Bed time asanas

What are good asanas to do in bed or maybe can you suggest a good sequence to that I can do in my mat before sleeping?

Any asanas one should stay away from if going to bed in like an hour? Example, I hear back bends are bad if you are trying to go to sleep.

I recently did a child’s pose just when going to bed, on the bed. It calmed me down nicely :slight_smile:

Strong inversions such as handstand and headstand can be stimulating and heating and could possibly keep you awake, strong backbends can also be stimulating.

Try some calm seated forward bends and the supported version of viparitkarani.

But just try different asana practices and observe what happens for you…perhaps you will become worn out after a strong asana practice and get a gear sleep…or perhaps it will stimulate you and keep you from sleeping.
Try a restorative and relaxing practice and observe if you feel relaxed and ready to sleep or restored and ready to go out…

Are you trying to release excess energy or too tired to fall asleep? Each of these issues will require a different approach.

Excess energy:
Try forward bends, seated and standing. Twists are good also.

Too tired to sleep:
Restorative is a good choice. It helps eliminate stress and tension that can keep us agitated, this making it difficult to sleep even when tired. Include supported Balasana, side lying twist on pillows/blankets.
Another is the more traditional Chandra Namaskar which is cooling and relaxing.

Ananda Balasana is another one to include as it releases the low back and hips.
End in Supta Baddha Konasana to re-align and rebalance.

And finally pranayam. Try Nadi Shodhana. It helps to restore balance and promotes a good nights sleep.

Yes, the question of “why” has not been addressed. Please add that to the thread so that we may have the appropriate context.

thank you.


I am asking because i work the night shift 630pm to 630am. I need a sequence to do in my mysore style practice group in the morning (before I head home to sleep)

So you are seeking a calming practice to do at 7am so that you can go to sleep at 8:30am, is that correct?


Shavasana is perhaps the most important part of yoga practice…

When I went to bed yesterday I was very tired, but had this agitated feeling in my arms and legs which made me feel like turning around all the time. I got up and did child’s pose - coming out of it is the last thing I remember. I must have fallen asleep immediately :smiley: