Kundalini and the Breathless State

Great thread, I learned a lot more about Kechari!

I can get to stage 3 at least, and can do internal nadi shodhana but largely this is some kind of genetic lottery thing, I really did not practice too much, just have a really long pointy tongue.

Mostly my practice is simple, sometimes asanas, and otherwise mostly just AYP basics like daily spinal breathing pranayama and deep mantra meditation.

If anything I purposely slowed down my kechari exploration because sometimes the daily bliss was getting very strong and even altering some of my visuals, but I assumed I was going to fast.

This thread got me playing around with Kechari a bit again.

Now, I am wondering if bone really needs to be broken?

AYP never mentions this. Also, I found an Xray image where it shows a desciple in the Lahiri lineage doing Kechari. What I found interesting is he is at a 45 degree angle toward the back of the head. Looks like this might actually push the medulla toward the pineal? I had been going more of straight up and forward into the nostrils…


Also, they note some structures changing shape during this. Might be a bit of wishful thinking but they note one structure that changes shape to look a bit like the left half of the OM symbol. I can certainly see that change, though not the full OM character as they say. In any case, you can see definitely that things are getting changed…

Hope this adds some interesting perspective to the discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

what breathless state really entails? do you mean you dont inhale at all?


Thank you for sharing so much fascinating information.

From a yogic standpoint, this is not that important because when either Nadi is dominant, it brings about body consciousness. Both Nadis must be balanced for spiritual growth to take place. But for the average Joe who is just living his life, you will find that it is better to eat a big meal when the left nostril is flowing and do intense physical activity when the right nostril is flowing.

I thought it would make sense that the left nostril should be dominant when eating too, since the parasympathetic nervous system is the “rest and digest” system. But it seems that the Swara literature recommends the opposite: right nostril should be dominant when eating.

Anyone have any thoughts on why this would be correct?



I thought it would make sense that the left nostril should be dominant when eating too, since the parasympathetic nervous system is the “rest and digest” system. But it seems that the Swara literature recommends the opposite: right nostril should be dominant when eating.
Anyone have any thoughts on why this would be correct?[/QUOTE]

The air that flows in through the Right Nostril powers up the Left Brain which is The Sympathetic Nervous System (Pingala Nadi) which is responsible for the Time based reality or the Fight and Flight response.
This part of the Nervous System tricks Consciousness into identifying itself with a catalog of experiences stored as memories in the Nervous System.
The Sympathetic Nervous System sends Prana and Blood to the external muscles.
The air that flows in through the Left Nostril powers up the Right Brain which is the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Ida Nadi) which is responsible for a Space or Form based reality or the Rest and Digest response.
This part of the Nervous System tricks Consciousness into identifying itself with the physical body which is composed of the 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) that make it up.
If you can’t sleep at night, check your Nostril Flow and you will notice that the Left Nostril is closed (rest-and-digest mode) and your Time based awareness is flowing.
The Right Nostril - Left Brain is the Solar or Electrical pole and the Left Nostril – Right Brain is the Lunar or Magnetic pole.
When you balance these two poles of energy, Time and Space come together, Fusion takes place and your Chakras open.
You should eat when the Left Nostril is flowing. (Parasympathetic Nervous System)
Exercise when the Right Nostril is flowing. (Sympathetic Nervous System)

[QUOTE=KILA;87397]What does the breathless state really entail? do you mean you don’t inhale at all?[/QUOTE]

The Breathless State is the cessation of the diaphragm contracting and relaxing which creates a vacuum that pulls air into the lungs.
There is still an air exchange going on inside my body.
The CO2 forms a peaceful stream and rises to the top of my Nasal Chambers and exits the body on its own.
If I practice an inverted pose like Headstand, I have to breathe because the Breathless State works with Gravity (Heat rises and the Carbon exiting the body is hotter than the ambient air).
The Breath is what causes Polarity in the body which gives life to the mind.
The Breathless State quiets the Mind considerably.

[QUOTE=saurabh88;86861]sorry to interfere but after reading op book on kundalini yoga by Swami Satyananda he clearly stated that after few years of hatha yoga, asana, mediation practices you are able to perform kriya yoga with basic khechari and then advance khechari mudra.
but here OP hadn’t clear my doubts about whether he had practiced those or not.
and if not is this good for me to follow?[/QUOTE]

As Nasargadatta wrote in I am That page 133:

The greatest guru is helpless as long as the disciple is not eager to learn. Eagerness and earnestness are all important. Confidence will come with experience. The greatest guru is your inner self.

If you want to believe that you need to wait a few more years to experience what you truly are, then go ahead and wait.
These exercises will still be here.
And you will still be life trapped in a prison called your body caused by the 7 seals on your Chakras.

