I have a few books and one dvd. I mainly use yoga zone videos on youtube. If I find instruction I find it easier to focus on what I’m doing.
However it’s hard to find one that I like. At the moment I want a flowing routine that will help my hip and lower back (I’ve had issues with it nothing serious) and also will ease tension in my neck and shoulders.
Things I like:
- I like a flowing sequence that focuss on the breath, I was doing yoga zone flxibility 2 and there was no flow just do this posture and then this one.
- I like it when they offer alternatives or way to make the posture easier if you are stiff ( I am very inflexible in my legs etc and also tension in my shoulders makes postures like camel hurt)
I haven’t bought anymore dvds as I’m put off as the one I do have is not good and the other is just lying down and breathing. (Geri yoga -i know terrible example- and one more stress.
I’m just looking for some good videos or maybe some more variety than the books I have at home to help. I can’t afford to go to a class but I really want to find a yoga I love so that I will keep going. I’m usually off and on with it but it really helps my anxiety