What would you personally consider “styled right” for a guys mat? Darker colors, a bit more “serious” pattern on it, etc? I’m wondering as I just started a printed yoga towel brand and we’re trying to figure out what do to for our guy designs (I’m a guy btw). I’m also debating doing mats and we’re trying to figure out a way to integrate a bit more design than normal into them. Personally I have a beat to death black lulu The Mat but I really want something a bit wider. I like the lighter colors sometimes as well but they get trashed looking in just a couple of classes.
And in an attempt to kick a bit of traffic to my website… if you want to check out our custom yoga towel designs and even suggest something (patterns, colors, etc) that you would want to see for for guys you can check out my custom yoga towel website (search customyogitowels and add the dot com) Just did these cool retro style towels on Friday. Granted “Namaste” on yoga merch is way overused but hey, gotta love the stripes! I was going to post a pic but I don’t think I can since it’s my first post.