New student, male, age 19, dx. Of Asberger’s, PDD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, some speech-language deficit. Just graduated special needs program in high school, is looking into vocational training w. animals. Has issues w. anger, frustration tolerance is low. I feel that Phoenix Rising work and overall breathwork should be helpful. His mother is very harsh with him, very loud, doesn’t touch him, no nurturing there at home. She is angry, frustrated. So, I need to think about which approach might work best: stimulating (to help w. seratonin imbalances and enhance mood)? Calming (settling down disturbed vata)? How much nurturing?
So much trouble, sadness, difficulty. Students on such earnest searches for grace and wholeness in their lives: MS, arthritis, cancer, cardiac disease, crushing stress, anxiety, depression, not to mention the ‘base group’ I always see: low back pain / sciatica / neck / shoulder stuff. The newer student group makes the older one look like a walk in the park. And so, I am remembering your words just a month ago: that I know I’m doing well when Spirit sends me the bigger challenges. Am I ready? I guess so - Shechinah (the Jewish name for the Divine Mother) doesn’t make mistakes, does She? If I wasn’t ready, these beautiful students would not yet appear, would they?
Just writing to you about these things is helpful, and a comfort to me. You know me - I take this so to heart. Many thanks for listening, and for any thoughts, Blessings, Hamsa