[QUOTE=Surya Deva;34432]Namaste Raj,
There is no such thing as Hinduism separate from Yoga. Hindusim is not an organized religion and does not have any clergy or monastic order, it does not have a particular founder, it does not have any particular scripture, it does not have any particular deity. This name was given to the underlying philosophy that was shared by Indian sects, religions and cults(Shaktism, Vaishavaism, Shiavism, Smartism) Although they had many outer differences in that they had different scriptures, worshipped different deities, performed different rituals, they shared the same philosophy which was tenatively called Hinduism. This philosophy is formed of the following tenets
1 Authority of the Vedas
2. The theory and practice of Yoga(Jnana, Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Kriya etc) to attain self realization by uniting with the universal consciousness
3. The doctrine of karma and reincarnation
4. The doctrine of dharma
5. The doctine of the teacher-student relationship
This is what Hinduism is. It is the universal science and philosophy you just described. Hence why we know it authentically as Santana dharma.
Yoga will not make a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian and a Jew a better jew. This is because all of Yoga theory and practice is fundamentally against the doctrines and beliefs of these religions. I will point these out
- They believe in a personal and creator god. Yoga believes god as pure consciousness within all beings and the entire universe as unreal and eternally existent.
[B]Saguna = With Qualities. I.e. the personal God. In the Various forms of: Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, the avatars, and shaktis…
Also there is a notion within your religion that the Universe comes into and out of being.
I don’t agree or not agree here. Doesn’t matter. Coming into being and out of Being is the work of the Almighty and thats His business.
- They believe this is the one and only life. Yoga believes in spiritual evolution and reincarnation
[B]Hell and heaven and purgatory. Rebirth is mentioned throughout the bible. But It’s not emphasized . . . at all.
- They believe occultic powers are demonic and Satans work. Yoga believes that occult powers are naturally developed as a part of its practice
[B]How so? Then that would mean Jesus and the Saints were of demonic powers doing the work of Satan. Interesting theory.
- They believe that god will punish us for our actions. Yoga believes in we are responsible for our actions and all actions are governed by the law of karma.
[B]“As you sew so shall you reap.” = The Law of Karma… Thats attributed to Jesus btw…
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” = The Law of Karma, and the Holy Dharma. All right there . . .
- They believe that we are bound to the body till death. Yoga believes that we are not never bound to the material body and can disassociate from our body at any time and enter into higher planes of reality.
[B]Hmmm. Depends on the Person you ask. [/B]
- They believe in revelation. Yoga believes in ones own direct experience.
[B][B][I]Revelation[/I][/B] is direct experience you bonehead . . .
1 a surprising and previously unknown fact, esp. one that is made known in a dramatic way : revelations about his personal life.
? the making known of something that was previously secret or unknown : the revelation of an alleged plot to assassinate the king.
? used to emphasize the surprising or remarkable quality of someone or something : seeing them play at international level was a revelation.
2 the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence or the world : an attempt to reconcile Darwinian theories with biblical revelation | a divine revelation.
You know how the Universal truths were revealed to the Rishis? Through the practice of Yoga? Through the Practice of Yoga. Say it again. Through the yoga/meditation the truth is revealed. Cultural forms put all kinds of words on this truth and make it a religion.
- They believe there is one way to salvation and that is accepting their god and their scripture. Yoga believes there are many ways to salvation and all paths can take you there.
[B]Misinterpration of Scripture and meaning of Christ. [/B]
- They believe there cannot be any god-incarnation, with the exception of Christianity which says Jesus was the only god-incarnate. Yoga believes avatars are numerous and always appearing on this earth. Many gurus are directly looked at as god-incarnates.
[B]So what?
If they need to they use the Word . . . saint. Mmmkay? [/B]
Now pray/tell how can you reconcile Yoga with these religions? You cannot. You will not become a better Muslim/Christian/Jew if you practiced Yoga you will become a Hindu.[/QUOTE]
Uh no. Once again. Hinduism is an outer cultural form.
Its hilaraious how much is hidden in plain view. Too funny.
The Yogas and in this case diving deep into ones own being, bring up the truth.
The truth is taken by the culture and over time becomes a religion…
Your entire religion is based on Yoga, which is the means of knowing, and not the other way around. Yoga is not based on hinduism. Hinduism is based on Yoga. AS are all religions.
Can I get an Amen?