Benefits of out door yoga

Is anybody aware of any benefits or consequences of doing yoga outside as opposed to in a studio?

[QUOTE=Yogi Baha;77233]Is anybody aware of any benefits or consequences of doing yoga outside as opposed to in a studio?[/QUOTE]

Sun. Oxygen. Freedom. Nature. Clean air (potentially)

There’s nothing better!

[QUOTE=Yogi Baha;77233]Is anybody aware of any benefits or consequences of doing yoga outside as opposed to in a studio?[/QUOTE]

right on!!!

btw, should be the first must for pranayama practice:)

unfortunately some places outside weather is tooo rough… very north and very south:( Florida= excessive humidity, schools of bugs, heat …

Practice of yoga must not be constricted solely within the yoga studio and a practitioner must learn to develop exercises done on the outdoors. When exposed to the natural environment, you recognize your role as part of the bigger universe. This is what experts believe to be the main component in each yoga practice. So, experts encourage students to practice yoga on the outside and deviate from regular classes done on yoga studios. It is also for the same reason and benefits that yoga retreats are mostly held in outdoor environments that enable one to get close to nature.

When you perform yoga and meditation on the outdoors, it opens up various sensations in your internal self and unfold them. There are different types of exercises that you can perform on the outdoors, depending on the specific sensual impact that you want to achieve.

Just some food for thought -

which doors are we talking about, to be in and out of?

[QUOTE=Yogi Baha;77233]Is anybody aware of any benefits or consequences of doing yoga outside as opposed to in a studio?[/QUOTE] Yogi Baha, I agree with, above contributor, on benefits of Yoga practicing outdoor. However, they (benefits) must be seen in light of its commonly used methods like asanas, pranayamas, mudras, meditation, shatakarmas, etc.) and categorically as mentioned at the following link of this website: