Alternative vs conventional medicine

Chi & prana sound really similar,samey just the maps or lines might be different.I’ve had acunpuncture a few times with good results. which reminds me i must try and get into tai-chi class or something,soft martiall arts. You would think there would be asomething like ayurvedic acupuncture and indeed there probably is.Their paradigm slightly different i think works with five elements , or organs of the body,endocrine systems etc.Don’t know much about it.I’ve had Tui Na and Wow ,it felt a bit uncomfortabl getting it done but afterwards felt amazing,llike all the muscles had relaxed complaetely at least for a day or two.They rubbed a spatula embalmed with oils deeply and quite hard in the muscles in order to bruise them first of all.My back looked like i had been whipped, no joke, red-raw, this oriental girl kknew what she was doing. But aferwardsi felt amazing. Best masage ever.

I think theYin Yoga taught by Sarah Powers feeds into TCM theory on anumber of levels and there is certainly appear to be merging of discplines.Paulie Zink &Paulie Grilley(is that his name) might have had something to do with it having learnt from each other incl.Dr Hirosha Nagayama(?) was on of the seed teachers coming from Japan.

They tend to charge quite alot though and want you to sign up to like 3 sessin once they’ve got you hooked.When i went in one guy was touting for business outside the shop and i thought it was free as i lay there on the table with needles in my back,head etc.Hot tingling sensations felt at the entrance pt’s. Unfortunately the gu said ithere was a fee which i e ventually returned and paid for.:slight_smile: Nice lititle man.Cheerful nature.

Yulaw…I wonder why? Is it a cultural thing or something…genes.who knows?


Finding a good taijiquan class is harder than it sounds. There are a lot of them around but most really do not know anything beyond the superficial form. My sifu is one of the last still teaching old school Yang Taijiquan (with martial arts and qigong) from China and he is not taking any new serious students any longer. You are more likely to find a Chen style school that has more depth of knowledge these days than Yang style but there are still more Chen schools that have no depth than those that do.

As to the 5 elements there is a TCM connection between the Chinese 5 elements and various organs in the body. There are also connections between the elements and various Chinese Martial Arts as well, it is in Taijiquan and it is very big in anther art I do called Xingyiquan. And

I looked into Yin Yoga and there is a school near my house and I have th9ought about going to check it out and I was actually going to go, but then my friend returned to the area and helped me with my Yoga and got me back into it to a point I found I needed to get to that was really to support my martial arts. However I still think about the Yin Yoga class from time to time and if I ever have the time I will likely go give it a try.

Now back to TCM It was Tui na that lead me to getting acupuncture for Migraine headaches. I told my wife that I did want needles in my face so she did Tui Na. The Tui Na hurt more than the Migraine so I opted for needles instead, they hurt much less. My wife is a doctor and in her office, like any doctor there is a charge for an office visit and like just about any doctor, there are no free trials. However in some cases insurance will cover it but in others it won?t. However from what I can tell of the acupuncturists in a rather wide area around us, she is the most highly trained and the cheapest. I have not yet figured out why though. There are a few of her classmates in the USA and I believe one in the UK

[QUOTE=kareng;43037]Yulaw…I wonder why? Is it a cultural thing or something…genes.who knows?[/QUOTE]

I don’t know, she says it is because we are wimps… well…actually… she says because I am a wimp: D

Actually in China the use a bigger needle and a different technique than they do in the US because the bigger needles and the technique hurt more and the smaller needled they use here in the little plastic tubes

