3 questions

  1. In Janusirsasana, which adductors are stretching, --the extended or bent leg?

  2. In abdominal twist, which abdominal obliques is the stretch focus? – Right, or left, when bent leg is Right leg, crossing left?

  3. In forward bend, is it incorrect to try and flatten the back? Is it advisable to have the back rounded a bit? Please explain your rational for your recommendation. Thanks.

  1. Bent leg will have to relax (not an active stretch) for the knee to come down.

  2. The obliques are two layers. Hence, one contracts when the other stretches (relaxes), the answer is explained in my book, page 151 for spinal twist. When you twist the upper body to the right the right Latissimus dorsi, left external abdominus oblique and right internal abdominus oblique are contracting. Their antagonists – opposite sides are stretching. In other words the left Latissimus, right external abdominus oblique, and left internal abdominus oblique.

  1. All yoga postures should be done with natural spinal curves as much as possible that especially relates to the natural lumbar curve. Since 90 degrees is normal range of motion for hip flexion all poses done at that point will begin to loose the lumbar curve and the spine will round. Hence while we want to maintain the lumbar shape it is impossible at some point beyond stick pose going into west backside stretch (paschimottanasana). The only students who can keep the curve will have hip flexion readings greater than normal. So for all others the rounding will occur sooner. For all students the end of the pose will naturally show a rounding of the entire spinal column. If the appearance looks like a symmetric C curve that is the ideal for me.