Anal sex.... I need help

hi every one
I’ve a problem and hope you’re gonna help me with that.
I’m a man love to have anal sex with women.
this is a big problem for me because it’s forbidden in my religion and our tradition and I want to get rid of this problem which really annoy me.
I tried my best but I don’t feel attraction to the vaginal sex at all!
even if I watch porn only anal scenes impassion me!
I’m not a gay of course but I can’t stop myself thinking about that and trying to do it with every woman I meet!
so what’s my problem. is it a problem with my base chakra or sexual chakra? and what I can do to get rid of this behavior forever.
thanks alot

Some options:[/B]

Get rid of your religion thus your "guilt."
Keep your religion but keep doing it anyway - you guilty Rebel.

[B]Left Hand? [/B] Transcend via indulgence until you come to a state of dispassion. Dangerous. Could lead to fixation. Which is kinda what it sounds like now…

so anyway I recommend

[B]Right Hand?[/B] Transcend via Analytical mediations on the nature of Being, the nature of Thought, and the nature of your obsession. Analytical meditations are like having a logical investigative question and answer session with yourself to solve problems. You are your own therapist. Costs you nothing but time.

[B]Cutting through straight to the Point? [/B]
Do your really think ‘God’ gives a crap?

Are you a moslim?