Hi Yulaw,

That was very nice of you to share this story with me.Finding commited serious teachers of the esoteric can indeed be tricky.So many things appear to be diluted down. In the olden days there was a limit to number of students or it was one-to one. Possibly one reason why the diltuion of yoga occurs because of class size and commercial presures & forces.The comtiment required of the student is often too great i think for many.If i do something i like to do it properly, not just half-measures.I want to know,understand,experience.Some people may well be not ready for it or inclined.I’ll tell you it’s hard to find much yoga beyond asana. You really have to hunt these people down or learn the trial way with books or media.Power this & power that.How can i incorporate weightlifting etc. You(Oneself) really have missed the boat a in a big way unless you’re a beginner if one i think is wondering about this-not to say it’s wrong.That yoga is energetic & spiritual seems akin to noticing you can get a high from drinking coffee.Oh well…

Yulaw…check Big toes, both,inside tip edge area and down for quarter of a quarter of an inch on both big toes for any tiny lump or variation, if pain there, massage with finger tips…a friend of mine had her migraine headaches cured when the reflexologist located a tiny lump and manipulated it away.You can do yourself.

actually yulaw its the outer edge…i did make the change but it didn’t stay…the side opposite to second toe side…great… hope u havent been diong it yet…

[QUOTE=kareng;43054]actually yulaw its the outer edge…i did make the change but it didn’t stay…the side opposite to second toe side…great… hope u havent been diong it yet…[/QUOTE]

Ahhhh… so that’s why my left foot fell off :smiley:

No I have not tried it yet but I will, thanks

[QUOTE=Yulaw;43063]Ahhhh… so that’s why my left foot fell off :smiley:

hope you were not too wimpish about it Yulaw :smiley:

Google reflexology foot chart…excellent for diagnosing potential problems as well as fixing current known ones xx

Having had glandular fever for a few months now… I thought it would be a good idea to look at more of the way out alternative methods of diagnosis for an ailment… seeing as Ive had it so long.
I had a look at palmistry. I got a complete surprise. Without realising it, I had a really clear medium brown lentil size mark on what is the head line, in palmistry, my left hand.
I hadnt seen it till yesterday!

Apparently,this indicates Fever of a serious nature. And any spots on the palm have a diagnosis. The diagnosis can be good, very good, worrying or very worrying, depending on the colour.

The spots can be white, pink, red, bluey, shades of brown and black, they can be all sizes, and shapes, slightly raised or not…couldn’t find reference at time regarding moles or warts.

So wow…Palmistry got it right…Glandular Fever is considered a serious viral infection…,non serious could be flu, which passes more quickly.

The lentil sized medium brown mark also is exactly in the position on my head line for the age bracket Im in…another wow!..It will fade as the illness fades. Brilliant, now I have a perfect indicator…wow wow wow.

Then I had a look at reflexology. I already have faith in this for Sciatica.
Another wow…the area for the Glands is a band across the top of the ankle , across the foot, left foot…yep, swollen and hadn’t spotted it… very noticeable against other foot…So now I am a convert to both these alternatives…quite amazing really, proof beyond any doubt…so if you have an existing longish problem check it out against these things,. You can also measure it against the hand reflexology as well, this too works xxxx

[QUOTE=kareng;43054]actually yulaw its the outer edge…i did make the change but it didn’t stay…the side opposite to second toe side…great… hope u havent been diong it yet…[/QUOTE]

I also have heard about the big toes massage… in some yoga poses we hold the big toes:

[QUOTE=Tanguerita;42675]In Australia, I see evidence of merging the so-called conventional and alternative medicines. My mother is a psychiatrist, and uses mindfulness-based therapy in her work (she works at a government hospital). )[/QUOTE]

I would be happy if my younger brother were in that hospital. But he got severe brain injury, lost his coordination and and was not able to walk, and in the Perth, WA, (government hospital):rolleyes:. At this point they provided just recovery (sittign on the couch, watching tv:rolleyes:), no drug therapy, and they were against acupuncture therapist in the ward since IT WAS AGAINST the PROTOCOL…ant etc. I took him back to Russia, (russinas do to care about protocols :wink::wink:), we did a lot of accupincture, yoga, shakti mat, shakti rolls and things, and now my brother is able to play soccer (on his best days):slight_smile:

[QUOTE=CityMonk;43199]I took him back to Russia, (russinas do to care about protocols :wink::wink:), we did a lot of accupincture, yoga, shakti mat, shakti rolls and things, and now my brother is able to play soccer (on his best days):)[/QUOTE]
Oh, you were the lucky ones then! The state of medicine in Russia is frightening. No amount of acupuncture will alleviate that, it’s in trouble on so many levels… :frowning: I wouldn’t want to be seriously ill there, even if they offer yoga as part of treatment. It’s great that you were able to get treatment for your brother.

