keep in mind that we are talking about a flower.
lets assume that there are many people on this forum as well as many other yoga forums that are on any one of the 1000s of pharmaceuticals ranging from heart medications to anxiety meds to antidepressants to sleeping meds to cancer meds. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, addiction, disease.
Modern pharma designs chemicals, all of which throw us out of balance and have toxic properties at the therapeutic doses. A great example of this is…jeez anything…suboxone relates to me as i currently am prescribed. Cannabis seeks to restore balance, health, vitality. These chemicals suck life like a parasite. Cannabis restores life, it is life giving by its very nature. LIFE GIVING> VIBRATION ENHANCING> 100% natural and healthy. I dont see how people can possibly see cannabis as even somewhat detrimental unless it is used too frequently. The real problem with cannabis is that it can make you sleepy and tired and lazy. DONT SMOKE SO MUCH IN THAT CASE! its that simple.
Let’s consider cannabis in its pure, herbal form.
Cannabis is the single most therapeutic plant compound known to man. THE MOST! This is not up for debate, it just is. From antidepressant to pain relief to appetite stimulant, its therapeutic applications are countless, varied, and effective. This plant can change the world, the way we live, and how we respond to life. Cannabis has so many more uses than simply, ahem, “getting high”. medical, industrial, recreational, these uses from one plant are astounding! did you know that there are over 20,000 industrial applications for hemp, things like paper, clothing, rope, canvas, fuel, et cetera ad infinitum? this is not a joke here people, cannabis can save the world. keep in mind also that this resource is 100% renewable, year after year, all the while without needing pesticides of any sort, all the while re-invigorating our soil and preventing soil erosion, constantly supplying the earth with life and vigor. Anyone who sees this plant as a problem is seriously confused about the truth surrounding cannabis hemp. please consider that you may have been deliberately misinformed and constantly manipulated by the powers that be to believe a certain “truth” about cannabis. This “truth” is generally skewed and negative because the people and corporations behind these views have financial interest in keeping the truth out of peoples minds and love herding sheep and keeping people “safe”. the truth may hurt, but it is still the truth.
Can we consider that cannabis can, and is used more as a medicine than as a drug? Cannabis is not a drug. Cannabis is a plant. Drugs are heroin, cocaine, propoxyphene, venlafaxine, isolated compounds that are generally synthesized and completely unnatural. Chemicals in their isolated inorganic forms. Plant compounds reduced to mere chains of carbon compounds.
Cannabis is a WHOLE PLANT. The plant is impossible to replicate in the lab, as we have seen with failed compounds such as Sativex and Marinol. You cant simply isolate one single compound and expect the effects to be the same as the. The holistic nature of this medicine makes it exceptionally safe and non toxic.
How many people have overdosed and died on aspirin? Too many. How many on cannabis? None.
How many products can this amazing fact be attributed today? Very few. People even die from coffee overdoses.
please read “the emperor wears no clothes” by Jack Herer, RIP 2010. Jack was a cannabis crusader and did more for the legalization movement that any other person in the late 20th century. Jack stands as an example to us all, a crusader of truth, a man of beauty and simplicity, a man who loved the plant and all it gave the world.
Sat Nam