A poll about God and the hereafter

[QUOTE=lotusgirl;42265]And who are you? The Forum Police?


Now that is funny

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;42269]Well, you could start by not calling people arrogant. I assure you it is not very kind :wink:

This thread has definitely been killed and this is a shame. I am going to bow out of here for now and hope that you do not feel the need to “destroy” any other threads, for your own sake.[/QUOTE]

You do of course realize that by harping on this it may prove lotus girls point based on the he who yells loudest view… or it may not depending on your POV.

However by harping on this like you are it could go a long way to proving you may be vindictive? which is not very enlightened.

Now?have at me. :wink:

As we are all average Joes and Joesses, purporting to be spiritual when we actually are not, we possess all the weaknesses that go with this, don’t we JoSurya, harping on,which is faltering in threads, side tracking, making light, grandiose posts, telling jokes, being sarcastic, insulting people,worthless dream talk, destruction of threads, being arrogant, using incorrect words like disingenuous, etc etc etc.

As JoSuryas statement is true, then as average joes and Joesses, anything goes :smiley:

Kind Regards Joesskareng

In many respects I do not believe in God. If there was a god as worshipped in many cultures the extent and severity of ‘evil’ would not be so arbitrary, and increasing. I know this is an old argument and there are many old explanations and justifications, but they remain unsatisfactory. The bits of the god principle that is clearly beneficial to mankind are those pertaining to human behaviour and practices. I include yoga in that.

I do have a deep-felt conviction that there are many powerful forces in our universe that remain unresolved and undiscovered, and our thoughts and actions both affect and are affected by these forces. Sometimes subtle, sometimes profound. Centuries ago a thin brown guy discovered ‘om’ while sitting in the sun too long. Now we find that all matter and non-matter are tiny vibrating strings. I can’t help thinking if there is a connection.

Dear fb,
Beliefs in life are one?s personal choice, more so when it comes to God. Sometimes one is left with no choice and adopts what comes his way through the family, it depends on, as per my belief, the advancement of the sole over various incarnations. As per the sleeping prophet, the Edger Cayce, of the US, the soul decides to take birth in place, time and family so as to enable itself to neutralise the remnant karmic load with persons, he has something to settle, giving or taking, most of whom he had transacted with, in previous births. So it is not by chance that you meet a person in the present life, including your wife, ?rinbandhan?, as Robert E Svoboda calls in his books Aghora I, II n III.
During ones adulthood, one adjusts ones belief, depending upon ones intellect, circumstances and experiences and dies with them and is reborn to redefine them again.
I don?t say Hindu teachings, as they are today, are the ultimate truths (remember 5000 years of transmission mostly orally, to get corrupted to certain extant) but by far, they offer the best explanations to the mysteries of life?

[B]1) Do you believe in God?[/B]
Yes. Without a doubt. In fact I know he is.

[B]If yes, do you believe God is a “person” in the sense that he/she knows and loves?[/B]
I believe that an aspect of him does know and love. Yes…

[B]3) Do you believe God is omnicient and omnipresent? Is there anything that has ever happened or ever will happen that God does not know?[/B]
Well yes, I’ve read that these are some of his qualities, I find it plausible, but not comprehensible to me how he does it. So yes I believe that God is Omnicient and Omnipresent.

[B]4) Do you believe you can communicate with God and that God hears your prayers?[/B]
Yes. But I don’t think it’s direct face to face - more like [I]via relay[/I].

[B]5) Do you believe you have a soul that will continue to live after your body dies, and if so, do you believe there will be a continuity of your memory and a sense of being the same person but in a different state?[/B]
Depends on what you mean by soul. But yes . . . death isn’t the end, not even close…

[B]6) Do you believe in reincarnation?[/B]
Beleive no? Know? Yes. But I wouldn’t call it reincarnation.

[B]7) Do you believe there is a Heaven where the soul will live happily and eternally?[/B]

Yes there are heavens, but as I understand it what we think of as heavens are not the end game but another rung on the ladder so to speak. With the final destination - if thats your wish - being Paradise. Paradise being where the Father is, other than everywhere…

[B]8 ) Do you believe there is a Hell for those who reject God and where the soul will live eternally but unhappily?[/B]
Infernal realms exist. One’s stay is not eternal…but i’m pretty sure you won’t want to go back once you get out, that is of course if you aren’t cast into “the Lake of fire” in which case you won’t remember a thing, and it will be “like you never were.” Which is a damn shame. Such a massive waste of time.

People have been talking at length about Chinese sweatshops have exhausted the United States jobs, currency manipulation and unfair trade. In fact, the competitiveness of the United States is suffering from an even greater threat: cheap Chinese are rapidly faded; a new one focusing on innovation has gradually surfaced. In order to take a position in the forefront of innovation territory rapidly, the Beijing government has invested heavily in science, engineering research and education, with implementation of substantial tax cuts and generous subsidies to technology enterprises. The focus on the innovation may promote China to turn from development depending on the consumption of resources to the development depending on the innovation of science and technology. Therefore, the innovation may strengthen China, but this does not necessarily mean that it will rise at the cost of the United States

Dear lotusgirl,

what do you think Buddha would answer if someone ask him that what is Buddhism?
i think he won’t have any conversation about it or he would just be an environment and let us find out ourselves.

love & peace

[QUOTE=lotusgirl;41771]There are Buddhists who believe Buddhism is not a religion. This is a fact. There are Buddhists who believe Buddhism is a religion. This is a fact. There are Buddhists who believe in God and most who do not. Some believe in reincarnation, some in rebirth. What I’m getting at is Buddhism comes in many forms.

And Surya Deva I am sick and tired of you constantly saying disingenuous. Can you never bring up anything without resorting to mean spirited attacks? I have no need to defend myself or what I have said.

And Thomas, I don’t know what to tell you. Not all yoga teachers bring up reincarnation or rebirth in their classes. You can choose not to attend if it bothers you. The vast majority of yoga teachers that I know only teach asana. Nothing else.

And at this point, I am taking a break from this forum.[/QUOTE]

1,If you name God is someone who has create all this exquisite universe and beyond then yes i believe in God.
2,Yes, we all are Godhead.
3, if everything is created by God then God is everything and everywhere.
4, If you believe that he is in you then how can’t you communicate ? do you really think we need to pray for something? don’t you think God is generous enough and has already given us everything?
5,6, if we identify ourself beyond conceptual structure of body-mind-emotions etc. then death can’t kill us. We may have better understanding of the laws of nature in our future lives.
7,8, Do you think there is no sunshine or the rain or breath in the house of The sinner? if God treat us equally then Heven(happiness) and Hell(sadness) are state of mind and merely vehicles for True realization.

Love and Peace

[QUOTE=thomas;41201]I’m just curious about what others believe. I’m not going to followup with any criticisms or question, except to clarify. I’m not going to debate you or question your beliefs–I just want to know.

  1. Do you believe in God?

  2. If yes, do you believe God is a “person” in the sense that he/she knows and loves?

  3. Do you believe God is omnicient and omnipresent? Is there anything that has ever happened or ever will happen that God does not know?

  4. Do you believe you can communicate with God and that God hears your prayers?

  5. Do you believe you have a soul that will continue to live after your body dies, and if so, do you believe there will be a continuity of your memory and a sense of being the same person but in a different state?

  6. Do you believe in reincarnation?

  7. Do you believe there is a Heaven where the soul will live happily and eternally?

8 ) Do you believe there is a Hell for those who reject God and where the soul will live eternally but unhappily?[/QUOTE]