[QUOTE=CityMonk;42568]Conventional medicine works great in critical situations, when it comes to save ones life right now.

But how many times office doctors made wrong diagnosis? Conventional medicine failed so many times for me and many of my friends when it comes to diagnose or treat simple and annoying condition like hair loss, insomnia, constipation, indigestion, cold, asthma, diabetes and millions of others.

With all advanced lab work, machines and thousandths-bucks-testing they can not find what is going and how to take care of it that it is not going to become chronical disease

As a child I spent 3 month in the hospital and they fed me antibiotics, made painful procedures and other things… and I ended up in the pine woods doing breathing exercises and drinking weirdest substances with herbs and Badger fat:)) and that was a cure!!

So called Alternative medicine has a million-years-old history in comparison to so called western medicine that has a history of about 100 years or so…and based on putting lab-made chemicals in the body.

I just think that they are not interested in completely treatment…whey need clients!!! The goal is just to alleviate your symptoms and put you back to work so you can pay the bill until you get sick again…and so on…[/QUOTE]

It all depends on what the illness is, really.

I’d like to believe that alternative medicine is far superior to allopathic medicine in all cases, but it is not.

For the most part though, alternative treatment is much more effective and beneficial.

Most people see their doctor about general ‘minor’ illnesses that alternative medicine can treat much better…like a cold/allergy, a skin rash, painful periods, indigestion, arthritis, insomnia, constipation…etc (and all those you have mentioned).

Last time I went to the doctor, I had the 'flu and basically the doctor said ‘unless there’s a secondary bacterial infection, I cannot do anything but advise you to take paracetamol, drink plenty of fluids and have a good rest’…sheesh, I was doing that already. LOL

I also suffer with arthritis and there’s no allopathic treatment for it, but alternative treatments have worked wonders.

With antibiotics and that kind of thing, for me, that’s a ‘last resort’ after everything I have tried has failed (and it’s very rare that it does).

Basically, any illness is an imbalance in the body that needs to be corrected and given enough time, the body will eventually heal itself. Alternative therapies will assist the body to do that, whilst allopathic medicine will only treat the symptoms until it does.

I don’t have much faith in doctors anymore because usually they cannot help me and I end up going with alternative medicine anyway.

I was watching a programme about a tribe in South Amererica, just on brinks of coming out of their remote tribal living …their main concern for coming into modern liivng was medical treatments…

I do find i am becoming more my own Doctor than resting faith in the qualified ones.

Ancestral Traditions Filipino Culture & Heritage

What do you think of this people?

“A panel formed by the
insurance council will probably recommend that domestic healthcare
systems such as ayurveda , unani and
… siddha should be treated on par with allopathy when
it comes to medical insurance, said a person familiar with the
committee’s thinking. It would examine the
merits and demerits of the proposal and recommend processes to implement
if it is convinced that these types of medicines should also be covered
under health insurance. The Insurance Regulatory & Development
Authority will take a call on the issue.”


The role of medicine is to entertain the patient until the Nature heals him.


[QUOTE=oak333;43707]The role of medicine is to entertain the patient until the Nature heals him.


Not sure about that Voltaire …:smiley:

At least psycology do that.Tell him an story.And since the patient think the psycologist is a pure and normal soul end up believeing and puts hope in hes tale.hahahaha the patient end up worst since the psycolgist is usually full on neurosis himself.The both mirror each other.