Ayurveda Self Care & Yoga Retreat in India

Ayurveda Self-Care & Yoga Retreat - AMBOLI

When? February 12, 2019 6:00 AM to February 14, 2019 8:00 PM
Venue: Holistic Centre for Yoga & Vedanta Sawantwadi Amboli, MH, 416510 India

If you want to deepen your own practice of Yoga and meditation while gaining a basic understanding of Ayurveda in order to be able to share these powerful teachings with your students and friends, this Ayurveda Self Care & Yoga Retreat was designed for you.

Take 3 days out of your busy schedule to relax and rejuvenate in order to create perfect health and experience the basics of Ayurveda, Yoga and personal well-being.

• Deepen Mind-Body Understanding

• Daily Immersive Experiences on Creating Perfect Health

• Daily Yoga & Meditation

• Nature Walks

• Healthy Diet

This 3-day special retreat is based on understanding the ancient science of Ayurveda and learning how to use and benefit from the integration of Yoga and Ayurveda to modify your physical and mental limitations and to improve your overall health pattern.


You will receive a systematic introduction to the sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga, and learn about mind-body constitutions and practical tools to create perfect health and a mindful life. Sessions also include guided meditations, Yoga and pranayama sessions, an introduction to emotional well-being practices, life reflection sessions and free consultations with the Ayurvedic physician.

Course Content

Philosophy of Ayurveda: 4 Aims and Stages of Life & Samkhya Philosophy

  1. Introductory understanding of of Ayurveda & dinacarya (daily health routine).
  2. Introductory understanding of the philosophical foundation of Ayurveda, including the 4 aims and stages of life from Yogic vision of life.
  3. Introductory understanding of the main elements of samkhya philosophy.

The 5 Elements & 20 Gunas

  1. Introductory understanding of the 5 elements/ mahābhūtas.
  2. The 10 pairs of gunas, in English and Sanskrit.

Tridosha Theory & Gunas of Yogic Science

  1. An introductory understanding of the relationship between microcosmic and macrocosmic relationship between the triadic octaves of reality.
  2. Understanding the guna based lifestyle in Yoga and Ayurveda.
  3. The three dosas & the fifteen subdosas.
  4. Causes of disorder in the dosas and subdosas and possible options to resolve the disorders.
  5. The times of day and age associated with each dosa.
  6. The elements associated with each dosa and each of the 6 tastes.

View more course content here


Dr. C. J. Naveen, Ayurvedic Physician

Dr. Naveen comes from a traditional Ayurvedic family and is working as an Associate Professor of the Rajiv Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College in Mahe, Pondicherry, India in the department of Kayachikitsa (Ayurveda General Medicine). He has received the degree of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from from Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai, India and a Post-graduate, MD - Ayurvedic Medical Doctorate (Ayurveda Vachaspathi) in the fields of Ayurveda Siddhantha or Ayurveda Kayachikitsa from Rajiv Gandhi Medical University, Bengaluru, India.

Mani Raman

Mani Raman, lead teacher at Yoga Vana, will guide the Hatha Yoga practice sessions, meditations and satsang during this retreat. Learn more about him here.

Other Yoga Vana faculty are joining in to create a well balanced retreat and learning environment.

For more details, visit: Ayurveda Self-Care & Yoga Retreat with Yoga Alliance Certificate - AMBOLI — Yoga Vana
For registration, visit: Register now: Yoga Teacher Training | Yogalehrer Ausbildung Indien - Yoga Vana

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