A poll about God and the hereafter

Evening Core, how are you, Ive just surfaced from a nap…I had this action packed dream, I remember in full, I was in a house defending it from someone calling to sell sets of puddings in different packets!! they had already been to other neighbours and because others had eaten some of them, the pudding sellers were coming back to get them. I too had eaten some so I went into action.
I locked the door, put food down for the pets, got theses small children that I had to pack two days worth of clothes, the children didn’t know what two was so I had to spend time in the dream telling them exactly what two was… this was all in the plan to escape from the pudding seller… I was dressed like Rambo for it and was taking it all very seriously Then, I woke up!..ha .,do you think it would be a good sequel film…Rambo 8, Escape from the pudding sellers…

I know why puddings came into the dream, I had a chocolate sponge pudding with sauce that I forgot to eat because I fell asleep…ha

I just had a dream that I ate a giant marshmallow. And when I woke up, my pillow was missing.

hahaha Thomas xx

Hi Kareng,

That's pretty hilarious. Especially this bit:-

kareng says

I remember in full, I was in a house defending it from someone calling to sell sets of puddings in different packets!! they had already been to other neighbours and because others had eaten some of them, the pudding sellers were coming back to get them. I too had eaten some so I went into action.
It reminded me of a very brief experience of something dishonest i did once- when going round a few doors selling betterware catalgue products i took some money but never returned with the product- naughty... i felt pretty guilty too as it was a neighbour lviing across the road. it was'nt planned,just could'nt be bothered continuing with the silly job. they had a big house and all that so i don't think they were skint.however...

Now this bit reminded me of Predator for some reason:-

I locked the door, put food down for the pets, got theses small children that I had to pack two days worth of clothes, the children didn't know what two was so I had to spend time in the dream telling them exactly what two was..................... this was all in the plan to escape from the pudding seller.... I was dressed like Rambo for it and was taking it all very seriously Then, I woke up!....ha .,,do you think it would be a good sequel film...Rambo 8, Escape from the pudding sellers....
When you mentioned Rambo i thought that sounded pretty trippy like someone on acid basically, hallucinogenic drugs of one kind or another, lol..Or you've just got a really vivid imagination.

Kareng squats patiently looking up from the cellar in the full khaki attire smeared in earth dirt to camouflage herself.It's a slightly trippy image for some reason.Maybe i imagine you're a bit crazed for some reason' i guess the world of dreams can be like that though karen.We can all be a bit crazed, wild, animalistic if we're allowed.

Not as crazed as me...hehehahahahhehe

yes core crazy!!!
I think because I had fallen asleep leaving my chocalate pudding with sauce on the table, I was worried someone was going to eat it …Rambo being Rambo was the body I adopted to stop this, but the dream got confused by having pudding sellers in it for some reason Ha
I think really I was worried that one of my grown up boys or my pets would eat it…but again it got mixed up a bit ha
I also remember I was armed to the hilt, everything on my hips, guns, knives, …the things one does to defend their puddings!

It’s a constant worry when you get something good for yourself, like a treat to eat,funny you mention that i was talking about this very subject earlier this evening with someone( in their own case they related how someone they were with left a cake and they nearly ate it before that same person returned to retreive it), and you know if you don’t eat it straight away there’s a good chance someone else will have it and get there first.

Sure,You could always pop the hot chocolate pud in the microwave if it’s cold. ha xx

ha…I didnt know I was that defensive about my puddings :lol:

The unconscious mind is a vey powerful and subtle thing, kareng. It’s not the enemy but yes sometimes we have to strap on the full armoury of God just like Rambo to deal with these kinds of temptations.

I’ve heard Christains talkiing about that or one in particular, a bar-fly talking about “strapping on the full armoury of God” in response presumably to anything that is evil,appears ill-intentioned, unfirendly or untoward in particular…He was talking presumably about less than well-intentioned people or as away of protecting himself from negative forces,spirits,intentions,things etc.He was actually an all right dude and religious although he did have weakness for alchohol, along-term one as he was in his mid-sixities.

I hate to be a party pooper, but I think these kind of off-topic pointless conversations seriously undermine these topics. It is a bit annoying for causal readers as well who read these topics with interest and then when they get to the final pages they find nothing but nonsense.

I noticed how Lotusgirl boasted that “we” destroyed the “Is Yoga Hinduism” thread. I beg to differ, we had saturated every avenue of discussion in that thread and ended up with a very dynamic, large and popular thread. The bit at the end was just pointless and added nothing new to that thread. However, it is disturbing that posters on this web site who really should be settings examples, are setting examples of “sabotaging threads” If this becomes a precedent on our forum then everybody who does not like a particular thread, will engage in sabotage efforts. This is not the example longtime and respectable posters of the Yoga forum should be setting.

Although the debate of whether Buddhism is a religion or not is off-topic, and hence why I started a separare thread, it is connected to the general subject of this thread which is polling people for their views on god and the hereafter in that Buddhism also has a lot to say on these subjects.

Lighten up. A bit of playfulness and fun never hurt anyone!

Hi Surya sorry for going off-topic. I really do get & appreciate your point though.

But Kareng, Just one little question :wink:

When , in your dream, you were ‘dressed like Rambo’ did you actually change gender or were you a female version of Rambo?

You know why i ask that because i could’nt really imagine changing gender, myself, even when in a dream.

That’s cool Core. I was simply sharing an honest observation.

Lotusgirl, there is a forum for a bit of fun and playfulness, it is called the community forum. You can post a thread and tweet on what dreams you had, what you’re having for dinner etc, but to do so in the threads of other people in main forums discussing a particular subject is disrespectful, childish and even malacious because it derails discussion of the subject matter at hand, that many people maybe enjoying.