I can get to stage 3 at least, and can do internal Nadi Shodhana but largely this is some kind of genetic lottery thing, I really did not practice too much, just have a really long pointy tongue.

Sure, GOD makes these mistakes all the time and some people just get lucky.
This reminds me of the Passage in The Bible when after Moses experienced The Burning Bush (A metaphor for the activation of his Kundalini) Moses told GOD you got the wrong guy.
Exodus 3 11

And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? …. And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.

Even Moses did not think he was worthy of GOD.
In the Parable of Moses, the Pharaoh is a metaphor for Moses’ Mind, Israel is a metaphor for Consciousness as the Land of Milk and Honey is a reference to the hormones the Pituitary and Pineal Glands make.

I had similar thoughts thinking I just got lucky.
I somehow just happen to walk out on my balcony right when the polarity of my body was switching poles and thus balanced when I flipped to the right page where Satyananda taught an advanced form of Maha Bandha and I just happened to practice it for the first time at the exact moment when activating my Kundalini was possible.
I am no Saint.
I have all these desires.
This activation of my Kundalini was just a big mistake.
These thoughts do not reconcile with The Reality That YOU ARE GOD.
And so of course you are deserving to Experience WHAT YOU ARE.

Now, I am wondering if bone really needs to be broken?

AYP never mentions this. Also, I found an X-ray image where it shows a disciple in the Lahiri lineage doing Kechari. What I found interesting is he is at a 45 degree angle toward the back of the head. Looks like this might actually push the medulla toward the pineal? I had been going more of straight up and forward into the nostrils…

This X-Ray shows Shailendra Sharma in Stage 2 of Khechari. He is not in Stage 3 where the tongue is placed up the Turbinate Areas to the Tenth Gate. I also noticed that he hasn’t shifted the bone yet that I talked about a few posts ago that makes Nadi Shodhana extremely easy to practice. I am confident for many reasons that the Cribriform Plate is going to break open by the tongue by pushing on the Crista Galli.

As I posted before:

Khecari mudra itself begins when the transformed tongue curls back as in nabho mudra, but is now able to slide its way up behind the soft palate. At this point, it locates a juncture of bone on the underside of the skull. This is referred to as the “Gate of Brahma” in the Yogakundali Upanishad, and it is said that “even the Devas (Gods) are unable to open it.” In other texts it is referred to as the “tenth gate.” What now happens is that the elongated and strengthened tongue begins to apply extreme pressure to this juncture, and literally breaks it open. When this occurs, the tongue is then able to slide up into the cranial cavity and actually begin to apply direct pressure upon various parts of the brain. Upon completion of khecari mudra, there follows a process called “melana” or “maithuna” which is one of the most closely kept secrets of Yoga.

I have searched for the scripture Yogakundali Upanishad to gain a better understanding of this passage but I have been unable to find anything about it.
Lahiri also confirms what is written in this passage in the following letter to one of his advanced disciples:

There is a sticking point above the holes in the nose and it will go beyond that - gradually. Don’t force it; if you do so you can injure yourself. It will do its work after higher Kriya.

[Editor’s note.—
This is some advanced instruction for khechari mudra----
"There is a sticking point above the holes in the nose and it (the tongue) will go beyond that – gradually. " “It (khechari mudra) will do its work after higher Kriya.”]

Jesus also confirms the breaking of this bone in this passage of The Gospel of Thomas:

98 Jesus said, “The kingdom of the father is like a certain man who wanted to kill a powerful man. In his own house he drew his sword and stuck it into the wall in order to find out whether his hand could carry through. Then he slew the powerful man.”

The powerful man is a metaphor for the mind, the house is a metaphor for the body, the sword is a metaphor for the tongue and the wall is a metaphor for the Cribriform Plate.
After you break through this bone, the tongue can be placed right underneath the Pituitary Gland and the hormone it makes from the electrical stimulation from the tongue anesthetizes the Mind (Medulla Oblongata and Pons) allowing the electrical signals that were formally captured and interpreted by the Mind to flow to the Pineal Gland activating it.

I am now being prompted to push on the Crista Galli every time I switch Nostrils while practicing Nadi Shodhana.
When you press upon the Crista Galli with force you experience a sensation that feels like eating Sushi with a lot of Wasabi.
I can feel the bone move, my tongue rubs these ribbons of really sensitive skin that were exposed with the shifting of the bone and my eyes lock into Shambhavi Mudra.
You go into a state of No Mind and many times I have come out of it not knowing what time it is, what day it is and how long I have been meditating.
I know one day the pressure from my Tongue pressing on the Crista Galli is going to break the Cribriform Plate.
I am confident that I will be put into a Trance, filled with Bliss and this will happen on its own and I will just witness the event.
In other words, I will experience that I am GOD for a few moments.

