What is the significance of the ajna chakra in yoga?

[quote=The Scales;32730]Significance of Ajna working.

It’s like your internal TV screen. If its not on there ain’t no pictures. If it ain’t working properly the pictures could be fuzzy or fluttering.

There are specific practices as already mentioned but also, as already mentioned . . . a generalized practice of the hatha,raja, and mantra systems will develop everything nice and harmoniously.[/quote]


Could’nt agree more.

[B]Q: What is the significance of the ajna chakra in yoga? [/B]

A: It is Master Controller chakra.

[QUOTE=The Scales;32730]

It’s like your internal TV screen. If its not on there ain’t no pictures. If it ain’t working properly the pictures could be fuzzy or fluttering.


Could not be said better! (I just do not like the word TV:)

Just to clarify.

ajna is not the tv screens perse.

It ennables the screens to function, among other things…

Ah Well…Previously I had made this post here

So, its been 9 months since I am doing the Praanayama and the SudarshanKriya But offlate, I am experiencing 2 things…not daily though…probably 2-3 times in a week…

After completing the Sudarshan Kriya, when I lay down to relax :
a) I am experiencing some sensation in middle of my forehead
b) I am experiencing a sensation in my back…like say…a creeping sensation like something moving up from my lowerback to upperback…

What are your input on this? I mean, is this the usual sensations or some chakra getting activated or praana shakthi force…

I told I am getting some sensations in my forehead…over the past week or 2, when I relax after the practice…I am seeing colour,light,glow and stuff…[/QUOTE]

Here’s an update -

In the past 2 weeks,about 4-5 times, after completing my session and lying eyes closed,I saw a blue flame of marble like structure in my forehead

Today after the session,when I was lying down eyes closed, all of a sudden I saw a “white light inside my head”…as if somebody switched on a tubelight inside there…milky white light…

Any inputs on this?

[QUOTE=SMB;34647]Ah Well…Previously I had made this post here

Here’s an update -

In the past 2 weeks,about 4-5 times, after completing my session and lying eyes closed,I saw a blue flame of marble like structure in my forehead

Today after the session,when I was lying down eyes closed, all of a sudden I saw a “white light inside my head”…as if somebody switched on a tubelight inside there…milky white light…

Any inputs on this?[/QUOTE]

Are you experiencing any benefit to your life from this experience? If not, I would consider it insignificant. If your yoga helps you to be kind to others however, then you’d be on to something!

[QUOTE=SMB;34647]Ah Well…Previously I had made this post here

Here’s an update -

In the past 2 weeks,about 4-5 times, after completing my session and lying eyes closed,I saw a blue flame of marble like structure in my forehead

Today after the session,when I was lying down eyes closed, all of a sudden I saw a “white light inside my head”…as if somebody switched on a tubelight inside there…milky white light…

Any inputs on this?[/QUOTE]

Those forms of concentration that bring extraordinary sense-perceptions cause perseverance of the mind. - yoga sutras 1.35

was there bliss from the milky white light?
Was it a point of light? Like a dot of light?
Was it a fluttering light above the brow?

Well…Somethings are quite difficult to explain :D…but let me try…

After the Kriya when I was laying down…all of a sudden I felt as though a milky white light filled up inside my head…first time its happening to me in these 9 months of practice…its like, say, you are “inside your head”…fully dark…and all of a sudden this white light filling up…( I told earlier, Imagine you are in a dark room and someone switching on a tubelight…that sort )…

I felt quite pleasant,relaxed…Some good thoughts - I felt like taking my parents out to Lunch to a restaurant On Friday ( its been many years since I did this )…then one fellow who had done a theft in my place came into my mind…I thought next time if he comes I will just forgive him ( Cant believe it…All these days I was waiting for that fellow to come so that I can blast him away :smiley: …Now this thought comes )

And Ya, yesterday when I was doing the Kriya itself, I felt the milky white light at the roof ( inside of my head ) & also while lying down eyes closed…And yes, a little later, one orange/yellowish light which filled up inside my head proceeded to come down and felt like it filled up my face…I got a blessed feeling what with that light filling up my face before everything disappeared…

But today Nothing…No milky lights…Nothing…

And …I am also visualising the blue marble-like thingy in my forehead…on many occassions…[B]Just dont know what to do further with this blue flame and milky white light…[/B]:smiley:

Hopefully I have conveyed the experience so that people here could understand. :D…because its difficult to explain such experiences…

um yea so are you focusing prana in the forehead area?

What the practice your doing?

what is your goal in all this?

