Adductor longus

Hi Mukunda.
I have a new student who has torn his right adductor longus and aggravated the injury through playing sports and running. In your book you recommend some standing poses (trikonasana, parsvottanasana, Virabhadrasana I) and floor work (badha konasana, upavista konasana, janu sirsasana) to stretch and strengthen the adductors. However, in working with him, he finds most of those poses very painful and so perhaps they are not actually beneficial for him at this stage. He is okay with the joint freeing series and I’m wondering what else he can do to regain the strength and mobility in the ductas. Any ideas greatly appreciated.
thank you for making this forum available

This muscle provides both internal and external hip rotation in additon to flexion and adduction. So all motions of the joint freeing series are fine. Sounds like his condition is acute so i would keep him to the JFS instead of pursuing a full asana practice at this time. Give time to heal first. mukunda