Spiritual music

sorcery powers which includes all powers are real and i will not let anyone get them when i am ruling in heaven in consciousness if you have sinned in consciousness

In this method the god mantras are for like someone controlling your body or playing with the gODS.

God wants to play someone might say and then there was a god that didn’t want to play. The praying person said I will polish this jewel on all sides and using the techniques many times for strengthening very precise synchronicities for all people near by to keep them tuned and easily cleansing and working. The person who said god didn’t want to play with them said I will go to the diamond wall between me and the people have polished for blessing people so the person meditating and just there in the persons mind there was a stack of walls kept representing the segment in distance between the blessers and the receivers made of all shapes and designs fitting each of the techniques and types of sides and some in general and exactly just representative ways so the person found where the polisher illuminated those mantras kindly for that person who themself there and by the method of receiving blessings and understanding relativity in, sure, certain ways deilluminated the jewel by omshantiblessing it and illuminated any one’s they wanted instead of the one that said I want to play with you God.

Energy mass constant
Energy vibration frequency

Mass vibrates because of energy and is vibrates frequently

Buddham saranam Guchami dharmam saranam guchami sargam saranam Guchami (the mission of perfection seeks the dharma which comes from the form of the Buddha). You are going into your future Buddha forms, you are mastering dharma, you are receiving gifts from a million billion trillion Buddha forms which are like singers teaching.

Namo amituofo

Om shanti bless Om ah ra pa tsa na dhih om shanti bless
Hear from the master here:

The the the only word people need to learn about the india seed is that the original original original destiny destiny destiny in in in the the the living living living primordial primordial primordial seed seed seed is the word of the sentence subject sentence subject subject sentence, subject sentence which


The word buddha is the name of indian one people small nature concrete jj ungle featured called subthere andwhatever anylitical by and super consciousness selection aloe juice of yeh^^

  • om shanti bless
    Sub continent.
    Om shanti bless.

Ram and devicreatureaquatic black filipino cape wearer of the 81 scales style. Let the blooming of the dimensions of all of us modern all across the world armada yomies who are loving and skillful to the self both and both also to the other things as anything and people and the things of anything precicely accurately precicelu.

Always always saying im a cute little toth. Im a little cute thoth. Im a cute thoth. Im just made of balls. Im aquatic and slimy like a mermaid who is made of aloe branches or bamboo alone and then are there as little toys who are mafe of wizardly ball and its wisdoms channeling taker cubes twice a half of a double shrunk 100 miles, and all of that sorcererly 100 miles thing with its general 10th of a mile space matter space energy magic which is harmonic with the

Put some wind on your vegan goldmeat wizardly anenanys and some wiggly as well wiggle wiggle wiggily wiggily wgggiigigigiiiiiggggigiigigggiiiggigiigigiggggggggllllyllglgllyiigglliigigglglglglgigigiyyyyiiyyyyyyylylyylylylyllyylylyyyylylylylylylylyylylyyyyyyyyyylylyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy om ah ra pa tssaaaaa nnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhh.’ ,’ alalalallaaahaksexybodddddd and alll ll l. Na dhi na dh of which is using the Sorcererly sorcerly Sorcererly and of the anyways as well common recyclation of the giggly jigjiwiwiwiwiiggggllllllylylylylyyy that the thing is in in inn nnn nnnnnnnn. Iiiiiiiii. iiiiiiii. Iiiiiiii. Iiiiiiii.. zz ZzZ ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZZ , Z ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ Z ZZZ ZZ z…,,.,,,,

Dragowhhnnnulous x4
Little thoth fairy saying

Now now now now now. Now now listen to this of being of theyle what is of what is the 295.3 feet is the mark edge of your present moment as half within the present as what is the limit of your responsibility of conservative things think also about the hanuman plasmaa ass wweeelllllll aaaasssssssss the grrriiiidddiddiddididididididiiiididddddddddddiiiiirirrririrrrrrrrjj. Concretetely vegan bubble mango slish teay blammmhuuuhhhhvwuwwuuuhhvooooooogdhainoxdsdssdsddsdssdsddsdssdsd alalalalalagxnzifhghuhihhuhuhhuhhuhhhixgchchckiahaihachikychciglewiglechakToooo^^^^ cchhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn>>nnnnnnn^^^^^^^^^^^^

And the 29.53 is the responisbility of your present by its reasoning and when of logic then it is of the bevertheless core philosophy readonings reasoning of conssscccvvevevecevecevrvsssnnsnnssnnsosososossnsnncococcc cu rddddddxdxdxxxxxzxzxxxcxcx. X ..xxx,,xxxxxxrrtyijhgghxdtyuijnbvgghjhhz..;xz……..dz….zd.sss:.s/..;sz;..:.ddz.;5);;56,;677&xzfyfryigzxudxxzzfxxtfydufttyfujgyijknvtsukghnxujyjtinutfxhjhfdyivdxn. Jydun b urduj. Nutsdinb. Iytuj jhjtsxzchccvbzzZZzZZZZZZZZZ 77 pw£#%~~////\n. Mm

81 together from the moon any any any any twoooo ttttwo twwwwo though,~mgknorse and ~minajeelectric round bowawowowowaawawawowowowowoaawawawawaaalllwlllllllllllllllllllsssss of. I. Irel and aŅ

Ññńññń sosooooo stilllllll just e and s like a pali sugar pill only candy no oo oow ooh canon alililahalhlaolohaihuhlililololaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoooahahahahahahahahalalalaallalalaayayahayahyahayahyahahiaoaoaoajajalappouoiouiiuuiiiii pree esi dint dinnerrrrrrr of hawaiiatatayayayayaayayay vegan ppowpioiwouyyyououououiiyeyrywyyytwytquwoptweeteeeeeteeeetttttttt

80 cubea high and also 40 otherwise and the. 80as a necklace later cycle of a mentalism spinning base level constant harmonic of eternity the eternity trajecptry both they are. Middle two added some new balance matter energy matter energy as the say sure ly matter of the outer two end cubes of a cane pole

Take the small objects to put in your grey resting type of wording to descrive yhat they wrerere by they are green or but lile that foe any color while the objects make the hardest of the hard body with still cube yet a very advancevieeiii alow algeuae gell meltt god rythm healing and inspiring of awen liquid proportioning for any harder within the hard body parts which the other version rather than this still of course order of timing useage wbile not prolonggevitylordeoelwespnnnnnnnnnwordplaylongevitylongevity .25 .25 of strutures or of halves of if timing and not word play for the definition by the laws of the those spells you summon. Om shanti bless the bubble double shrunk 100 nautical miles of 100000 body lengths of yours personally per sure purple tip in orange and furthered though in reverse to he like yhe other side of a good what is the harmonic of a meaning and through art and not of yin and yang and vise versa of the purple so also in the red. But the jiggly from 100 miles are able to do a certain nind of direct super again again ,, again again wizardly by the ratios it is about simulation of mathematics in the changing which means mathematics in reality as the type of geometry nevertheless and is sacred pair of the sacred pair sacred pair algebra with the sayings of the science scroll momentum posts by JMPtD as a ttooollll and the likeness of the types of mages as usual and also the spell cycle through of the process post likewise for example plus the metaphysical seed lab sort of like a spectroelectromagnetic for more personal space of focus or professional both but vnvnnnbbbvbcbbcnxbbbbbnvnnnvmmnnnmnnevertheless perhaps personally while the non alonejust could be that name of what subject it is which is the subject to be interested about as the name to remember is spectro electro chemistry of magnetism. So physics is the outside while 8 is a number for auric///(energy) allowance like by as for what is 8 day spells while relative to other past comment there is there here is the 81 being as 81 having a fulfillment by the cubes but the 1 is created by felt additions through accuracy of the alignments appointed to and then through strong iagainbubulukshmugieshmuugiegiesmooosmoopujaouuhuuuhuuujuuujuuupuuhuuuplumvbvameaooupiwippipiouhuhohohohyauouoouuhhhhoooohhhwwwwoooowwwwaaaaappppppoooiuouiyyyaaaaaaaantuition again which attunes beinbg in some astrolological type of frequency which makes great gravity. The shadow magic coming from the weave of two seperate based but only fused as close as anything of the word heaven is as is what is as that is as the things that are as what is what is as what is as what is what as is what is what is as what is what is is what is what is as what is as a way that gives outer aura coordinated fields of cooresponannce espcecially of ahat is in the second 4 days then not only of what is without of the hard core or or or sure even just of course the good ole hard solids anywyas with what have holes within waving as well they do as wave waver waves of waves of the waves of the maturity mind training of the planet servitor phantom toy of greatfupnwas in analgrjwhohhwahahhhwwoooowwwowooaawaaoqaawaoaoaowowowow the anadramea sun which is what gives all black light to whoever we talk to by the linit of a million galaxies and even anywone who specifically comes by who was not timing aimed voiced to. Om shanti bless om shanti bless om shanti bless. The sexond four days being sorcererly as we commonly call it in this archeology sphinx beaded waist and necklace medalion that seeks and attracts and runs the ways of the mazes of your original desitinies of the lriginal destinies of the living orimordial seedd, so the second four days is what has some entanglement by resouse attractiok as welll as the nature of the mathematics by that it has not of scale proportion relativity ology as physica for a certain type of topology pure mathematics of crweqtive focus but is insteeeeeeddd tat lil il twingy bingy fqiwí ï í. _ , _ . Í í wave shape that is within or without any astrologixal energymaterenergymattwrenergymatterenetgymatterenergymatter matrix gggggggrid and of at least gravity with some cloud constant which proves the resources of further driving of any naturely inherited nature and grid or bubble projection of what has great astrological mysstic arwoeyroerkouws of courseyuhuoh uh uh owhe wets. Blee blaa bluuu blooo bliwwwqqgbbzvzvvzzzzzzdhueueueueheuehzzzhzzvhvzhzvzhzueueuejejfurjujudowjmxksnzkdownszkwirncosjdenzlqosndhdownxgsnroxticbecloudofbluenewwipedviewdreamviewthroughanythingtodoanythingtodoanythingtodohing hing high ching cgching skyed hue hue clay hue hue mud flame under bed of aloe and algae and clay and algae and clay and algae and alow and clay and algae and aloe and algae and aloe and algae and clay and egypian dream of thinking of time of just from what was even and what then became with some quick edge of big forest civilation ratios are there there being there for you as what is as what is what is the sorcerer time doing ancient natural science and honest communication filial drove template design laws of hermetics called occult mystical arts which simply are part of the piety fulfilled ancieng piety magix cisntants of its archeology which ahve the structure steucture of the prana structure of the atrifacts wavelength being a shape contorter of the matter of the artifacts collected inside of the vegan aquatic liquids replenishing from the abysmal jouyous lake and any water of the world which is the great result of just anyways the original desriny of the living primordial seed which is the name of a mage using these good ole 81 scales magick syayistwms yomie swamgyy swaggy swaoogathem niglateeighytyytyyyyy t t t t tt. TT. TT. Tt. tT. TtttTttTT. Om shanti bless.

