A good yoga sequence

I have a few books and one dvd. I mainly use yoga zone videos on youtube. If I find instruction I find it easier to focus on what I’m doing.
However it’s hard to find one that I like. At the moment I want a flowing routine that will help my hip and lower back (I’ve had issues with it nothing serious) and also will ease tension in my neck and shoulders.
Things I like:

  • I like a flowing sequence that focuss on the breath, I was doing yoga zone flxibility 2 and there was no flow just do this posture and then this one.
  • I like it when they offer alternatives or way to make the posture easier if you are stiff ( I am very inflexible in my legs etc and also tension in my shoulders makes postures like camel hurt)

I haven’t bought anymore dvds as I’m put off as the one I do have is not good and the other is just lying down and breathing. (Geri yoga -i know terrible example- and one more stress.

I’m just looking for some good videos or maybe some more variety than the books I have at home to help. I can’t afford to go to a class but I really want to find a yoga I love so that I will keep going. I’m usually off and on with it but it really helps my anxiety

Hi Jen,

How can we help? What is it that you are asking?
Are you seeking a video and/or book reference?


Thanks for the reply. Sorry if I didn’t make myself clear. I’m looking for either free online videos or dvd recommendations.
Although if there is any other resources available e.g. websites with free sequences that would be helpful.
I have a book called ‘yoga bible’ but it doesn’t say what the best postures are to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders. I am hoping to do that and improve my flexibility.


I have been using a site for years called Doyogawithme.com. It has many free videos. You can make a donation if you wish, but otherwise free. I have no affiliation with them, but have enjoyed for a long time.