Anandabhairava & Anandabhairavi Yantra

I am in serach for an image of the Yantra of Anandabhairava
and Anandabhairavi.
Does someone have an idea where to find?


You can find them in the Tools for Tantra book by Harish Johari. They are also found in Yantra book by Madhu Kanna. Both are excellent references to Yantra (the geometric depictions of Devi and Deva) which are objects for visual meditations. With practice this Tantrik method reveals the God/dess within all life but most especially within the devotee of the method. My last spiritual teacher was a great devotee of this form of practice. He is Swami Prakashananda, more about him and his teachings in Agaram Bagaram Baba book by Titus Foster. Blessings. Mukunda