A general question regarding yoga

hi there, i am 24 years old and practicing 2 yogas…the bhujangasana and the halasan, my main aim is to increase my height. i ve heard that i need to consult before doing these yogas but i starged about a month ago…

in the past ive had few back spasm issues but nothing serous… i just want to ask if doing these two yogas at the same time will help me or harm me

I am confused as to why you would do only 2 yoga asanas and not a fully rounded yoga asana practice.
And Yes you could do yourself a great deal of harm if you do the two asanas you mentioned incorrectly.
Please go to a class with a properly qualified and experienced teacher.

Here is the absolute correct answer…

If you do just those 2 postures you will gain a lot more problems than just your height :slight_smile: FACT!!!

seems like you have a problem with your appearance, i honesty dont think a super duper enlightened yoga master can even give you postures to grow more than a half inch at 24 years old. Since appearance seems to be a concern to you, I still recommend you still practice a good yoga routine… It will tone your muscles, give you sexy legs, stomach, and sexy everything! You will have a good glow in your skin. And you will feel better about yourself and other people will see that and be attracted to you.

Yoga wont help your height problem.

If you still really want to get taller… there are very expensive and horribly painful surgeries that cut your shin bones in half and use metal rods that stretch your bones weekly. Since you are 24yrs old already it should take about a year and a half before you can start walking properly.

Here is the absolute correct answer…

If you do just those 2 postures you will gain a lot more problems than just your height :slight_smile: FACT!!!

seems like you have a problem with your appearance, i honesty dont think a super duper enlightened yoga master can even give you postures to grow more than a half inch at 24 years old. Since appearance seems to be a concern to you, I still recommend you still practice a good yoga routine… It will tone your muscles, give you sexy legs, stomach, and sexy everything! You will have a good glow in your skin. And you will feel better about yourself and other people will see that and be attracted to you.

Yoga wont help your height problem.

If you still really want to get taller… there are very expensive and horribly painful surgeries that cut your shin bones in half and use metal rods that stretch your leg bones weekly. Since you are 24yrs old already it should take about a year and a half before you can start walking properly.

Short answer - it will harm you. You’re only practicing 2 potentially intense poses on the spine. You’re back spasms are trying to tell you this. I would recommend a more well-rounded practice that includes warm ups, gentler back bends/forward bends, twists, core work, etc. The 2 poses you mentioned need to be practiced very mindfully and gingerly after the body is warmed up. And preferably not one right after the other (hence the spasms).

I agree with the other 2 posters that asana will not really make you taller. However, a well rounded practice will likely improve posture and alignment of the spine. One of my students (67 yrs old) said her doctor told her she gained a a quarter inch of height since doing yoga. But that’s probably because she just stands taller.

thanks for all of your answers…

so can anyone tell what should i do now?

i also do jogging, is it a good warm up? also i was wondering to do just one yoga (halasan), would it benefit me then? my spine is also slightly aching now a days, so should i just leave everything and focus on warm ups?

plz help me… awaiting for your reply…


1.Yoga will not make you taller…but if you do a well rounded yoga asana practice properly it will improve your posture which may make you appear taller.
Halasana alone is a bad idea and if done incorrectly can do serious damage to the ligaments of your neck and upper back possibly making the neck unstable, if done incorrectly it could also damage the intervertabral discs, the nerves and blood vessels in the neck can also be compromised.
2.[B] the very best idea is to go to a properly qualified and experienced teacher[/B] who can teach you how to do yoga asana safely and effectively.
When you do go to a teacher it is very important that you explain clearly to him/her about your back pain so that he/she can assist you properly.

thank you everyone for your replies…

It is a fact that there is the least chance of gaining height, in female after 19 year of age and in males after 21 year of age. However, certain Yoga asanas (poses), if practiced regularly may (results vary from one person to another and, while some may gain height, other may not) help to gain ? to 1?? height. It happens only as regular practice of those asanas help to re-align the overall body and correct the posture. Moreover, if height gained or not, aligned whole body and correct posture (standing, sitting, etc.) give the practitioner a feeling of tallness subjectively, and it also reveal to others objectively.

can u please describe what you meant by feeling of tallness.?

also, i have been practicing certain asanas few years back and something strange has happened…it seems that whenever i wake up in the morning i am half or one inch taller but as the day progresses my height returns to normal…why is this happening?

plz can anyone help me?


I’m 4’11 and 24 years old, a fact that, not only have I come to accept will never change, but see as a blessing of uniqueness. Being smaller than your fellow man doesn’t mean you are not his equal. The hardest step you have to take here is acceptance of who and what you are, searching to change yourself only clouds your mind and takes away the true focus in life.

Today it is your height, and what if it is resolved? Do you seek to change your place in fate? Do you decide you don’t like the colour of your eyes?

Sit down for 10 minutes, close your eyes and breathe. Ask yourself if one half of an inch, or a full inch, will grant you any real quality in life. If the answer is “no”, then acceptance will come, and the “feeling of tallness” spoke of will come when you walk tall as a person who has come to terms with their own being. If the answer is “yes”, then I hope one day you will see why I have written this.

Good luck.

Chatfanatic88, It is true many people on certain days gains 1/2 or 1/4 inch of height in the morning.

It is because you have been lying down all night and the spine elongates and decompresses… As you go about your day you stand and your weight compresses the disc inbetween your spine. So you get a little shorter.

At your age 24, there is absolutely nothing you can do to get taller aside from painful expensive surgery. But I recommend do yoga anyway, it has amazing expansive benefits. Practice practice practice, all is coming

Om Shanti

can u please describe what you meant by feeling of tallness.?

also, i have been practicing certain asanas few years back and something strange has happened…it seems that whenever i wake up in the morning i am half or one inch taller but as the day progresses my height returns to normal…why is this happening?

plz can anyone help me?[/QUOTE]

Learn Samasthiti (standing - body alignment pose) for 30 seconds per day. You will experience what I mean by subjective experience of tallness.
About about second concern, I believe that it is just your personal feeling that you are half to one taller i.e. it is never through some objectivity or measurement that confirms a gain of half to one inche height every morining. Such an experience can be caused with tendency to do activities or job as a burden and habit of doing the same with a cramped posture.

Great Info!

I read these post and found some wonderful information for myself since i was looking for an exercise to increase my height. I have tried various remedies but in vain. I think i must try what you peoples have shared over here. Thank you for sharing these online though.