I believe that applying pressure on the Crista Galli is stimulating the Pituitary Gland to make a liquid that anesthetizes the Mind.
If you look at this diagram you will see that the top part of the Crista Galli has a rooster crown to it.
There are 8 stages of Samadhi according to The Buddha and I am dancing around the first stage – The Void.

Lahiri wrote in his diary that GOD resides in your Pineal Gland as a speck of light 1/600 the size of a human hair.
The polarity of the body causes too much mental turbulence and so you will not be able to focus on this light until you still the mind by balancing the polarity in the body.
When you can focus on this light, GOD will fill your body with the light of 1000 suns.
When Thine Eye is Single, The Body is Full of Light as Jesus taught.
This is what happened to Jesus in The Book of Revelations after he opened the 6th seal (Ajna Chakra) which purified all 144,000 of the Tribes of Israel (Nerves of the body were cleared of their latent impressions which create desires to experience the external world).

As I’ve written before, GOD manifests as Prana or The Holy Spirit in the Physical Plane.
This energy travels at the highest frequency which is Pure Love as emotions are frequencies of energy.

Your desires to experience the physical world cause GOD to flow through your body at a much lower frequency.
Your desire to experience the external world causes all of your suffering.
Notice that the lower emotions are caused by thinking or identifying with Time and Space and resisting what is which causes Stress whereas the higher emotions are being.

You can see from this diagram that less energy can occupy the same space when traveling at a lower frequency.
The impressions in your Nervous System (Karma) and your resistance to what is is causing Prana (The Holy Spirit) to flow through your body at much lower frequency of energy.
This is the cause of all your suffering.
You need a higher frequency of energy flowing through you to spiritualize your body and open up your Chakras.
GOD has Nothing but LOVE FOR YOU.
The Karma in your Nervous System changes LOVE into lower frequencies of energy when the external world does not match up with your thoughts or desires.
You cause all of your suffering by delving into the pain and pleasure cycle that makes up the physical world.
As you purify your Nervous System, more energy can flow through it and higher emotions are experienced.
The Path to Enlightenment makes you experience and express LOVE to every thing and everyone.

The frequencies in this image are symmetrical.
This is not the case with the Prana flowing through you.
The Time or space component of the Prana causes your Chakras to spin towards the dominant component.
When you balance Time and Space through the practice of Nadi Shodhana, the Chakras do not have enough polarity to spin and so the energy builds up until either enough polarity in the Prana allows the Chakra to spin or Time and Space get too close together and Fusion takes place and the Chakra opens.
It takes a finer balance of polarity to open the higher Chakras.
The Chakras represent Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Time, and GOD.
The Muladhara (Earth Chakra) requires far more polarity to spin than Svadhishthana (Water Chakra).
Lahiri wrote in his diary that each Chakra is 10 time more subtler than the Chakra below it.
The Sahasrara requires a complete balance of Polarity in the body for Consciousness to escape the physical world and return to GOD.
Be Still and Know That I Am GOD.

Some people believe that Surrender and renouncing the world is similar to quitting but once you understand these concepts, that your desire to experience the physical world is the cause of all of your suffering, then it makes sense that renouncing the world is the only logical thing to do.
Your personality is a catalog of experiences that your mind has tricked Consciousness into identifying with.
It is not the absolute reality and preventing Consciousness from experiencing what you really are.
Why suffer in what Jesus called Hell (body consciousness) when you can experience your Divinity?
You must give up your physical body to experience this or as Jesus taught, The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those that have put themselves to death.
Jesus is not talking about Suicide but the complete eradication of the Karma that makes up your Personality and the cessation of movement in the physical body that is currently imprisoning Consciousness.

The Breathless State is the cessation of the diaphragm contracting and relaxing which creates a vacuum that pulls air into the lungs.
There is still an air exchange going on inside my body.
The CO2 forms a peaceful stream and rises to the top of my Nasal Chambers and exits the body on its own.
If I practice an inverted pose like Headstand, I have to breathe because the Breathless State works with Gravity (Heat rises and the Carbon exiting the body is hotter than the ambient air).
The Breath is what causes Polarity in the body which gives life to the mind.
The Breathless State quiets the Mind considerably.

