Hello all,
I am new to yoga, purchased a DVD set to get started as I can’t afford lessons.
I just have a quick question. I have trouble doing many of the poses, and even simple things like laying flat on the floor and lifting my legs up or stretching my arms backwards (my armpit area in general) are very hard. But I can usually struggle through them(although I am not doing proper breathing, I’m huffing and puffing).
These specific poses I have questions with. Has anyone ever heard of them? Lower Body Rock, Flamingo, Dynamic Twist, Triangle Stretch, Cobra Stretch. I am kinda doing all of them, but mostly certain parts of my body aren’t where they should be.
So yeah, I’ve been struggling through these exercises and I don’t look forward to Yoga. It’s very, very difficult for me. I’m a weight trainer and very physically active, so it’s very surprising that I’m so inflexible. Is this normal, and should I try even easier poses first? What are your general recommendations for beginners? I feel like these are pretty easy, but I am just so darn inflexible.
Thank you for reading, I really appreciate any help at all!