From what I understand peoples experiences can vary. I have experienced 4 different types of formats but never anything physical to do with the ajna chakra that I was ever aware of…

1st Type is…I lay flat on my back. I choose darkness in room. I close my eyes drawing them inwards, very slightly boss eyed. I find laying flat aligns my focus down the length of my nose to the tip. I then look into the blackness in that direction, for a light, a tiny yellowy white light. When I spot it I try and hold onto it, it comes and goes I keep looking for it and so on. At some point it gets bigger, this is the third eye opening. I’m then aware of speed and travelling in a light sort of tunnel. and then I see whatever Im presented with.

2nd Type …This format is more easy, I do all the same as above except I start to see a blue/violet light, not a pinpoint yeloowy/white light. By keeping focus on it, it begins to fill the space im viewing. I then see a hole appearing in the blue, I focus on the hole, it gets bigger and then this is the third eye opening to a scene

3rd Type…This in is a relaxed, meditative state that can happen anywhere anytime any position but usually laying on my side. Im presented with a full colour bright colour scene, Hindu/Buddhist in its representation, triggered sometimes by a thought accidentally thought by not realising I am in this state. Or jst presented without any thought.

4th type…this is the most important. The red heart, referred to by Buddhists. This is a format of red and black intertwining streaks, moving at a steady pace a definate feeling of a steady journey ahead . The scene draws to a sto and there ahead of you to the left or right is a seated Buddha. You think then, quite naturally…what or who is that, there isnt any fear in you…u move closer to him and after a while he wakes and levitates and moves central to your eye positioning and moves into the brow area.

These are my experiences, I hadnt noted any physical feelings because my focus is only on the light and nothing else. It helps if your body is very tired because body focus is less.

The Ajna Chakra, also known as the Third Eye Chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the body's energy system according to various yogic and spiritual traditions. It is located in the space between the eyebrows, at the center of the forehead. The word "Ajna" is derived from Sanskrit and means "command" or "perception." The Ajna Chakra is associated with higher consciousness, intuition, insight, inner wisdom, and spiritual perception. Here are some key aspects of the significance of the Ajna Chakra in yoga:

  1. Seat of Intuition and Inner Wisdom: The Ajna Chakra is often referred to as the "seat of intuition" or the "mind's eye." It is associated with the ability to perceive and understand subtle energies, inner truths, and higher dimensions of reality beyond the physical realm. Activating and balancing the Ajna Chakra enhances intuition, insight, and inner wisdom, allowing individuals to access deeper levels of understanding and guidance.

  2. Integration of Dualities: The Ajna Chakra represents the integration of dualities and opposites, such as light and dark, masculine and feminine, and individual and universal consciousness. When balanced, the Ajna Chakra fosters a sense of unity, wholeness, and harmony, transcending the limitations of dualistic thinking and perception.

  3. Clarity of Mind: The Ajna Chakra governs mental clarity, concentration, and focus. When balanced, it promotes clear thinking, discernment, and decision-making, free from confusion, doubt, and mental chatter. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and concentration techniques can help activate and strengthen the Ajna Chakra, leading to greater mental clarity and insight.

  4. Vision and Visualization: The Ajna Chakra is associated with vision and visualization, both inwardly and outwardly. It enables individuals to envision their goals, aspirations, and desires with clarity and focus, manifesting them into reality. Visualization techniques, such as creative visualization and guided imagery, can be powerful tools for activating and harnessing the energy of the Ajna Chakra.

  5. Higher Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening: Activating the Ajna Chakra facilitates spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness. It connects individuals to their higher self, universal wisdom, and the divine, leading to profound insights, mystical experiences, and a deeper understanding of the nature of reality. The Ajna Chakra is considered a gateway to higher states of consciousness, enlightenment, and self-realization.

  6. Psychic Abilities: The Ajna Chakra is associated with psychic abilities and extrasensory perception, such as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), and clairsentience (clear feeling). Balancing and activating the Ajna Chakra can enhance these intuitive abilities, allowing individuals to access information beyond the physical senses and perceive subtle energies and phenomena.

  7. Physical Health: In addition to its spiritual significance, the Ajna Chakra is believed to influence certain aspects of physical health, particularly those related to the head, eyes, brain, and nervous system. Balancing the Ajna Chakra may help alleviate headaches, eye strain, and other ailments associated with the head and brain.

Overall, the Ajna Chakra holds profound significance in yoga and spiritual practice, serving as a gateway to higher consciousness, inner wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. By cultivating awareness and activating this energy center, individuals can access deeper levels of insight, intuition, and spiritual transformation, leading to greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment in life.

The Ajna Chakra, or Third Eye Chakra, is significant in yoga as it represents intuition, insight, and higher consciousness. Located between the eyebrows, it fosters mental clarity, inner wisdom, and the integration of dualities. Activation of this chakra enhances concentration, visualization, and spiritual awakening, leading to profound insights and expanded awareness. It is considered a gateway to higher states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment in yoga practice.

Read Completed Details of Ajna Chakra