
Hi Mukunda,

It has been a busy summer but I have been faithful with the exercises you gave me while you were here in March. I have really begun to understand my own body more. I originally thought I had a sacrum problem, but you did a test on me that showed my sacrum function was fine. So here is my observation and question.

When you assessed me in Ohio, you found that I had limited outward rotation of the hip on the right and limited internal hip rotation on the left. I now notice that my right knee drops inward and I tend to collapse my right arch. I am now realizing that this relationship of hip, knee, ankle foot, is not just an isolated problem in one area and am wondering how best to proceed. It seems that the starting piont would be in the dropped arch, so I am trying in my Asana practice to pay attention to this. I also am trying to catch myself during the day, but now am wondering if there might be something more I can do to strengthen the arch and foot? How best can I work up from there? I.e. foot to calf to thigh to hip/pelvis. You had mentioned I have a slight scoliosis and now realize that this dropped arch and inward knee is contributing to this. So it seems strengthening is important but where and how to proceed. Thank you for your help.

To work with such details I need documents of my initial findings and would want to charge you for my time spent either on email or via phone appt. This type of personal work I am willing to do but want to be assured that I have an accurate assessment to work with before I give you any further recommendations.