Just curious, what happens if you block one of your nostrils while you are in the breathless state? Is one of your nostrils more open than the other while you are in the breathless state, as is the case for people who are breathing normally; do the cycles between which nadi is dominant still occur for you–or do you think energy is flowing only in the sushumna? Do you think there is any benefit to practicing nadi shodhana while in the breathless state? It sounds like the air exchange you are having in the breathless state is constant in both directions; you don’t have an inhale and subsequent exhale, correct? I am wondering about this in connection with what Sivananda said about how we inhale to get the prana into our body. Do you think the same amount of prana comes into you in the breathless state as someone who breathes with their diaphragm? Or don’t you need prana to come in from outside when you are in this state?

Thanks for sharing. I have learned so much from you!



[QUOTE=Atlantiseeker;87490]Just curious, what happens if you block one of your nostrils while you are in the breathless state? Is one of your nostrils more open than the other while you are in the breathless state, as is the case for people who are breathing normally; do the cycles between which nadi is dominant still occur for you–or do you think energy is flowing only in the Sushumna?[/QUOTE]

Until you become a Christ by balancing the Polarity of the body and eradicating all of your Karma through the practice of Nadi Shodhana, you will be affected by the energies from the Sun, the Moon and the other Heavenly bodies that rotate above us.
The Yogis teach about the three Gunas which are Sattva (goodness, constructive, harmonious), Rajas (passion, active, confused), and Tamas (darkness, destructive, chaotic).
The Sun is the Rajas force (Sympathetic Nervous System or Time based reality), the Moon is the Tamas force (Parasympathetic Nervous System or Space or Form based reality) and a balance between these two forces creates Sattva or Enlightenment.

Activating your Kundalini opens up the Muladhara Chakra which brings about the Breathless State.
My body is still affected by the energy from the Sun and the Moon and so of course there is still polarity in my body depending on which force is dominant as the energy from these bodies rotate dominance within the body every two hours.
Plus when I sleep at night I start breathing like a normal person which of course brings polarity into the body.
The adenoid that opens up at the top of the Nasal passage directing which Nostril the air will flow through is still active in my body.
And so in the Breathless State (without practicing Nadi Shodhana), the air is mostly flowing through the dominant Nadi or the open Nostril.
And so the energy is still entering my body unequally but since there is so much less air (and thus energy) flowing in, the disparity in polarity is no where near that of someone that is breathing normally.
This quiets the Mind considerably.
The polarity doesn’t exist to spin the Muladhara Chakra.

I felt achy last Friday and at first thought I was overdoing my Yoga Practice (postures) until I realized that I was sick.
My left Nostril was completely closed off for about 4 hours before it occurred to me that my body was purposely keeping the Solar force open to raise the temperature of my body to create a Fever and burn up whatever was attacking me.
I let this go on for a few hours and then got some eucalyptus ointment and started practicing Nadi Shodhana to end this.

[QUOTE=Atlantiseeker;87490]Do you think there is any benefit to practicing nadi shodhana while in the breathless state? It sounds like the air exchange you are having in the breathless state is constant in both directions; you don’t have an inhale and subsequent exhale, correct?[/QUOTE]

We are physiologically designed so that when the diaphragm stops contracting, the CO2 will gather at the top of the Nasal Passage and start exiting the body on its own.
Air is drawn into the lower chamber of the nose to replace the volume of air lost from the upper chamber.
You are correct in stating that the air exchange is constant in both directions.
If I disrupt this flow, the urge to breath comes up.
As soon as you start practicing Nadi Shodhana, you are breathing.
And you need to do this to balance the polarity in the body.
Have I just rotated my tongue back and forth while in the Breathless State without breathing after balancing the polarity?
Yes and it almost feels like you are having sex with yourself because the Turbinate areas get extremely sensitive.
As I’ve written about before, the focus of my attention is not at my genitals when I have sex but my tongue.
I feel like the female body balances me energetically and the energy starts rising up the spine and consciousness focuses on the tongue.
When I have sex like an animal and move around I feel like the woman’s body is giving me pleasure and I feel love for her.
This emotion stems from the Mind (Desire) and is Bullshit.
When I just passively lay down with the girl on top of me and just flex my Muladhara Chakra (Perineum), I become Love.
I don’t feel love for her, I LOVE.
I don’t think I love you, I AM LOVE.
I am this energy.
It is a completely different energy.
And I feel that this energy is coming from within me, not from her.

Every Chakra is situated right at a major gland of the Endocrine System.
Through hormones is how the spiritual world connects with the physical world.
The goal of Yoga is to take back the dominance of the Pituitary Gland and return it to the Pineal Gland.
Puberty switches this dominance and your pleasure center drops from the tongue to the genitals.
Consciousness then starts focusing on a time based awareness instead of just BEing.
You need to bring this energy back up to the Pineal Gland and activate it.

