Yoga poses for Crohn's Disease

Ok, I found the documents that she gave me so I’ll snap some pics of the bits I mentioned about the sun, the thymus gland and about Essential Fatty Acids in general. Be back soon :slight_smile:

Ok, just so you know I’m not making anything up, here goes:

{3 urls were here but I’m not allowed to post them till I’ve made 15 posts… damn! lol}

I’ve got a huge booklet from her with similar documentation and every session I did with her, she’d give me something else and we’d discuss it heavily because I always wanted to know “what this does” and “why am I taking this” lol. I learnt a fair bit from her but I’ve also been big on health and nutrition for years and years and have been studying and practicing (a variation of) natural hygeine for years. Proper food combining makes a huge difference to digestion and physical health. Yoga is a massive part of my life too and I’ve been doing mainly Ashtanga, Iyenga and Ki Yoga for years. I also grow a lot of the stuff I eat, particularly herbs, and eat a lot of organic food.

David, what is the name of the forum you mentioned above, maybe I can pop in some time?

I’ll go and post a bit and come back haha

[QUOTE=Aviatrix79;70317]David, what is the name of the forum you mentioned above, maybe I can pop in some time?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link David, I’ll check it out later tonight.

Here’s my three links:

As I said, she’s a reputable naturopath here in Aus but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to be posting this. I might remove them afer a week.

Thanks. I think you misread or misinterpreted the “look at the sun” one. She isn’t claiming it’s the best way to get vitamin D, just that it would provide some. The closer to noon, the more vitamin D is produced.

No she said it was the fastest way to obtain it naturally, rather than through the skin. We had lengthy discussions. She also had me on Vitamin D3 in liquid form but she said to also look at the sun as the liquid dosage takes a while to kick in. She also had me putting it under my toungue and everything she prescribed, I took way more than the recommended dosages on the bottles because I was severely malnourished. I also remember discussing why so many people here in Australia suffer from Vitamin D deficiencies when we live in such a warm sunny environment and she blamed the skin cancer foundation for making us “slip slop slap”… slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat. Low Vitamin D levels contribute to cancer developement so it’s a little ironic isn’t it? We should stay out of the sun in the hottest parts of the day (in summer) but like everything in this world, we need the sun to grow and to prosper. We shouldn’t get too much sun but 20 minutes of skin constant a couple of times a week is sufficent… or, 5 minutes through the eyes a couple of times a week. Again, she made me do it every day because of the severity in my condition at the time.

I just read your link and I see where you’re coming from but in Australia, we’re close to the equator and we end up like lobsters if we’re in the sun too long between 11am and 3pm during summer. Winter of course is different. No one goes out in winter but we go to Bali or up north instead.

ETA: I think you misunderstood what I meant by the fastest or best way of getting the Vitamin D. It’s a fat soluble and as I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s not as easy to digest as other nutrients. In a case where someone has Gastritis or basically any inflammatory bowel disorder, the best way to obtain the Vitamin D is through the eyes because it’s very difficult for them to digest it. I hope it’s clearer now.

Vitamin D is not synthesized by staring at the sun. It’s UV light on the skin.

If you’re going to take part on you really need to fact check your information and source it from reputable sources or scholarly articles. We’re much more scientific in nature there. I often let such things slide here but will not over there. I am extremely protective of them. Thank you :slight_smile:

Ahh, if that’s the case then bugger them, and you… they, and you can pay $3000 a month with a nuturopath and I have work to do. See ya!

I wasted my time digging out all my documents. I was going to summarise everything for them and you but if my effort isn’t appreciated, what’s the point. I came here to help people not school them. They can do, and you can, do your own research just like I did.


Also it doesn’t seem like you’re protective of them. If you were, you’d want them to be cured. You’re protective of your ego and “being right”. LOL, I don’t have time for this crap. I’m not a naturopath. I don’t have references to text books. I have experence and advice from someone who had references to text books. If I had the references I’d be a naturopath myself charging people $3000 a month. Instead I offered to pass on this valuable information FOR FREE, at my expense because, I am bloody busy and have already used up my work time on this and blabbering about stupid references. It’s always the case with these idiotic forums. I’ll go on my way and help people individually when I can. In a forum I could do it once and that information stays. I am not subscribing drugs. I do not work for a pharmeceutical company trying to flog my products. I simply was going to lay down my case, tell my story and my journey to recovery and people could have decided for themselves if they wanted to try this or try that… in any brand name. But instead I copped smartarse comments from you and you finished it off with “I want to protect them”. Rubbish. You don’t want anyone healed because your forum will be useless just like doctors don’t want their patients healed because their services will become useless.

People are disappointing and I feel sorry for the people I could have helped. They can blame you and your stupid references.

Have a good day!

If you can source your information (text books are certainly not needed to do so) then it’s of course incredibly appreciated. But when you can’t because it’s wrong and your ego has a huge tantrum, then no, it’s not appreciated and I’m not going to let you potentially harm already extremely ill people.

I’m not going to accept something as being fact because someone who went to a Naturopath for a couple months says so. But if you have information that can be backed up by research then that’s fantastic and I’m always happy to learn more. If you can’t do a 15 second Google search and post a link to back up your assertion and have a tantrum when someone asks you to do so, then I suggest you take a giant step back and meditate on just what you’re getting so upset about.

Go bonk yourself you incessant nutcase :slight_smile:

" can be backed up by research "

LOL where was your link that was ‘backed up by research’ when you posted about the Vitamin D? That wasn’t research, that was just some website. You weren’t providing any ‘scientific’ evidence. I can randomly choose one out of millions of references for Vitamin D. What’s the point though. We are talking about Vitamin D here, not about some incredibly scientific and complicated. It’s Vitamin D! And I’m not upset sweatie. You’re the one with your knickers in a twist but I suppose that’s because your intestines are in a twist. No wonder you’re grumpy. Perhaps it’s you who should meditate and then you wouldn’t be asking for links on things as arbitrary as Vitamin D, which won’t harm you. In case you’re not aware, you can get these things over the counter and even free from the fucking sun :smiley:

I think you also need some Evening Primrose Oil because you are obviously menstruating.

“and I’m not going to let you potentially harm already extremely ill people.”

LOL, be careful everyone. The banana for potassium, the avocado and Almond Milk for vitamin E and Omega 3, the coconut oil that helps fight off viruses, bacteria and candida might kill you. Please check with your doctor before eating a banana just to be on the safe side :smiley:

You’re unbelievable David. You’re the most nuttiest person I’ve ever come across and you run a health forum? You’re after natural therapies but want ‘scientific evidence’. lol. Man, you’re nuts! The more I think about this the funnier it is.

[QUOTE=Aviatrix79;70336]You’re after natural therapies but want ‘scientific evidence’.[/QUOTE]

Natural therapies are based on trial and error i.e. pure science, the proof is in the pudding.

[QUOTE=Aviatrix79;70336]LOL, be careful everyone. The banana for potassium, the avocado and Almond Milk for vitamin E and Omega 3, the coconut oil that helps fight off viruses, bacteria and candida might kill you. Please check with your doctor before eating a banana just to be on the safe side :D[/QUOTE]
Look up “N-3 - N-6 fatty acid ratio” and the n-6 fatty acid content of each of those foods you listed. N-6 fatty acids are inflammatory. Are you going to prescribe those to someone with an inflammatory condition? Point being, just as asana should be provided on a person by person basis, so should natural foods. While each can be beneficial to one person, each can be detrimental to the next. By recommending people with inflammatory conditions eat what you stated, you may very well be doing the equivalent of pumping them full of PPI’s like the doctors you so rage against.