A quote that hit the spot

I may have read something similar before but it never resonated. A couple weeks ago I read a quote similar to this "The problem is we try to understand God with our brains/mind, you can never understand God this way, God can only be felt, through the heart, if you search for God with the mind you will always search in vain"
I am very analytical and this thought hit home with me,
just thought I would share.

I like this very much too. Thank you for posting it :slight_smile:

The first time I heard a quote that said something to the same extent I had a similar reaction. Maybe not the first time I heard so much as the first time I realized what it meant for myself. Although, I’ve never relied too much on my logical thinking as much as my intuition. It isn’t any less verifying, for me at least, to confirm something through how it feels rather than logical analysis. And when you are trying to empathize with something like God you have use all of your faculties. Not just intuition, logic, reasoning, philosophy, ect.

Very humbling and true quote, thanks for sharing.

Nice Brother Neil. Thank you!!!

Or, as I have learnt, it’s only human pride what makes us question the existence of anything we can’t comprehend. Truly, if something does not make any sense, many jump to the conclusion that it’s untrue. A more honest approach would be that perhaps my life expereince, my knowledge base, and the very ability to have a living unprejudiced thinking process of my own, are still missing. Yes, our intellect might have it’s limits, but does this mean those limits can’t be pushed out further ?

Our verbal intellect is a tool. There are higher forms of cognition, and those are: imagination (when the inner processes are no longer carried out in sentences, words, and abstract concepts, but images), inspiration (when the inner processes become expressesd and expereinced as sounds) and finally, intuition (when knowledge dawns on us without any similarity with the sensorial world).

Can God be described by our limited tools ? Of course. Will that description be absolutely accurate ? Of course not. Does this make descriptions useless ? No. We arrive to the very feelings brother Neil talks about following these descriptions, and letting them reverberate in our souls. Than if we are truly honest aspirants, the intuition of something higher than us, than what our limited consciousness is able to grasp will awaken in our soul. Will that be a feeling ? I’d rather say, it will be an intuition, to what we will probably relate emotionally. Thus, it’s not mere emotion.

yes, thank you all and thank you, hubert :slight_smile:

the heart is our inner teacher, our sadguru, which connects us to the fourth kosha, the [I]vijanamaya kosha[/I], our higher mind and our access to wisdom consciousness. The felt connection with the fourth kosha can be lessen by over identifying with emotions, those pleasurable and painful, but you put so well that it is not merely emotions that keep us from, and enable us, to gain a sense or experience of God.

Something that has been a useful tool in my personal work is to think about the koshas as translators. For example, we experience the limitations of knowing God with our minds, and this experience of lacking and unfulfillment is then translated to emotions by our third kosha, the manomaya kosha. These emotions are often painful, which creates an action of change, we also get insights from our spiritual heart that this is the right tool for the job in this seeking state. It is often the pain of lacking and disconnection, those emotions, that propel us into leaving the lower mind, the third kosha, and to go deeper into that spiritual heart, which takes us to the fourth, where the sense of God becomes more available to us. This sense of God then takes form on all the koshas as is unique to each other: there is joyfulness and grace, there are pleasant emotions, there is a balancing and fullness of breath, there is healing and surrender in the body.

These experiences are not exclusively held by those who are faithful either, we all have these opportunities through the world and our place within it. What is describe or experienced as God for one, will quite often be described or experienced as something unrelated to a God or outside-the-self deity. Our experience is our experience; it is as we relate to it.

Thanks for getting the thread back to more positive aspects of life, while showing great understanding and tolerance.

You are now a fully fledged teacher.
Where can I apply for classes ? :slight_smile:

I’m reading a lot of scientific literature. Biology, chemistry, physiology, and physics. This books a written by extremely intelligent people. They explain lot of things from scientific point of view which is supported by experiment and tests,

BUT they still admit an existence of God.

[QUOTE=CityMonk;34280]I’m reading a lot of scientific literature. Biology, chemistry, physiology, and physics. This books a written by extremely intelligent people. They explain lot of things from scientific point of view which is supported by experiment and tests,

BUT they still admit an existence of God.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, there is something beyond Neil