So through and through the second set of four days being summoned therough minds cloud veing auric patricle quantum field constant expectations of the laws of the quatum raw constant projection of strength being constant and still being filled with power that can even be charges by survivial or astrological or nobastrological magic while the sentience of the self being the svabwaaaua uisssyayissssssssssisisisisc the hh uhg ugh as the cloud needed above the tree and the flames and rockshashedsclouckoudldldldldldldllalalalalalalalallllldldddldldlhahahahahahahaaalaalalalalaooeeoeooeeooeeoeoeooeeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoellrllllalallllddldldlddlddldllddldldlfllflflflflfldldldldldldelelelrlrlelflrlfldldlflfflsledlefrdlefllfdldldldlfdldldddddddd like kailasa rythms of the natural organic vibration field frequencies within their ness of particle creation by the figuring glogglegogglevblblvovovbobobvbvvvovvlgovovolglvoboglvofjvolgivkfidhoekwpsowogkofofofofodogofofrkfiehwifyowodoruehwofofuwvxkxu aquattlleofkgocjfofhbskdinsodokdndodxogigofbebog coenfos dof bath of the little people nnnade of little clouds as a ccclloouuddd. Om shanti bless. Enjoy the frequncys of the frequency of the tenths of the tenths oooffffffff ttttttthhhhhhhheeeeeeee tttttttttteeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnntttsttsstststtststshshshshshshshshshsshshssshsssssssshshsssssssshshshssshsssshsssssssssshsshsssssssshshsssssssssssshshhsssssssssssshssssssshshssshhssssssssssshhhssssssssssssssshssshssssssssssshssssssssssssssssssssssssssshssssssssssssssssssssssssssesssssshssssssssssssshsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssthe anogradamea saturn lookin platetary toy is a good inspiration afain (said like a peace full video game cpu guiding caracter in a holy 81 scale smagic and meditation amgix magic magick magic magick meditation or video game where each is as an option in the realm of the great just aporaching times of the possible realities whoch can just wiggle figgggglgllflwlelelelelelelelele jiijijjjijujijijjijooigigigogogjggfjjgjigfjigufjuufjiiiiiiiiifjjjjjjjjjjjjjfififififfjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifjjigiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggjjggijjhijiiijjjjjjjjjiiiiiijjiijijijiiiiiijjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiigggggggglggggglglllelelelleleleleleeeleleeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleleleleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleleleeelelleelleeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee into place

Om mani padme hum of aura workout in a slight dug our aloe algae sled depth deep clay coated with some clay of some way that has its aura workout and lather and intwnze glowing muscle dancing of bio memory and muscle memory and bio energy can let one be what does go out for whar is there as very great meaning of the caring lox,g soozozozoozozozlo,ing om vunny mannnipadneeeeee hhummmm. Om shanti blesssss unnmm yhaahaha like that rt t t t t. And then there is a sphinx box and that is your aura liek the spbinx being corner to corner or whatever is side to side or whatever is not parallellbeing verpendichlaahaaharrrrrraatrjaaath atrt for the fire small tunnel which has rocks of flower power and sap for theyogu tree body language transfiguration talking still doing dances of summoning basic wandsdirevitives and staff smooth follow through body channeling reality harmonics made of a reality that is of the wholesomeness and symmetry and breathing symmetries of the core philosophy which are of the yogaforums intelligence which arw also with thoge litrle boxea and circles and studfdfdff

9 is an image of the goooooodddddd oleddddd ddddddd dddddddreakkeesmmmmm reallmssssss magi metaltrlelelelelelglflrltlfdlejwhekelwlwlww scalessss with some sslsslslipememe. Ddriiddopeidn. Fff s s gmgf ggff drdrddrrrippingg slssslslslslsslssskllokikmmeeeee bbahabahakakktiiriiiiiiiiinsnsnzkzixuchebr bc. Jeieidnjxoenfjxuwebxnmzuwbenxosiwksbdjcu ycjernrnldmxnemxjxnsnwm bxzkanbdishsw jehbxuenxiebfxkwirywvb we rjfkvurnrj was sntkchxbebxuccifbcnxixg henfivu g bebefjfycbeiduebfirsjcbsixhejxifuwjxbxowhdeifhskcbuewjdidudjehs

Sushcusjdbciwwkbwixhenxiwsnwhzurbwoduorusjdiwjdhodhskcnjwxnhee de owicnsojnc skeioslxnwowlfjaoxndofuehfiegghffhvufbfcnxnxmmzmbzmxnxmcnzmxnzmcnzmxnzmxnzm


Bd. Cbbdbdjxcndvdnfsbcbcndndunxrbruyeifeyirrywurifjnwowznwoalqpakqozmfufhuwkcnfbbsxkcyywiwkqkzoiwpdiwpdjzlcnsmcbsldwjdpqirpeukdxhxudenfhcuehtbtbejcyvtvydurbyvtcejfuvyeutbdb beitutycbejtufucbjetufyducnbteudjccbdjjrrubcndeiryfydjdcbbcttutuyyryryytytycbcvvvvvvvvvvvvv3838383883

Mamamammaamaaaa pary booths are the way to present your metaphysical civilization metametacreationformatrixationformationformationfoooorrrfffoorororormmaammmamamamammaaaatttttttttttioioooooooooooliiiioiijkkkjinimbmgivmmmmvmvnvmbmbbmbmbmbmvbmvnvmvmbmvmmvmbmvmvnvbmnmbbbmmiiiiiiooiioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Rock the needing two of the middle and llllucksshshshshssmmaahahahahahhh and the eyehrtththte r thruer four and above by the ethererereree of the by the handbyly thoth theiyaotitt selfveseselelelslslsslsvwvwvewessess petra slisisisisosliliiiiididideodieieidieeeeassesess oh no i dont and the sssaaaaafmmddifmdmfirircgcctuon of the samuama is the pflignetereeerehergegegegegrgrersssssss sssudrerisimmmsmssisisisismsksomsisksksksishsurr erueriririrururueieirersire ditdd whars you can makekeje ssome bard lieimusciissxx. Is dont have a memory of the padt and the ancient and mystical are the words that are good for magic as well as agni of sure destiny of. Of. Offifofofofofofofofof. Fff oooofofoffof. There the water a water s that ahe saht age arusbfuehxuebd watteauaaaha aprathhat ja ha hataata aattt 777777

Nse 10:47