
I’ve found an intersting Band offering very modern way to sing Mantram , I find it fantastic!
But i wonder if it’s correct pasting ancient veda mantra words with modern music and i’d like to have some opinion.
this the site of that MANTRA band, to hear for free push Music.
Brokaduru Mantra Power



Welcome to the forum. I listened to the music on the site and, I must say it doesn’t harmonize with me at all.

I am no music fundi, but would like to offer the following thoughts on Japa Yoga (the singing of mantras, kirtans and bhajans.):
[li]The sadhana of mantra (japa) yoga together with nada yoga are integral parts of the spiritual experience on awakening Kundalini and the realisation of Brahma through sound.[/li][li]Mantras contain hidden spiritual powers, which is further enhanced and refined by musical instruments. [I must say I find it hard to think that modern musical instruments add refinement (my own judgement here)].[/li][li]Although mantras could well be expressed as poetry, the method of singing them in a specific rythm, has been given immense importance by the rishis.[/ul]Unfortunately the music of the related site is a bit hectic for me and it feels to me as if it defies the purpose of mantras and that is to bring peace, harmony and balance into your being. [/li]
But hey, if it blows your hair back, enjoy it! :wink: Each to his own.

Advertising? I think so and I think that this band has been advertised here before; I just can’t seem to find it.

I trust your instincts Nichole. I don’t remember it, but if you think you saw it, chances are pretty good that you did.