there are many versions of the HYP, many of them much cheaper than the $30 Amazon charges for this text, but they are much shorter versions (under 200 pgs) and the Bihar School of Yoga version is 642 pgs.
In general I've heard only good things of Bihars books, their Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha book is said to be excellent as well and and I'm thinking of ordering that one.
I know there are many versions of the Vedas, Upanishads, and HYP available online but I'm looking for a good english, hindu-scholar, translation so I don't have to read on a computer screen all the time.
Is this version and translation worth the extra money? I look at buying these books as a long-term investment so I'd like to get the best versions and translations out there.
the thread "a request" about the 3 types of translations of the Upanishads got me thinking about this. there are so many versions, translations, and authors out there and it's quite confusing. Thanks for any help in this matter.
Om shanti shanti shanti