Aura, Crystals and Prana

I hope this topic is not out of the line but some of my yogi friends know much about aura, crystals and prana, but I still want to ask for your insights.
Do you believe that each one has aura and that this bioplasmic body gets affected by our thoughts, emotions, our actions, what we say, and our surrounding?
Is it true that gems and crystals can affect us in certain ways positively? Just like quartz that can amplify or heighten our psychic awareness? If yes, how do the crystals and gems do that?
I sometimes measure energy using my quartz necklace, I use it as a pendulum. I always notice that it always whirls whenever it is above my hand. And when iI excercised my hand and put the pendulum over it again, its whirls would be noticeably stronger and bigger. What is your say on that?
Do you also believe that such thing as pranic healing can really take away diseases, physical or emotional? It is even said in pranic healing that all areas of your life can improve, including career and relationship, since the aura will be cleansed as weel as the chakras.
I asked these things because even if I already do pranic healing myself and have crystals, we know for a fact that such is harder to belive than just yoga can provide its practitioners more balanced mind and body.

I’d say all things are possible and it’s best that we always keep an open mind.There have been a few scientific papers saying pranic healing is does not possess any clinical efficacy, but these findings are still subject to some more studies.

If you want you can Google it and see very interesting scientific explanations on your crystals moving around erratically after a grueling physical activity.