As stated in Genesis 2 7

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Swara Yoga states that You Are Your Breath.
Your breath creates your reality.
If you carelessly allow your breath to alternate its flow every two hours through the right and left nostrils powering up the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems unequally, you will create a Time and Space based reality that will trap Consciousness into the physical world.
Consciousness is GOD’s only Begotten Son not Jesus.
The Cross that Jesus was referring to when he said you must take up your Cross and follow me was taking the air that is breathed in through the right nostril and exhaling it out the left nostril and visa versa.
It says right in the Gospel of Philip that The Father gave The Son (Consciousness not Jesus) The Cross in The Bridal Chamber.

This is another quote from the Gospel of Philip:

A person receives them (The Resurrection, Restoration and Truth) in the chrism with the oil of the power of the cross. The apostles called this power the right and the left. This person is no longer a Christian but is Christ.

Jesus practiced and taught Nadi Shodahan in Khechari Mudra to Experience YOGA or Union with GOD!
This practice purifies the Nervous System and eradicates Karma.
If I just sit in the breathless state, I will not clear out the accumulated Karma acquired before I activated my Kundalini.
This Karma is lowering the frequency of the energy that can flow through me and preventing enlightenment.

[QUOTE=Atlantiseeker;87490]I am wondering about this in connection with what Sivananda said about how we inhale to get the prana into our body. Do you think the same amount of prana comes into you in the breathless state as someone who breathes with their diaphragm? Or don’t you need prana to come in from outside when you are in this state?[/QUOTE]

I don’t know how much Prana you need from the outside air after you activate your Kundalini (Open up the Muladhara Chakra).
Sometimes I feel like my body is in a conserve energy mode like a laptop when it is working off the battery instead of plugged into an outlet.
Many times I have almost fainted after I sat for a period of time and just got up too quickly to walk across the room.
My Consciousness is fully aware of what is going on at all times but the energy flowing through the body is being used differently.
The contraction of the diaphragm is a waste of energy and the heat that the body loses from the exhalation of so much heated air also is a drain of energy.

Satyananda lectured that balancing the two poles of energy in the body brings about greater force which to me implies more energy is flowing through me.
And so I believe a much higher frequency is flowing through me, the energy is flowing differently, and some things are on standby mode.

[QUOTE=umunhum;78339]I turned on my Kundalini and achieved the breathless state playing around with the Kriyas in Satyananda Saraswati’s book Kundalini Tantra. I then could achieve the breathless state (My diaphram no longer moves unless I want it to), by doing just about any form of Pranayama. About a month after my Kundalini awakening I started to notice that I no longer control the breathless state, it just happens all the time now.


There is a Taoist technique called Embryonic Breathing ([I]Tai-Hsi[/I], or [I]taixi[/I]). Do you think that is the same as what you did?



Hi umunhum,

I just wanted to say thank you for all of your dedication to your work and the courage to share it all. I have had almost exactly similar experiences to what you’ve described particularly your understanding of the importance of the balance in our polarities. I practice internal nadi shodhana all day with my tongue and then found your video and writings. I’m not sure how private messages work on the new forum, but I would love to hear where your practice has led you now and what you are up to. Hope to hear from you soon.



I am not in the state to hv a teacher.can I learn these mudra’s from any book?help me please.

The sooner you realize that it is a Fool's Errand to seek happiness in the physical world, the better.
As My Guru Satyananda Saraswati wrote, the external world leads to Bondage, the internal world leads to Liberation
You are not of this world and so nothing in this world can provide you Happiness.
You are Happiness.
As long as you are a Slave to the Mind you will be trapped in the Time / Space based Reality that it creates.
Everything the Mind presents to you is a Lie.
Once again you are not the collection of Experiences stored in your Nervous System as Memories (TIME – Sympathetic Nervous System) or the collection of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (SPACE – Parasympathetic Nervous System) that make up the physical body you are currently trapped in.
You are what gives Awareness the Ability To Be Aware.
As long as you are captivated and continue to delve into the Time and Space based Reality, you are prevented from experiencing your True Nature.
You must Transcend the Mind.
That is the Purpose of this Game.
To Return to your True Nature.

To do this you must become a Christ.
The word Christ Literally means The Anointed One.
To become Anointed you must be sprinkled with Oil
The Oil is what Yogis call Amrita, The Bible refers to it as the Manna from Heaven or the Milk and Honey,
By the practice of Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing), you stimulate the Pineal and Pituitary Glands to make this Nectar.

As written in The Book of Revelations 22 1

1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month.

