Furthwer clarification from Mukunda to students in 2007 - 2008 NY SYT certification class :
Vata: needs a deep connection to the breath so that prana can be increased and held in the body. This is achieved through slow, dynamic, flowing movement that is coordinated with the breath. Think pranayama in the service of asana. Use minimal effort, lots of concentration on the breath, and minimal holds. (In addition to Sun Salutation, the JFS and Palm Tree that did part of in class last time are great vata balancing routines. Sequences are left alone, and done in a specific sequence. We will do the full Palm Tree sequence in the future. Do not worry about practicing it yet.) The goal is to develop sensitivity to prana.
Pitta: focus on feeling the stretch, feel open and spacious in the midriff region between the pelvis and ribcage, use mild to moderate effort, asanas do not need to be done in harmony with the breath, faster paced than for vata, focus on the warm that is created, avoid rajasic practice. Goal is to develop spiritual, mental, and physical discernment (tejas) - how many, how much effort, how much stretch to create feelings of enthusiasm and vitality.
Kapha: feel the strength, hold the poses longer, emphasis is on developing the upper body, expand the chest region but with softness to open the emotional heartGoal is to develop hysical strength and stamina, along with emotions of love, devotion, and offering to the higher power (ojas).