
Why do my knees hurt when I try to do the Bakasana Pose?
I try to place my knees behind my legs as close to my armpits.
If I try to squeeze my arms with my side knees they kind of hurt too.

I guess you cant sit on your feets with legs folded as well? You should not try to do more bakasana if it hurts, as you are not ready for it yet.

The knees should always be in front of the legs :slight_smile:

I feel that you should clarify on what you wrote in the second line.
Secondly, about the third line, if you mean by ‘squeeze my arms with my side knees’ is that you squeeze your arms with inner knees … there is possibility that there is some problem with medial ligament of the knees or your inner thigh muscles needed to be toned up.

[QUOTE=shezieka;78095]Why do my knees hurt when I try to do the Bakasana Pose?
I try to place my knees behind my legs as close to my armpits.
If I try to squeeze my arms with my side knees they kind of hurt too.[/QUOTE]