This Passage is referring to the Spinal Fluid that Flows from a part of the Brain called the Claustrum.
Half of this liquid flows over the Pineal Gland and the other half over the Pituitary Gland and then down into the Spinal Column
The Spinal Fluid is made up of 12 Cell Salts
This is where the parable of Santa Claus comes from
Santa means Holy
And so Santa Claus (The Holy Liquid) goes down the Chimney (The Spine) and deposits his presents (Cell Salts) at the base of the Christmas Tree (Tree of Life - Chakras)
You must magnetize this fluid by doing spiritual practices raising the energy up the Christmas Tree (Open your Chakras or Turn On The Christmas Tree Lights) and when the energy gets to the top of the Tree you become an Angel and leave the Physical World.
The reason Brahmacharya is so important is the body spends a great deal of time and energy to make the proper constituency of these Cell Salts.
The Mind's desires deplete this fluid or competes with the body's ability to make this fluid – (Sex and Food)

The Prana that flows through the Right Nostril powers up the Sympathetic Nervous System (Time) and leads to the Pineal Gland.
The Prana that flows through the Left Nostril powers up the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Space) and leads to the Pituitary Gland.
When you combine the liquid that flows through the Pineal and Pituitary Gland and absorb it with your Tongue, You become a Christ.

From The Gospel of Philip:

The chrism is superior to baptism, for it is from the word "Chrism" that we have been called "Christians," certainly not because of the word "baptism". And it is because of the chrism that "the Christ" has his name. For the Father anointed the Son, and the Son anointed the apostles, and the apostles anointed us. He who has been anointed possesses everything. He possesses the resurrection, the light, the cross, the Holy Spirit. The Father Gave him this IN THE BRIDAL CHAMBER; he merely accepted (the gift). The Father was in the Son and the Son in the Father. This is the Kingdom of Heaven.

This liquid allows you to go into a Deep Meditation and stops your Heart which allows your Soul to Leave The Physical Body and World.
The body goes into Stasis as Consciousness enters Samadhi or as Jesus explains you enter The Kingdom of Heaven

Lahiri explains this in this passage from The Scirptural Commentaries of Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya Volume 2 Page 49:

Via the Eye, there is Stillness on the left side of the chest; it is not possible to see that. There is Spontaneous joy. After practicing Kriya for many days, that Stillness in The Heart comes about Automatically. It is not possible to get there by Force, because it is Formless / Inexpressible Substance. It is devoid of form, name and other such things. Thus, Its Nature is Silence – this is how Brahman Is. When this state becomes permanent, the individual soul (jiva) attains liberation while in the body, and goes about living life abiding in the Nature of the Self.

I am being guided to press with extreme pressure on the Crista Galli (A bone located in the Nasal Pharynx):

When you Break through this bone, physically you make the Two One.
This is what Jesus taught to become a Christ as powering up the Right and Left parts of the Brain is no longer possible and thus ends the polarity of the body.
Time and Space become Balanced (Fusion takes place - Chakras Open) and copious amounts of the Amrita (DMT) starts Flowing.
When I practice Nadi Shodhana, the tip of my tongue goes into the slits to the Cribriform Plate with the back part of my tongue pressing on that bone (Crista Galli) makes my Ajna Throb
This Feeling makes me want to use even more force
And as I press harder what seems like a magnetic pull draws my eyes into Shambhavi Mudra
The harder I push my tongue, the more intense the magnetic pull
This is the Tenth Gate
And on the Inhales and exhales I am being guided to Push really hard with the back of my Tongue
You must shift the bone that I talked about a few posts ago (Post #183) to be able to experience this to collapse the space in the Spenoid Sinus (where the tip of the red arrow is in the photo below)
The Intensity is increased by Flexing the Pelvic Floor as you Push with your Tongue. (Note - this is important as it sends energy up the Spine)

Here is that Diagram again since the New Format of Yoga Forums Deleted it:

This dovetails with the new information that Sri Mukherjee Taught Ennio Nimis as the proper way to practice Kriya:

When practicing Kriya, you mentally chant Om six times in Kutastha during inhalation and six times during exhalation.

Knocking with Om at Kutastha will give you the power to enter the very subtle channel of Sushumna and to mentally touch the central point of each Chakra – a deed that happens only by keeping the concentration, on Kutastha.

When I take my Focus up and down my Spine, I push with my Tongue and Flex my Pelvic Floor at each Chakra.
This allows the mind to focus on two Chakras at the same time.
The Chakra where my Breath is at and my Ajna.

