consciousness carrier simplicity of the three anyways which are the attributes of structureprana ordermana chaoschi) vs liberal (extra or even just complex while 81 is the standard of what can be called complex simplicity) is the general focus of anubis here which is the super consciousness superposition of the the the the the the the dr r r in plutosophia as it is fineasobeyingtheessentialsanddoingallsagicmmmmmmmagicinthefurthemorefffffffffascismforaholypathforexample (yes wwwwwy - no -) the om shanti blesssss ,,, the four sets of 144 or 100 minutes while working the four sets of 36 or 25 minutes, by this magic systems conservative natuture which is there whhhiich is thwhaa t chooses these ratios there, within as we all know we might learn the gods were technically real at the utmost respect but otherwise we only care of the archetypes and the mystical archetype of bliss which is the anubic compression process of alternating organic organ ic functionative metametamorphisisvehiclesuperpositonbyrestingplaceandthecenterofgravitiesofgravities which is the way the original destiny in the living primordial seed does the casual steps of spells that go like sign enchantment conjurationmanifestationratios evokationenrichmentactivationintoneverthelesscausitoryeffectevenjustmysticallyascausitoryifsoisall transmutation/abjuration manifestationofsubtledimensionnecromancyrealm/thendevelopmentalorderbringingorganizingdivination/thenfulfillmentfittingandenrichmentotformofthesubtledimensionnecromancyform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCQnGMrvaPw p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBfiuj7yJYc c when you walk into the heaven you will be expecting powers as it is that archetype i,s s,o ,, ,,, and the , dont forget it is to know how coming to this earth in a story for the animalistic care but the preseverance into simply anywayssss the extremely hard static dreamly nonhumananimallikebutmorehumanthannonhumanofthepastafterlifeinawayafterlifewhichisaboutthefullconservativeSERIOUSLYlifestyleitis

enchanting half distance between andor at any other distances of forces between people means respect by the metaphysical enrichment so there are seeming five initieates of the plutosopppph>ii!!ii<maaaaaàp

fluttery chrism airetc and aura of lucritive softness and domination is so goooood to feeeell for an example while it might be a greyshimmeringlycloud in a way where as it is getting tougher without external cause causing the auric as being internal itself which was a doer that was harmlessly designed to transmute elemental direction throughout the 144 shadesliness while the fire might be the blend between the hanging vines at the amound whereas the say oh oh say 63 are what are notably as aether perhaps which is touching the air and water and earth which are the preferably in some stridiliness perception being also evokely that gave enchantment throufghout casting that engorged enruiched the he he he . he divine oneness itself at its natural basic flow of naturic anubic power

god makes life feel like life is jsut the way it is and that it is to know that the karma of one's own coherence fused into duniya is what isss thththththtttth e moving meta meta meta morphisis vehichel is moving along with by what is the thing more magical (as in what people often refer to as spiritual which whould at that term here mean the thing that you can control to more extents with your abilities in consciousnesss that i_s)

help people they say to each other go to the mmmmmmountain https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gxOfBaz0vEo
and that^-).81(,.)_(.,)81.(-^-)
and the thing more moving only of perception time rate of interest to happening which is core philosophy and the thing which is more magical which is the easy thing to control is chaos philosophy and both of these things are gods compression process which is the om shanti bless meta meta morphisis vehicle

there is intelligen ce but tnot that much so it is not that the physcial reality is your allowance when you are not obeying the essentials obey in g ttt hh e esseennttiiaalls

3 2 2 3 2 2


but its not a magic square

the next thing here that is soft and furry and fuzzy and smooth is what the four maths are really lighke in different bhakti terms that do become kriyicprinciplal and the ability of magic is propped by the signs of karma gnana karma and some soft matter (energy) is able to be intense or otherwise what is known within the sup2erstructure of something hard