Asana for Therapy

I would like to clarify the method of performing asanas for therapeutic purposes. Iyengar method suggests using props and holding the poses for long time, up to 15-20 minutes. Viniyoga and like suggests repeating poses 4-6 times. Which is the right way according to you? What are the differences in holding or repeating? Is this specific to certain type of ailments? Hope you will be free to answer this question. Thanks in advance, -aj

Both methods are of course beneficial. An Ayurvedic perspective will perhaps shed some light on this question. For me I use three methods for working with individuals and as a result my training in both these methods and others beyond these points of view has proven quite helpful. Therapeutically - kapha problems are congestion, holding or swelling, and the immune system is weak. Vata problems are due to stress, lack of circulation, and irregular motions. Pitta is for increase in inflammation, irritation, and loss of enthusiasm.

   Iyengar's method is beneficial for kapha tendency to be increased -- where there is lack of strength, congestion, and openness.  Viniyoga method is for stuck vata -- where there is stress related conditions.  This is an oversimplification of concepts in a book I am writing called Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy.  More complex is that we use a different method for different conditions and also take into consideration the three different biological qualities of the doshas -- vata, pitta, and kapha -- as well.  Three different methods of presenting same material will produce differing results for individual needs.  Good question.  Namaste