I am currently reading The Scriptural Commentaries of Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya Volume 3.
The Constant Underlying Message is Practice Kriya for as many hours a day as you can.
In many of Lahiri's writings he states to practice Thokar Kriya and focus on the Sound.
The Sound (OM – “I Am”) leads you back to your Source.
Thokar is what AYPsite calls Dynamic Jalahandra Bandha or Rolling your Neck around on the Inhale Kumbhaka.
When you do this and you Practice Nadi Shodhana with the Tongue raised, your tongue almost feels like a Bull in a China Shop Pressing on Sensative Tissue as it rolls around in the Turbinate areas.
When you get to the Part of the Bone that puts the most Pressure on the Pituitary Gland, You Know it.
When I practice Kriya now I am constantly focusing on how to put the most Pressure on the Pituitary Gland.
After a few rounds of Kriya, you build up a Current that eventually puts you into a deep Meditation especially if you have an Empty Stomach (As the Prana in the body is not being used for digestion).
It is difficult to do this in a Walking Meditation or during activities such as Driving a car because the Current gets too Intense.

I can attest that the “Secret Spot” at the top of the Nasal Septum does indeed get more sensitive as you purify your Nervous System with Kriya Practice
I can't help but to focus on the Ajna Chakra when pressure from my tongue is now applied to the Crista Galli
This pressure puts you into a Dream Like State.

You can see in this picture the Rooster Like Crown at the top of the Crista Galli pressing upon the Pituitary Gland is causing this State:

There is something special about how the energy flows within the body while sitting in Full Lotus or Padmasana.
Gurus say don't worry about achieving advanced postures because they don't want you to make up excuses as to why you don't meditate.
That said there is a Reason Jesus referred to sitting in Padmasana (Hand in Hand, Foot in Foot) as the way to enter The Kingdom)
It took me 4 years to comfortably sit in Padmasana and I still haven't mastered the pose.

Here is an Interesting Passage from The Old Testament Ezekiel 3 24:

24 Then the spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet, and spake with me, and said unto me, Go, shut thyself within thine house. (Meaning Meditate)
25 But thou, O son of man, behold, they shall put bands upon thee, and shall bind thee with them, and thou shalt not go out among them:
26 AND I WILL MAKE THY TONGUE CLEAVE TO THE ROOF OF THY MOUTH, that thou shalt be dumb, and shalt not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house.
27 But when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; He that heareth, let him hear; and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: for they are a rebellious house.

This is why I continue to Post
In this Passage GOD is telling Ezekiel to Meditate
GOD will Place Ezekiel Tongue into Khechari and Wisdom will be Acquired
Tell other Souls that are Receptive This Information

P. S. I am not happy about the new Format of Yogaforums.
The pictures in my former user profile now show up as a broken links and so new readers will have difficulty understanding the commentary.
Please make requests to the new owner of YogaForums to correct this.


I had a thought today, while walking around practicing nadi shodhana with my tongue as Ham Sa kept whispering through each breath. It reminded me of a post umunhum shared some time ago. It had to do with an advanced yogi watching every breath they take, and the only reason one would do this would be if they were practicing internal nadi shodhana.

The practice of nadi shodhana separates the negatively charged prana from the atmosphere when it is inhaled through the left nostril, and positively charged prana through the right. When negatively charged prana exits the right nostril it becomes neutralized, and similarly with the opposite nostril. The yogi then is in a continual process of gathering and raising his or her energy, while normal breathing through one nostril for some time then the other is simply a transaction of positively or negatively charged prana, which gives us just enough energy to survive. The yogi also acts as a sort of ionic purifier for the world around him or her. Extracting the cocktails of positive and negative ions separately through either nostril, and providing neutrally charged ions back into the world. This explains how great saints like Jesus, either through the continual practice of nadi shodhana or other advanced, constant practices, could accept and dissolve the illness of a person without any injury to themselves.

It’s this separation of ions that reminds me of the mythology of the hamsa. Even a quick search for “Paramahamsa” on wikipedia is alluding to this fact.

“The hamsa is said to be the only creature that is capable of separating milk from water once they have been mixed; symbolically this is the display of great spiritual discrimination. It is symbolic for a spiritually advanced being who is capable of controlling the breath energy in such a way that he only absorbs pure vibrations from all the different energies the world contains.”

The pure mental recitation of the mantra would have the same effect, however, few people have the mental awareness and discipline to do this all day long in any circumstance.

So let’s all practice nadi shodhana in khechari all the time! Let’s make our internal and external environment pristine and beautiful for ourselves and the betterment of all life!

What do you all think???

And yes umunhum, I agree. It is eerie how similar some of our experiences in this realm have been. I am very curious, and I hope you’ll share your experiences with us when your crista galli gives way. I have to admit, I’m a little fearful of putting too much pressure there, as I can feel the bone move, but when the time is right, it will happen if it is supposed to happen. My main practice is simply perform Anulom Vilom all day whenever I am not practicing Kriya Pranayama. This keeps me in constant awareness and reverence of divine love.

