I like your plan. My only suggestion is to do a lot of stretching after running as your leg muscles will tighten up dramatically. If you can do a martial art instead of running, that would be a much better choice IMHO. Capoeria will give you strength, balance, and cardio. Or if Caporeria is not available where you live, another martial art is a good idea. I do Kung Fu and Tai Chi, I find they mesh beautifully with my yoga practice. Bikram once a week is fine, just drink a lot of water afterwards and replace your lost electrolytes. Variety is the spice of life. Plus, I find that I learn something different from each teacher.
Personally, I find yoga to be calming and meditative. It adds to my spiritual life. However, I find much more meaning and truth from my religion. My religion requires far more sacrifice and devotion.