"How can I feel the chakras?"

Exactly. The 20 kundalini kriyas.
You made a good point, it’s not a bad idea to be checked before going further… :slight_smile:

Yeah, i think simply being around someone with more knowledge and experience ,or more advanced, can have an effect on your practice because you literally imbibe their vibrations.

Dear Ben ,

I got it. You mean nothing will happen, even if everyone attains nirvana.They still lead their role as long their physical body supports.

But what it meant is , After attaining nirvana we will get enlightenment. Then you will just njoy the bliss till your body life span ends. Hope there wont be a re birth for them. (Since destiny attained,not human at least.) What is the point, in creating something and making it achieve something and destroying the same ?

Living things are not tools of some super conciseness. OR may be we are hypnotized by the super conciseness ?

I understood from your statement " Human being is half animal, half god" that we are evolved from animal and yet have some of its quality . Higher level. Why should they or we evolve . Just attain nirvana ?

One small request. Hope i’m disturbing others chain with my ignorant questions. Could please send me your mail id.Mine is karthisnetzone@gmail.com. Hope I can seek your help and clarify my doubts in my path of yoga practice.


Hello Karthik,
I appreciate your sincere and earnest questions…
I understand now why you are confused about the idea of enligtenment. It is a strange idea, when you don’t understand that there is no such thing as death. When death is a stron idea in your mind, enlightenment seems very pointless.
However, death does not really exist.
There is only constant change, which is the nature of this material universe.
We inhabit the material universe fully only with our body - and when the body dies, then we no longer experiece this life / dimension / world, we slip into another dimension altogether - this at least is my understanding and belief.
When we ‘die’, all that dies is the physical body - the astral and causal bodies (energy, mind, and soul) move on to another dimension.
This is very hard for us to understand if we are very much attached to our phys. bodies - as most (99.9%) people are. However, if we think deeply about it, and work on ourselves, the understanding comes.
I’ll send you my email, and if we can continue like that if you wish.
With love, Ben

oh no keep it on here…you are not ignorant by asking questions…I was enjoying learning myself your posts…if you’re worried about the thread side track…start another x

You can feel the chakras by massaging them with your fingers. Or you can take a few minutes to sit comfortably in front of your or your loved one's favorite photo while breathing slowly and deeply, focusing on each chakra as you touch it. When you are finished, write down what area of your body felt different. You might want to compare this list to those in previous weeks as well as fill out the questionnaire below to begin your journey toward wholeness.'