Meditation: Yoga vs. Zen

I have been practicing both Yoga and Zen meditation for a long time and I feel that after doing lots of strong yoga asanas and activating pranayama like bhastrika and kapalbhati, my mind is actually a lot more active and less capable of going into the stillness of Zen meditation. The yoga asana practice is fantastic to keep the body healthy and the energy sysstems active. But if done only focusing on activating (like in hot yoga and ashtanga yoga when only focusing on asana) it is actually counter productive for the goal of yoga which is deep state of meditation to realize one's true nature. When practicing QiGong for example, it helps me a lot more to go into that deep state of inner stillness with a calm mind. There is a great QiGong Class Online | Learn QiGong to learn the basics of the QiGong breathwork and movements.

I would highly recommend you to become aware of what is happening in your energy system (the nervous system, mind and emotional system) when you do certain asana, pranayama or QiGong practices. Do you feel the mind is really more still and calm? Or you just feel high and it is actually more active when trying to meditate? The body "buzzing", or relaxed?

Good luck with it!

Johny Utah
Pranayama Breathwork instructor
Certified Pranayama teacher training