Balance the spine

I have a student that is much tighter in the hip on the right side than the left. She noticed this when she was on her back and taking the right hand to the left foot, wasn’t able to get very far but when she takes her left hand to her right foot she can reach the toes. Some of the postures are more challenging on that side but there isn’t any discomfort or pain. She wanted asanas she could do to balance her spine out and suggestions. Thanks you for your experience and knowledge
Namaste, L

check to see if she has a scoliosis (see my book page 99 for evaluation procedure), it sounds to me like she may have lateral imbalances either pelvic height or spinal curve. I would recommend that she focus on asymmetric poses for about a month. Doing poses like trikonasana on the challenging side only for instance. To be more precise she would need an assessment of body alignment as described in my book chapter 12. You can learn this procedure at one of my weekend introductory workshops such as at Kripalu in late May, Memorial Day weekend or the June Program here in Boulder sponsored by Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda. My schedule is posted under workshops at Or if you are close enough you can bring the student to me and I will do an assessment and give you guidance on working with her. Namaste mukunda