After a break like a beginner again

I am new here and happy that I discovered this forum!

My first question that I struggle with a lot (and I didn’t find this topic by searching the forum):

Normally I do yoga 2-3 times a week in a yoga school, since more then two years now. Sometimes for reasons like holidays, illnesses or just too much work I skip 1-2 weeks. After this the next 1-2 yoga classes are very hard for me, it feels like I am a beginner again and I lost all my strength and flexibility. Why is that? Is that normal?
I can understand that of course when not practising regularly it has a bad effect - but after several years of practice should be some stable strength and flexibility that is not gone after 1-2 weeks isn’t it?

If you experience the same or have an idea how I could improve that, please let me know, I would be very thankful :slight_smile:

Namaste ***

What [I]sort[/I] of practice?

I do mainly Hatha Yoga, also some Vinyasa Yoga. Standard 1 and half hour…

I keep most strength but i do static postures/asanas. Maybe i have 60/70 per cent if i dont do it for 6 months , which goes up to hundred after a week or two if i start again.

Its like going to the gym such muscles disappear fast. Static training is long lasting.

It is not only the strength, its also the flexibility! And I regain it very fast, after 1-2 trainings its like I never took a break. But it is still very weird I think (and a bit demotivating as well). Perhaps its also connected to my attitude when I start again after a break, I am not sure.

Our muscle needs to be maintained otherwise we lose some of it, nothing strange at all :).

Having muscle demands energy and if you dont use them why would the body keep them?

Would you keep paying for storage with nothing to store in it?

Sure, if I do not practice for 1 or 2 months, I would understand it! :slight_smile:

But after 1 or 2 weeks?!

Seems quick are you sure its not stress hormons that keeps you going when your doing it, normal hectic life and yoga combined maybe depletes you? And then when you dont do it for one week maybe body tries to catch up? I have no idea, best is to just observe your mind and body and eventually you will get an answer, by experimenting.

Yes, probably you are right … and yes, I will try to observe more without getting angry that my body does not work sometimes as I plan :wink:

Seems normal to me, at least your normal. You could add in a home practice inbetween when you can’t get to class.

Yoga - Maus,

can just share my experience… 10+ years of practice… then 2 kids… booom… very limited asana practice for those years… VERY very limited pranayama … still some other practices and readings about yoga.

After a very long brake I’m back to asana teaching and practicing… hard, but diving a new realm here… feel like an Experienced Beginner:))) know what to do to get back to advanced asana practice!

Hi missi,
yes its a great idea to add some home practice in between! I know i should do that, i just never managed. I have really bad discipline when it comes to doing whatever exercise at home…
but i should give it a try, at least some sun salutations every other morning :slight_smile:
Thank you

Hi CityMonk,
yes so you can understand how I feel. Just the strange thing is I don?t talk about long breaks, just 1-2 week breaks :wink:
But yes, I should just accept that after these breaks I am also an experienced beginner for 1-2 times till I find back to my normal practice :stuck_out_tongue: