Advice Sought

Hi all,

Long time lurker here and thanks for all the fantastic posts and threads that are on here.

I practice at home currently as it suits my lifestyle currently although I have been taught by teachers in Hatha yoga previously.

Please can someone with knowledge offer me some advice on the following.

As part of my practice I kneel down and then bend forwards into child’s pose. As I bend forward my bum raises in order that I can bend forward deeper - it raises quite early on as well!

Should I be keeping my bum against the backs of my legs and not letting it raise, deepening the posture slowly that way, or should I bend forward as deep as possible and focus on pushing back into my legs?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

No one has responded to this yet? It’s my understanding that your butt should rest on your heels, or as close as you can manage. Then stretching forward from there.
(I have had knee injuries which means this is one of the hardest poses for me, and I usually have to use a bolster between calves and bum.)

Hello Dave,

So we’re discussing actions in Balasana (Child’s Pose), is that correct?

This pose is a pose of surrender, a pose of introspection. It is a passive pose and therefore it is more about letting than doing. However there is another concept that this brings up and that is the nature of working in poses as it relates to origin and insertion of particular muscles.

When we root or ground one thing then move its opposing side we “work” in one location of the muscle. When this is reversed we get another location for that work. Ergo there are three ways to “work”; root a and move b, root b and move a, find an equilibrium and work both a and b.

When the body is stiff AND you, the student, root the sitting bones on the heels THEN bend forward, you place undue torque on the sacrum and sacroiliac joint and create tension in an already chronically tight muscle, the Psoas. For these reasons, unless you have a particular intention you’ve not shared, I would rest the forehead on the floor (or brick, folded remnant, blanket et al), the outer ribs on the inner thighs, and place a folded blanket, bolster, or foam pad between the sitting bones and heels.

From there the work is to release using your awareness, its ability to direct, and that which it directs - the breath. Tight quads and low back muscles do inhibit this pose so if you are focused on “doing” it then please address these areas in the practice that precedes Balasana and see how that may effect the depth of the pose.


Thanks for the replies folks, Gordon, I will give that a try and see how it goes - appreciated :slight_smile: