I know it’s important to breathe through my nose (and not my mouth) during yoga practice. But even with medication, my year-round allergies make it impossible for me to breathe regularly through my nose, especially when doing the physical activity of yoga. I worry that it will stunt my spiritual progress. Any thought?
I had debilitating allergies most of my life but after diet change (eliminated wheat, dairy and most processed foods), nasal irrigation, pranayama I?m no longer bothered by seasonal allergies. Medications seemed to make things worse, completely disconnecting me. I’m sure the practice of all eight limbs was a positive contributing factor.
Lots of thoughts. Which one’s would you like?
It is preferred to breath through the nose. If that is not possible then there are two choices; attempt to free up the nasal passages so that you can breathe through the nose or feel free to use common sense and breathe through the mouth.
We always have choices. It is simply a matter of priorities.
I had allergies to just about everything.
But viparita karani, shoulder stand and fish pose helped me tremendously.