
It was easy to find the text Yoga Management of Asthma and Diabetes . Thank you for recommending it to assist in writing my specialty paper for the Structural Yoga Therapy certification course. I am enjoying it, especially ayurveda comments and asthma poses. At first I thought, wow, just copy the entire book for my paper! A few questions: The Swami recommends black coffee. That would be ok to drink, but then he mentions drinking your urine. I don’t think my yoga case study would want to do this. I am re-evaluating her tomorrow and I will ask her. Also recommended is catheter neti (sutra neti) which I would not want to recommend to a beginner. I would not want to do it to myself at this point. To me, vastra dhauti (swallowing muslim up to three meters long, and soak the muslim in midstream urine before swallowing) is a bit over the top. Have you had experience with this or seen people do this? I am not too happy with the recommendation of vomiting lukewarm salt water either. I understand that vomiting would expel the mucous, but I find this a rather extreme recommendation. What do you think? Am I being too judgmental? I would only want to recommend doing things I am comfortable doing.

These sorts of recommendations do work I have experience eliminating asthma with recommending the vomiting practice regularly for ten days one client. They are among last resorts but most effective when the conditions are persistent; I have done all of them except swallowing cloth. namaste mukunda