Ayurvedic Sun Salutation

Question to Mukunda:

Hari OM Mukunda
I have finished as of Thanksgiving JFS and am currently working on the 24 postures and Sun Salutation. (Students were asked to practice each SYT technique for 30 days in order to get Mukunda’s blessing to teach it. )
if I could get further clarification on the ayurvedic SS that would be help full I know Mangala described them to me and I only need a brief reminder VATA /PITA /KAPHA.

Mukunda Answers:
Basically all poses are same in Ayurvedic Yoga - vata pose is doing mild effort and dynamic in and out of the pose; pitta push yourself moderately seek a challenge, moderate holding kapha is holding for gradually increasing stamina.

Furthwer clarification from Mukunda to students in 2007 - 2008 NY SYT certification class :

Vata: needs a deep connection to the breath so that prana can be increased and held in the body. This is achieved through slow, dynamic, flowing movement that is coordinated with the breath. Think pranayama in the service of asana. Use minimal effort, lots of concentration on the breath, and minimal holds. (In addition to Sun Salutation, the JFS and Palm Tree that did part of in class last time are great vata balancing routines. Sequences are left alone, and done in a specific sequence. We will do the full Palm Tree sequence in the future. Do not worry about practicing it yet.) The goal is to develop sensitivity to prana.

Pitta: focus on feeling the stretch, feel open and spacious in the midriff region between the pelvis and ribcage, use mild to moderate effort, asanas do not need to be done in harmony with the breath, faster paced than for vata, focus on the warm that is created, avoid rajasic practice. Goal is to develop spiritual, mental, and physical discernment (tejas) - how many, how much effort, how much stretch to create feelings of enthusiasm and vitality.

Kapha: feel the strength, hold the poses longer, emphasis is on developing the upper body, expand the chest region but with softness to open the emotional heartGoal is to develop hysical strength and stamina, along with emotions of love, devotion, and offering to the higher power (ojas).

[FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial][FONT=Verdana][FONT=Arial]I have been doing a British Wheel of Yoga Ayurveda module, and as part of my final presentation I taught Mukunda’s sun salutations for each different dosha (taught to us in the London SYT course). Here are a few more thoughts:
Vata Balancing: breath is long and subtle, pranayama within the asana
-linger in a position if you want to, especially if you feel a rajasic tendency to tension- relax this tension
-the body finishes moving as the breath ends, the breath starts then the body moves?there is a natural kumbhaka. Desikachar says ?the breath is the envelope of the asana?, so surround the asana with prana
-When you work with vata it can show how tired and stressed you are, and you may want to sit or lie down. When prana is high there is no feeling of pitta as a ?doer?

Pitta balancing: We want to stretch the centre of the body, raising heat and releasing toxins. Focus on stretching up and into postures with enthusiasm. Don?t focus on the breath, feel the stretch. We want to stimulate pitta but keep remembering the sensitivity of vata.
-Balanced pitta feels warm, luscious and enthusiastic, Pitta is light, luminosity, tejas, delight

Kapha balancing: We want to go from strength to stamina, OR from weakness to strength to stamina

  • open the heart and relax the effort while keeping your core strong through the midline
  • Feel the power of the earth, and move into the softness of water