Back Pain & Future SYT Trainings

Q - I hope all is well with you. I have been hearing through the grapevine that you might not be teaching SYT anymore?

Under discussion, pulling away to advise mostly.  I am seeing if some graduates like Zoe Kowalchuk in CO., Hamsa Stone in NJ, and Mangala Warner in ME who have been my assistants are ready to run training under my supervision.  

Will you still be willing to guide us inexperienced SYTs out here in the boonies?

As always via phone email.  In future please ask SYT client questions on site then SYT page so it gets posted for all certification students to see.  This way I have to do cut and paste to add it.  

I had a challenging SYT client this week, a woman in her late 30’s, she is on lots of medication (eg. oxicontin sp?) for back pain, and on medication for depression, bi-polar and other mental conditions. She has had back pain since she was 12, grew up in a tough situation and that seems to be the case in her marriage now, her only son (20) is a heavy drinker and drug user, the cause of much frustration and anger. The ‘doctors’ have given up all hope for her, she said. She had had no bm for over a week.

Recommend she take bentonite clay Sonne's brandname #7 can be found at any health food store. Follow directions on bottle. This is best and safest cleanse for anyone who cannot move bowels.  IF possible get her to consult [email][/email] or call her 646-246-3891 for diet and Ayurvedic herbs.  Maybe for you too.  She is only one I recommend at this point for complementary Ayurveda practices.

I had 1 1/2 hours allotted for her, let her talk for about 35-40 minutes, then measured her ROM in feet, knees and hips (all near standard) but hardly any strength anywhere, except for adductors and psoas.
I was a bit overwhelmed with her whole situation, and tried to figure what to do. I was very concerned about no bowel movement. I massaged her belly and asked her to do pelvic tilts/thrusts, knees apart, contracting gluts on the inhales, abdominals on the exhales, bringing awareness of breath and movement to that part of her body.

Recommend JFS as primary practice supplement this with agnisar dhouti and Uddiyana later on.

The other thing I suggested she’d do was to think about salabasana, she was not able to actually lift her leg, so I asked if she could visualize it, working towards engaging the muscles, and eventually towards lifting.


These are tiny little changes, I just hope she will take responsibility for these and maybe some day make some more changes in her life. She made another appointment for 2 weeks from her last visit. Any help you can give me?

I am getting a lot of people with shoulder injuries/pains, all slightly different, so I am learning a lot of different aspects, there is a lot to learn…

replies are within text. namaste mukunda