It is really about observing a bit of courtesy really. You really should not be hearing this from somebody who is at least 20 years younger than you :slight_smile:

I would compare the situation in this thread to a classroom at school that goes out of control. It begins as a class where everybody is learning, discussing
enjoying and then all of a sudden it goes out of control and becomes a party. Pens and pencils are thrown about, children stand on the table and dance,
mess is created. And this is suppose to be a Yoga forum? Ironic :wink:

And who are you? The Forum Police?

You continue to single me out.

I single you out because

  1. It was your idea in the first place to do this in threads and gloat about it
  2. You are a mature and sensible member of the forum, who happens to be a teacher of Yoga.

I expect higher standards of conduct from you. By all means have some fun, but in the right place. There is a right place for everything.

Again you should not be hearing this from somebody who is at least 20 years younger than you. You should be the adult here, not me.

And I expect people to listen and show compassion and kindness toward others. I expect someone who is 20 years my junior to show respect. I expect an honest debate, not preaching and saying the same thing over and over.

My standards of conduct are just fine thank you.

I like the class room analogy; that’s is a good one and i can see what you mean.I remember someone else explaining how can some one talk about something if others are all throwing pencils and rubbers about the room.I think a bit of frivolus fun is okay.I think the tone of a discussion can change when folk take themselves too seriously. That can happen when they are not really interested in disccussing something in an open fashion but talking, perhaps arguing at you.When some is trying to put another down emtionally or intellectually- i.e they’ve somehow “lost” an argument, when the desire to “win” is all that matters then they are not open to another’s point of view…People back off to avoid conflict or they can’t be bothered.I’m sure we’ve all got better things to do, betteer ways to invest our energies etc.This place is not unique in that respect but the standards i’d expect to be that much higher given the nature of the forum. However that is not to say a bit of light banter is not okay as long as it does’nt potentially offend or derail anyone’s intended discourse too much.

If you don’t lead by example then what can happen is pandemonium breaks out, things collapse or typically nothing gets discussed, no-one bothers posting,participating and so on.

Well, you could start by not calling people arrogant. I assure you it is not very kind :wink:

This thread has definitely been killed and this is a shame. I am going to bow out of here for now and hope that you do not feel the need to “destroy” any other threads, for your own sake.

As IA said somehwere else, the bar is always raised (that much higher) in a " spiritual " community like this or in the company of “spiritual” people. I think i understand the reasoning behind this from a yoga perspective.Respect tends to be earned the hard way. You don’t get respect and should’nt look for it if your relationships with others have friction as a part of it.

Surya Deva,

I’m sorry you were called arrogant.And yes i agree it’s rude even for anyone.Apologies.I hae no intention of taking any imagined sides here.

Core, I understand you are not taking sides at all. You are neutral and non judgemental(in the sense that you hold no prejudices) and probably a better yogi than I am :smiley:

Some people here, and they will know I am referring to them, put on pretentions that they are spiritual, kind, compassionate, loving, but their actions speak to the contrary.

I am not even going to pretend I am spiritual, kind, compassionate and loving, because I know I am not. I will be one day and I strive to become a better person everyday of my life. I have no need for pretending.

Yogiadam once made a very honest observation about this forum. This forum is no different to any other forum online. In reality if we were all yogis we would all be spiritual, kind, intelligent, kind , compassionate loving and there would be a marked difference between our forum and the forum of the common joe. The very fact that this is not the case, shows clearly that we are all just common joes(with the exceptions of people like you who seem to more legit) pretending to be spiritual - but our actions give us away for the common joes we are.

As Suhas Tambe remarked once something like being negative, in any shape or form, is indeed a subtle form of ahimsa or violence, on oneself & others… And that extends to one’s thoughts, thinking patterns, habits of course.How we react to thing respond.Takiing the higher moral ground is never easy.None of us are perfect and we should’nt succumb to the trap of self-delusion or thinking we are holier than we are…I think you’re pretty frank about any perceived shortcoming you think you might have & I try to be myself.

I think you’ve handled alot of criticism that has been thrown your way really well.And i am not impressed when folk appear to be rude to you even when they might appear to be trying to be subtle about it.If folk can’t learn on a yoga forum,then they will learn outside of it. I’ve also learnt a great deal from your contributions here.And for that i am grateful. Thank You.

Yeah people can’t see what you think what is actually in your head as yogiadam pointed out but they can draw their own conclusions based on behaviour,recurriing patterns, what you say and so forth.You should be able to suss folk out relatively quickly the moment they open their mouth or post something. You cannot draw firm conclusions but you can make a reasonable guess.

I know that folk can make first impressions about one so i try not too leave much room for ambiguity if we don’t know each other… I then feel more comfortable having the odd joke when i feel i’ve got to know them to some degree, the trust and any respect is there, and very little can be misinterpreted or if any misunderstandings do occur can be quickly recitifed.Mutual trust & respect does have to work both ways otherwise dialogue is at best difficult or can border on not very fruitful or meaningful. Indeed meaningless is possible other thn leanring than that difficult people can indeed be like that. And the chance are we all know that anyway.

You can have meaningful forum or one that slides more towards the meaningless.If it is the latter then anyone with any sense is not inclined to controbute to it. In fact a healthy alive forum that is fairly busy where posting is open and unhindered, unrestrained but healthy, is likely to be inspired to be always edging & moving in the former direction… …Constructive rather than destructive,mildly,subtly or grossly, and so on.