70 Year old with diabetic neuropathy

I give private instruction to a 70-year-old woman who has diabetic neuropathy. Are there postures that can be helpful? Are there postures that should be avoided? Would Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) be beneficial or harmful??

First of all ask what she likes. A senior knows best though might need guidance for clarification. For diabetes it is important that the student be given two approaches to address the underlying kapha imbalance. First and foremost are purification practices to detoxify system. This should include a more natural foods diet when possible. From yogic perspective, this would include Kapalabhati pranayama; inversions are good to her capacity, as they will induce peristalsis. Viparita Karani both unsupported and with bolsters is a good idea. Second perspective is to promote strength. Poses just need to be done directing her attention to the specific region or muscles you want her to tone. For neuropathy, I would particularly focus on strengthening her external hip rotators and hip extensors. This would include sunbird (see my book, Structural Yoga Therapy, pg. 139-142), locust, Warrior II. I would recommend avoid standing forward bends and sitting bends longer than just a few seconds. With neuropathy a good approach is to into and out of poses with breath rather than holding them.