The other day I was taking a hot shower (usually I take freezing cold showers, but my back was hurting a lot from driving too much), and I started practicing Jyoti Mudra. I have seen the golden ring before, and it often is in my vision throughout the day, as well as a small blue light constantly at the center of my sight. That moment however, the golden ring broke open like a thousand suns, and this deep opal blue settled in the middle. From the center of that blue emerged the brilliant white five pointed star. The Kutastha presented itself in full form. I was left breathless and in tears at the beauty of this sight. Truly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Now I simply try to intensify the light and merge with it during my meditations. Anyone else had similar experiences??

trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D

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i will achieve karachi within 1 week

Hello! I am new here. Has anyone had a kundalini awakening? I am new to yoga too. Where should I start? My aim is the awakening of kundalini.
Thank you.

I would like to know if it is possible to have the breathless state while in a daily function, like driving or walking? The reason I am asking this is that I go through this all the time now. I get deep into thought and the world around me disappears and I forget to breath, it's like my brain doesn't send the signal to do it. But as I've gotten older, it is now causing chest pains. I've been checked by doctors and they find nothing wrong with my heart. They are telling me it is anxiety or panic attacks but usually shortness of breath or hyperventilation occurs after the panic attack not before. I don't feel anxious or panicky. I've done this since I was a young child, I am an INFJ personality and I do this without even trying, it has come naturally to me. I have never known about Kundalini and stumbled upon the breathless state through research. I need help so I can stop the chest pain.

I had that same jet plane thing happen to me a few years ago. I was outside. With other people. No one else heard it. It was exactly as you described. At the time I wasn't doing any yoga or other particular spiritual training. So not sure why I heard it, but once I realized it wasn't really a plane/jet, I assumed was some sort of message from God and just accepted the experience. I'm not really thrilled about the tongue up the throat method of reaching source as my tongue is short and I can't even reach very far back with it much less have enough to accomplish the end result, so am searching for a different method. I don't understand all that you are saying in your explanation but will keep picking through it until perhaps I do. If have any advice to offer, I welcome it.

thanks for info I would like to read more articles lik this

I have just joined today because I am very interested in the video that I watched on youtube. The content explanation is very parallel to what I have come to know through my own experience. Not the "hows to's" of obtaining the enlightening experience but the actual "enlightening" experience that I have experience personally. The yoga lingo is foriegn to me as is the steps as to how to achieve the kundalini activation. However, the experience that I have had is very much in alignment with the explination of what one desires to experience through the steps and practices of kundalini yoga. Which brings me to my questions.
Without the awareness of these practices how is it possible that I experienced the experience and did it without all this "Doing" ? It was spontaneous. I was in this state of being for 11 days. I was not completely here. The part of me that was here was as if it barely existed. I gave only the necessary energy to this body that I felt was necessary so to not depart from the experience (which I was in control of) to function on the level that I chose for that part of me to function. My body did not need food. My body did not need attention. It sat in a semi conscious state while the larger part of myself sat in all that is. The uphoria was more than I can explain. The knowing was so complete. I sat in that space in utter awe. The Truth was evident and all that (Was Not) was made evident. My experience was one with source. I completely in alignment with Truth. Coming from the experience was a reality adjustment process. I was able to see life through a new perspective and it is absolutley perfect as it is, where before I was so lost, lonely and wounded by my life experiences. I did find that I could not plan a future or dream of a future due to knowing how the ego played a huge part in the past. I seemed to have lost the motivation that I had before, seeing through the egos perspective. It seemed purposeful seeing that we live ourlives by the auto pilots guidence. But now 2019 my motives are based on the Truth that I experienced in that experience. I am aware and grounded in the Truth. When life hits me I now can recenter and see the experience for what it is.
Back to my question.
Is all this is necessary to achive enlightenment?
I would say the practcce of kundalini yoga is more of a dicipline ritual pointing to a possible experience. How many actually have the experience? I would like to have the experience again not know exactly how it came about. Truly the experience answered all of my questions and filled my heart and soul with undeniable Truth. I cannot imagine being in this would and not of it all the time. They would have to put my body in a home somewhere because it would be useless lol. Id choose to stay in that state of beingness. If I were able to balance there and here I would be in such a vibration that I would not be recognized by anyone. Its that profound!!! Open to opions and advice or explination. Even questions.
So... Having said all that. Not knowing the verbige would you consider the experience that I had to be what the kundalini yoga is pointing too? And how did I have the experience not having done anything to recieve it.
I must state that I was in a state of complete resistance and I had surrended. The only intention I had was to recieve the Truth from a place I personally could not deny. I was asking WHY? I got the answers. Loud and clear and was expised to more than I have the vocabulary to explain.