Anandamaya Kosha

How can the Anandamaya Kosha be visualized?
Is there somewhere a meditation procedure for vizualisation of the Anandamaya Kosha?


This is the fifth kosha or veil covering/hiding the TRue Self. The Self is omnipresent, it is who you truly are. It has always been with you as you. Therefore experiencing yourself is most natural. Each of the 5 veils are also a natural self expression of you as physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, wisdom, and bliss (in order). Therefore a joy or bliss that spontaneously arises is the experience of anandamayakosha. It is not something one visualizes, it is not aroused from any technique as it is like all the previous 4 states natural to you. You cannot create a thought or an emotion, you only get to see that they are natural behaviors of being human. So as Joseph Campbell has said, the way there is to simply “follow your bliss”.
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