Alignment based practice?

Hi, I noticed that InnerAthlete used the term “alignment based” in one of his replies. I could have asked him directly but since there might be more than me interested in the answer i thought I could ask here : What is the definition of alignment based ? I have noticed that there seems to be two different kinds of instructions that my teachers give me. Either they want me to strive in a certain direction : “grow up towards the ceiling”, “elongate your spine towards the mirrors”, “plant your foot down into the ground”, “curl inwards” or they want me to align different parts of my body according to how they are placed in relationship to each other : “keep your shoulders right above your hands”, “keep your knee above your ankle”, keep your thighs parallel to the floor". Are the later an example of “alignment based” ?
Sorry if this is a too basic question.

Gordon?s an expert in this area but yes things you mentioned are alignments, Iyengar style yoga asana seems to be considered alignment based i.e. great care is taken by the instructor visually, verbally or even sometimes gently adjusting towards proper positioning so you get a feel.

All the examples you gave are, in my opinion, alignment instructions. Flow/vinyasa yoga moves too quickly for detailed alignment instruction. I personally love vinyasa, but I wouldn’t recommend them to a yoga student who doesn’t already have a good alignment foundation.

Alignment means keeping the body and its various parts in one line as per their/human body’s basic structural need.
In a structurally normal human, various part of body are aligned such as head, neck and shoulder; lumbo-sacral spine and hip joints; thigh, knee and feet; etc. If a set of part of body, e.g. head, neck and shoulder, are not aligned, its may cause mainly skeleton-muscular disorders and also related to other systems of the body. Malalignment of head, neck and shoulder results in cervical spondylitis, spondylosis, disorders related to disc.
Secondly, the instructions your Yoga teacher have been giving in the class are also aimed at alignment.
The Yoga styles like Iyerger Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Vini-Yoga, Ashthanga, Ashthanga-Vinyasa, Anusara, Power Yoga, etc. shares same number of asanas. Difference among them lies in way of doing(style). In the mentioned styles of Yoga, alignment is one of important part of basic principles and practice. However, in Iyenger Yoga, alignment and holding poses for long (more than other styles of Yoga mentioned above) is supreme. That is why, I believe, it has proven to be good not only for the people seeking health and well being, but also for those who have been suffering diseases.